Daily check in?

claram5415 Posts: 512 Member
Hi! I'd like to check in with everyone on a daily basis. So I'm going to start a Daily Check in topic thread for a few days and see if anyone wants to join in. There 's a topic group under motivation for short folks but they haven't made a group and it's just too unwieldy to page through all the replies to get to the most recent entries. Nice people in that topic, but I don't have all day to do this!

So today, I went to my personal training session. This was my 2nd one, and she worked me hard! Ready to hit the shower and go to work, making sure to eat my veggies, etc. Hope everyone who reads this has a great day!


  • lizzy00125
    Hey!!! I saw a personal trainer for the first time yesterday. She said a few surprising things, like I shouldn't lose anymore weight. I still have fat on me but she said that it wouldn't do any good to lose anymore weight because I will lose my muscle. I am 133 lbs, 32lbs of fat and 101 lbs of muscle. We are going to work on burning the fat and building muscle by doing cardio and lifting heavy. I am starting to get really excited to shift gears. I was hesitant when she first said it but it all makes sense. Have a good day everyone!
  • lizzy00125
    Hi! I'd like to check in with everyone on a daily basis. So I'm going to start a Daily Check in topic thread for a few days and see if anyone wants to join in. There 's a topic group under motivation for short folks but they haven't made a group and it's just too unwieldy to page through all the replies to get to the most recent entries. Nice people in that topic, but I don't have all day to do this!

    So today, I went to my personal training session. This was my 2nd one, and she worked me hard! Ready to hit the shower and go to work, making sure to eat my veggies, etc. Hope everyone who reads this has a great day!

    Daily check-in is a good idea. How often are you going to the trainer? What are your goals?
  • bestrodeo
    bestrodeo Posts: 139 Member
    Great idea Daily check-in.. Ill do my best when im around my computer.. :-)

    For the last 3 days i have been studying and now im working on packing my house and getting ready to move in 19 days :-)
  • indigochilds
    indigochilds Posts: 69 Member
    Hey ladies. I'm on the second week of doing Turbo Fire. I've been thinking about my calories. I set my daily calories to 850 in order to loose 2 lbs every week. setting it at 1200 only makes me loose 1.3 lbs . But I'm also on my time of the month as well. I guess I'll see if its working at the end of this week and next week,
  • MandaJean83
    MandaJean83 Posts: 677 Member
    Hey everyone! I like the daily check in idea! It's a good one!
    The past two days I've been fortunate to be off of work...and I have been hitting the gym and staying diligent in my tracking! :-D

    Hope everyone has a great weekend, and GO RAVENS! ;)
  • MillysMission
    MillysMission Posts: 23 Member
    Hi, I like the idea of a daily check-in, or at least when I remember.. I've only been on MFP since Monday and it makes weight loss so easy (well so far anyway!). I did my first Zumba class this morning, in the domain in the centre of town - luckily it was earlyish so there weren't too many people about! Totally loved it!

    Hope you all have a fab weekend
  • indigochilds
    indigochilds Posts: 69 Member
    Checking in today.. *hugs her weight watchers scale* I love this thing. Its one of my weapons of mass destruction.

    Did Turbo Fire 55. burned about 388 calories. I wanted to hit 400 but I felt a headache coming on so i decided to slow down a bit. I was also able to get in 80 oz of water in me today... 2 of the oz was green tea no sugar (bleh). It was an okay day today but my conscience was nagging me about dropping the weight quickly.
  • indigochilds
    indigochilds Posts: 69 Member
    Checking in... Just did 30 minutes of Hip Hop Abs.

    Later today I'm scheduled to do Turbo Fire Core 20 and stretch 40 I hate this circuit.