Daily workout log.....What did you do today?

My Les Mills PUMP came today!!! I took weight,measurments,and did a Vlog.So excited about this program!

Pump Challenge DONE!!! feeling a little spent,but I overall feel great!!

My Vlog....http://www.youtube.com/user/glittermommy1?feature=mhee


  • BC_Babe
    BC_Babe Posts: 21 Member
    Today was my rest day but our kids had swimming lessons and I went with our 9 month old, so I got a little bit of exercise. A far cry from TurboFire, but it was alot of fun. My legs are killing me from all the squats I did in HIIT 15 yesterday. I'm looking forward to tomorrow!
  • Thefitnessvixen
    REST DAY!!!! I needed it!! Had a hard time getting into and out of my car! LOL

    Quick question...Do you have a "cheat Meal?" I am thinking about trying to go without having that day,I find it hard to cheat then get back to eating good.let me know what you think about this!
  • Thefitnessvixen
    Well woke up this AM SORE as HELL!!! Didn't know how I was going to clean the house lol,decided to get my PUMP out of the way.Started off hurting,but now I feel sooo much better!!! AMAZING how working out after a hard workout the day before can make you feel SOO much better!!! Now off to clean.......

    "Success seems to be connected with action. Successful people keep moving. They make mistakes, but they don't quit." -Conrad Hilton
  • Thefitnessvixen
    PUMP day 4 DONE!!! yoga I wasn't looking forward to this,but it really was nice!
  • mariacolumbus
    mariacolumbus Posts: 227 Member
    I am doing a P90X / Turbo Fire hybrid...today was arms/shoulders/ARX
    LOVE IT!
  • Savora
    Savora Posts: 25
    Got Lean Circuit 2 done today as well as Extreme Abs, just 3 1/2 weeks of CLX then on to LMPump!
  • myhistory
    Good morning all! I did P90X ab ripper
  • BC_Babe
    BC_Babe Posts: 21 Member
    I did Core 20 and Stretch 10 today. I was supposed to do Stretch 40, but I wasn't feeling good the past couple of days so I decided I'd ease back into it.

    As to the cheat meal issue, I think I'd rather just eat well. If you're going somewhere try to eat well, but if you have to cheat do it that way, otherwise don't. Like we go to my inlaws for dinner every weekend, and that would basically be my cheat day because I know that they won't be making something that I'd normally be having. My father in law cooks with alot of fat and stuff :tongue: Don't get me wrong it tastes amazing and I'm sure a meal like that once a week isn't going to kill me as long as I eat well the rest of the week. That's my opinion on the matter.
  • mariacolumbus
    mariacolumbus Posts: 227 Member
    Today I did P90"X Back/Legs and ARX.
    to the cheat day question....Everything in moderation...if you need to "cheat" do it in moderation...otherwise you get used to "cheating" and then it gets easier and easier to "cheat" and before you know it you are out of control. I agree with the philosophy of the person who eats at her in-laws. "Cheat" when you have to but don't do it just because you can...if that makes sense :)
  • Thefitnessvixen
    •Consistency is key! If you have a day where you slip up, DO NOT GIVE UP! Start fresh at your next meal or the next day. YOU CAN DO IT!

    PUMP's ab work today DONE!!!! Feeling great!!
  • noverton75
    I did Insanity Plyometric Cardio Circuit - week 4. I feel I am making progress - I can keep up alot better and I can fit into clothes almost three sizes smaller than when I started :)) Glad tomorrow is Cardio Recovery!
  • ASaxe23
    ASaxe23 Posts: 163
    Latin Fusion and Zumba!!
  • mariacolumbus
    mariacolumbus Posts: 227 Member
    today I did TURBOFIRE Fire 45 and STRETCH 10
  • Thefitnessvixen
    Off day today....I am feelining the ab workout from yesterday! WOW
  • Ladydrake12
    Ladydrake12 Posts: 45 Member
    It was an Insanity - Cardio Recovery day...thank goodness but I also take a walk on my lunch break at work (snowy one today). This is my week 4 of Insanity, so I am looking forward to my recovery week!
  • Thefitnessvixen
    Pump Challeng again today...I didn't get it done yesterday so I did that and HIIT 15 from Trubo Fire.WOW I am spent!
  • kimclaws
    kimclaws Posts: 101 Member
    1 hour of Supershape (circuit training) 35 minutes of HIT interval sprinting, 30 min of yoga/ stretching, and then a 3 mile hike with my dog pack and hubby :) I love Sundays!
  • mariacolumbus
    mariacolumbus Posts: 227 Member
    I am doing P90X/TURBOFIRE hybrid...this week is "recovery" so today I did HIIT 15/STRETCH 10/ARX
  • mariacolumbus
    mariacolumbus Posts: 227 Member
    today I did Turbo fire 45 EZ and 10 min Stretch
  • Thefitnessvixen
    Today is Flow which is the Yoga in Les Mills PUMP.......I will do that latere tonight.I am feeling like i should take a break today...I upped my weight to 10 pounds with everything and I am REALLY feeling the pain!