Day 13

MrsSanthoff Posts: 272 Member
Woohoo! Day 13 DONE!!! Level 2 is not fun! I almost wish I could go back to level 1 but I just keep thinking, only a few more days and we will be in level 3!! I hate the v-chair squats and most of the planks!!!

Hope everyone is doing great!!! I hope I am not the only one doing 30 days straight!?! And I know I should probably take a break but when Jillian says, "I'll see you tomorrow" it makes me smile and say, "yes you will!!!" I can't believe I have made it this far!!

I have lost 7 lbs, about 1/2" in most places on my body, my face looks slimmer and I have lost 2% body fat since I started this workout!!


  • lisamheid
    lisamheid Posts: 13 Member
    I am also doing 30 days straight. I started on the first so I am looking forward to day 14 later. The v raise and squats are the move I hate the most right now. I just keep telling myself that level 3 is coming! I can't believe we have almost completed the first half of the 30 days.
  • rainas25
    rainas25 Posts: 143 Member
    Level 2, Day 3 complete! Still really tough, but it's getting better!
  • sew1222
    sew1222 Posts: 241
    Woohoo! Day 13 DONE!!! Level 2 is not fun! I almost wish I could go back to level 1 but I just keep thinking, only a few more days and we will be in level 3!! I hate the v-chair squats and most of the planks!!!

    Hope everyone is doing great!!! I hope I am not the only one doing 30 days straight!?! And I know I should probably take a break but when Jillian says, "I'll see you tomorrow" it makes me smile and say, "yes you will!!!" I can't believe I have made it this far!!

    I have lost 7 lbs, about 1/2" in most places on my body, my face looks slimmer and I have lost 2% body fat since I started this workout!!

    im on D5L2 today..i hate all the planks and the v-chair squats too!!!! i am doing it 30 days straight too. somedays i feel like im going to die or i just dont want to do it...but in the weekends my kids like to join in so its fun seeing them try or saying mom you cant do that, and i show them that i can!!
  • kylesmommy89
    kylesmommy89 Posts: 356 Member
    I just finished day 17 (Level 2 Day 7) and took my first break yesterday! It was nice to rest my body, specifically my ankles which have gotten screwed up by level 2 because of my crappy shoes and all the jumping I think. Thinking of skipping to level 3 tomorrow because I'm afraid I'm hurting myself with L2! I took a peek at L3 today and it looks awesome.
  • deporee
    deporee Posts: 59
    Day 13 is in the books! Today was harder than yesterday for some reason. I plan to go 30 straight days, but my body is screaming for a break. I'm going to try and push through it. "You get these kind of results for free". LOL
  • BestCindyICanBe
    BestCindyICanBe Posts: 75 Member
    Day 13 is done. I am doing the 30 days straight through. I am really looking forward to January 31st. I really, really hate the planks and have to modify everything because of my knees. My DH got up and exercised with me this morning. He tried to not modify and was really sweating and breathing heavy by the end. He is 6', 155 pounds and in good shape.
  • KrisPage
    KrisPage Posts: 539 Member
    went down this morning and did my 30 DS that was Day 9 for the 30 DS, I feel stronger than Day 1 but I dont think I am ready to move to level 2. but level 1 is boring the hell out of me!?! Trying to add in walking in between not really doing this in just 30 days I dont know if this is a good idea but hey I am still working out results may vary!
  • harleygirlT
    harleygirlT Posts: 223 Member
    Day 3 level 2 done! Took yesterday off, I had a rough week and needed a break. But back to it this morning....60 minutes of Zumba Live and 30DS! I have a hard time with the walk out pushups and the pendulum lunge but I am determined to get thru this...only had to stop twice today for the 5 second break JM talks about...I've lost 7 lbs since we started this. I'm happy with that. Keep up the great work everyone!
  • brooksaceb
    brooksaceb Posts: 115 Member
    i really didn't want to do it today. for some reason i'm am sore as hell. i don't even know what i did yesterday to feel this way but i got through it.

    I can't believe we are almost half way. hopefully the next day fly by too.
  • CaboScotty
    CaboScotty Posts: 31 Member
    Missed yesterday because of a head cold. Popped some pills and got through Level 2 today. Head colds aren't going to derail my desire for change and getting healthy.
  • glennam1
    glennam1 Posts: 172 Member
    YAY!!!! DAY 13 done...bought a HRM this morning and it said I burned more calories than I was getting credit for....YAY...and also I haven't lost any weight doing this, but according to the measuring tape (providing we measured properly the 1st day..I'm down 4.5 inches....WHOO HOO!!!!!
  • sansouchi1050
    day 13 done. Level 2 is kicking my butt!!
  • alibreasy
    alibreasy Posts: 328 Member
    Day 13 in the bag! I have not weighed or measured myself and usually I do after each level from when I did it several months ago. I do feel like I lost inches I can see it and my clothes fit a lot looser. We are almost 1/2 done can't believe it.
  • kandyjo
    kandyjo Posts: 4,648 Member
    Day 13 done! I totally brought it today!! Sweat all on the floor... It was freakin' AWESOME!
  • mdelcott
    mdelcott Posts: 529 Member
    Day 13 done OMG do I need a shower now AWESOME
  • Kazimira
    Kazimira Posts: 165 Member
    Day 13 Done! Some day I will do this level without the modifications...for today, it burns!!!!
    Great job ladies!
  • bewitched2982
    bewitched2982 Posts: 97 Member
    Today is my 13th day. I weighed myself this morning and was up .6 lbs from my last weigh in. Over all since starting this work out I'm down 2.4, but I'm not just doing this workout. i was pretty discouraged by the scale so I measured myself and I have lost 3.5 inches overall! That is exciting! At least I'm seeing some results :)
  • keggen
    keggen Posts: 102 Member
    Finished day 13. Skipped yesterday because of a cold. It has sucked the energy completely out of me.
  • apesid
    apesid Posts: 135 Member
    Well I'm a couple days behind everyone as I an taking a break every week.I'm just excited I've made it this far as that never happens :)
  • thatsnumberwang
    thatsnumberwang Posts: 398 Member
    Day 13 done. I do not like the squat thrusts, no siree bob.