
zerryz Posts: 168 Member
Hello! i live in SOCAL, 49 and mom of an 11 yr old wonderful kid. Saw myself on photos this summer and hated them! Then again in November and decided to do sthg about it. My goal is to be 50 lbs lighter by my 50th b-day which is ..<.argh>... in fewer than 6 months. Is it an unrealistic goal? I don't know. But i thought, if I shoot for the distant stars, the worst I can do is to reach the moon, right? Anyway, I know I will probably need lots of support, so here I am. And I will be delighted to give support back. Looking forward to sharing with all of you.:happy:


  • eoney
    eoney Posts: 35
    Good for you!! That's an "aggressive" goal, but not unrealistic. As long as you have a plan in place...and a Plan B never hurts for when things get a little tough along the way. Looking forward to hearing about your success!