What's in YOUR tool kit?

abigailmae1 Posts: 16 Member
What "tools" do you use to help you stay on track? Let's build a TOOL KIT! This can include exercise equipment, kitchen equipment, motivational material, etc.

I will start:

A digital scale that uses grams and ounces. I have a Salter brand scale. I think I bought it at Linens & Things, but Bed, Bath, & Beyond carry several. If you need a 20% off coupon let me know!

My scale sits right on my counter for easy access! EVERYTHING gets weighed. You can place a bowl or plate on the scale BEFORE you turn it on and measure as you add your food. I use GRAMS when measuring things like Peanut Butter, Hummus, and Cereal.


  • MelissaDirr2023
    MelissaDirr2023 Posts: 5 Member
    My most important tools are:

    - Daily Prayer and Bible Reading
    - My Fitness Pal Food Journal
    - My Food Scale, Measuring Cups and Spoons
    - Plan To Eat, www.plantoeat.com (recipe storage and meal planning)
    - Boot Camp (for fitness and the support of friends!)
    - The Scale! I weigh myself every morning
    - Books (such as The Clean Eating Diet)
  • Alrighty...just found out what "tool box" is

    *with GOD all things are possibe
    *Faith and Believing in myself
    *digital scale- every morning
    *water glass in the freezer ready to go- atleast 10 glasses a day (more when i take a bottle to class)
    *Mels boot camp
    *spin class (i love to bike)
    *5 days a week minimum to workout
    *clean eating magazine, oxygen magazine and any other info to keep me going and motivated
    *my boot camp family
    *the computer (i research and read everyday on diet, health, fitness, food, etc)
    *measuring tools (cups liquid and dry measure, measuring spoons, food scale)
    *pam cooking spray for my "fried egg whites"
    *assorted hot tea bags for when i need something...
    no calories (it helps when you have a sweet tooth or craving to have more food- it helps me relax and feel full
    *True lemon packets for my water and food
    *Extra virgin olive oil ... must have for salads
    *Truvia for sweetner
    *sugar free coffee creamer for my morning fix
    *8 hours of sleep every night!
  • Also... i will be back to the pedometer on monday!!!!
  • trishaway
    trishaway Posts: 7 Member
    Bootcamp, bootcamp family, journalling, scale, 360 at home so I can workout without leaving my home, Zumba, my sister Vickie, my Mommy, pedometer, water, water, water, smaller pants than what I fit in! (note to self buy smaller pants), A GREAT RN named Melody to harass, old pictures to remember what it was like being super sick
  • abigailmae1
    abigailmae1 Posts: 16 Member
    Good Stuff Ladies!!

    Today, I will add EQUIPMENT to this TOOL BOX:

    *At least (2) sets of weights to start - I use a VARIETY depending on the exercises we are doing. 5, 8, 10, 12, 15, 20, 25, 30, 35, 40, 45, 45. Keep in mind, I keep those HEAVY WEIGHTS at Hebron Lutheran for our Heavy Weight Wednesday classes. I don't expect anyone to carry around anything higher than 15 pounds. ( I do sell cast iron hex weights for $1 per pound or you can earn them through my incentive program. If you prefer coated weights, they are going to cost you more. I recommend buying a pair of weight lifting gloves)

    * Jump Rope - PRACTICE MAKES PERFECT - Unless you are coming to class at least 4-5 days a week, you need to practice at home. (I have ropes available in class for $5 and $10)

    * Yoga Mat -( I sell these at class for $10).

  • bizymomma05
    bizymomma05 Posts: 12 Member
    I am building my Tool Kit so for now I am looking at everyone's posts and getting my idea of what to put in mine. I really like what I am seeing and plan on using some of these in mine. So as of now I have my Get Fit Binder in mine. (You guys will learn one thing about me - I love 3-ring binders!) The more I log on here and read everyone's posts the more encouraged & inspired to do this.

    Looking to build a Tool Kit:

    Get Fit Binder - Journaling
    Yoga Mat
    Exercise Ball (Suggested by my chiropractor)
    2 sets of hand weights
    Digital Scale (Need to get a new one)
  • trishaway
    trishaway Posts: 7 Member
    Oh Man you want me to jump rope????
  • trishaway
    trishaway Posts: 7 Member
    Would you believe I made my husband stop at Target to get me a jump rope tonight.... Ok Melody have a jump rope.....
  • tmj22
    tmj22 Posts: 3
    Scale, weights, mat, towel, exercise tapes to use at home, several pairs of tennis shoes to keep my very sore feet ready to go!, God, prayer, boot camp family, boot camp, support groups...for now!
  • Interesting reading! Lots of good idea!

    I use My Fitness Pal for logging calories & exercise burn
    My Fitness Pal friends for support
    Scales both for food and weight. I bought the food scales on sale at Harbor Freight.
    Measuring cups and spoons
    Water in the door of the frig always ready to go
    Treadmill (for walking on those cold/wet days)
    IPod for music while on treadmill
    Yoga mat
    2 & 5 lb weights
    small exercise ball (which hasn't been used much)
    Good running shoes
    The jogging trail my sweetie carved through the woods on our property giving us a safe place to exercise at our rural home.
  • OOPS! Forgot...

    Pilates for Dummies
    Also ordered Pilates Weight Loss but it has not been delivered as yet.
    Country Line Dance Party ... still learning the moves on this one, but looks like a heap of fun!