Introduce yourselves.... go on .... don't be shy!



  • Wychwoodlady
    Wychwoodlady Posts: 6 Member
    Hi all,

    I'm Marie from West Yorkshire, UK. I'm 44 and will be 45 this year, and am determined to lose the weight I have piled on over the last few years. I'm very happy to have found MFP and this group to help me achieve that, and am looking forward to sharing the journey with you all!
  • Wychwoodlady
    Wychwoodlady Posts: 6 Member
    P.S. My profile pic is me as a child, long before the worldly cares I now have! Would love to reclaim that innocence!
  • cathie2903
    cathie2903 Posts: 85 Member
    Hi all, I'm Cathie from Shepperton in the UK. I am 45 years, married with 2 kids - boy of 14 and my daughter is 9 (going on 29!)

    I started on MFP in August and so far have lost 12lbs...but the main thing for me here has been the fact that you link in with people you would never normally have any contact with. They keep me on the straight and narrow, pick me up when I'm down and I do the same for them when they need my support.
    I joined a gym in Sept and started spinning classes which I absolutely love AND the most amazing thing is that I've stuck with it since. I am a bit of a short term person!!

    My target is t get to 154lbs - I am 5ft 9 so anything less than that ( I wish) wouldn't look good on me! Haha
    My turning point was after my summer hols last year....I complain that I've overweight, moan that clothes don't fit right and do nothing about it....there are no miracles only the ones I make myself!
    If I can help support anyone here, friend me and I'll do my very best for you.......promise! :flowerforyou:
  • ansata
    ansata Posts: 52
    will be 41 this year! Ugh....Not happy with how my body is functioning. Everything heading south. So maybe dropping 60 lbs will keep things a little north than south! Tired of fat feelings, eating till I can't eat anymore! Its gotta stop!I gotta slow down the aging process a wee bit! My counter ticker is my beloved Show horse A.B. He is part of my inspiration to do this! I hope to show him in September at a very big horse show!
  • ansata
    ansata Posts: 52
    Hi guys!
    My name is Suzi. I just turned 42 yesterday!

    At my heaviest I weighed 356 lbs....which was years ago. I got down to 240 and was diagnosed with diabetes. After a couple years of yo-yo weight was back up to 290. This past June I had gastric bypass surgery to help resolve some of the complications I had developed from the diabetes. I am down to 225...which seems to be my set weight. Even with the has been a struggle to get past this weight!
    After a string of bad luck with my health....I am back on track and ready to go!

    My goal weight is 146. The weight loss is not about fitting into a certain size or looking good for anyone else. It's about finally having the courage to be myself and stop hiding behind my weight. I want to live the next 42 years as a healthy, active woman who isn't afraid of anything!


    Suz : )

    Happy Be lated birthday and Go you COUGAR! :)
  • karinapeterson
    karinapeterson Posts: 197 Member
    Hi Fellow 40's

    I am Karina and 43. I am a mum of a 14yr old girl and a 10yr old boy. Have been with my husband for 23 yrs and we are happier than ever with each other. The last 14 yrs has been hard work as our daughter was born with a heart condition and almost died a few times. She is doing well now and is a gorgeous teen with more surgery in her future. During my pregnancy and the hard times I just ate and ate and gained and gained. I also dislocated my knee which I have to be careful with. I have done a lot of diets off and on and have always exercised as I really enjoy it. I also use it as a stress relief and to help depression. After my son I did sureslim and lost 30kg but it was too hard to maintain with no carbs at all. I have always been a bigish girl but I became far to big for my height and in the last year I have been completely miserable and removed the full legnth mirror from my bedroom and have not shopped for clothes in a long time. 2012 rang in and I decidedit was time to kick my bum into gear, so here I am.

    I live in the country in NZ with my family and a dog, a turtle, a cat and 4 chickens. I have an acre of lawns to mow so some weekends consist of just that hehe. I work part time at our local cafe too.

    It is a big deal for all of us to be open and honest about our food and exercise and especially our size to the world. Good on us and I am sure we will succeed!!

    Nice to meet you all ;0)
  • arlyn70
    arlyn70 Posts: 55
    im 41 years old, have 2 boys.. married, and i would love to lose 120 pounds... possible? yessssssss

    i am so happy to be a part of your group..
  • SwankyTomato
    SwankyTomato Posts: 442 Member
    Hello to the Fabulous!

    I am Jeannine and I am going to be 47 next month. I have been married for 21yrs and have 2 daughters that are soon to be 21 and 16.

    I have lost weight twice before however this time around is absolutely so hard. I injured my back doing lunges 2+yrs ago with Jillian Micheal's, which of course lead to weight gain. Grrr...

    Since then I have been to physical therapy and on the road to recovery. It is so slow and drives me crazy some days but I am committed to going it one day at a time no matter what I ate or exercised that day.

    I really LOVE the food journal. It keeps me honest and scares me at the same time, lol. For example, the ranch dressing I just logged in has SO MANY CALORIES! Yikes.

    Good news is....Today was the first real day that I exercised well and ate within my calories. YEA!!!
  • susanb573
    susanb573 Posts: 111 Member
    I am 39 years old (about to be 40). I was always thin and easily lost weight after having my own children. Then about 6 years ago I felt called to be a surrogate mother. Seven in-vitro cycles later, three surrogate pregnancies later (twins, twins, singleton), three c-sections later, and a TON of IVF hormones later, I have a stubborn 20 pounds that does not want to budge. For the first time in my life I'm having to diet. It bites. I want to be okay with my body again...I'm tired of turning of the lights at night for fun times. I'm tired of being tired when I chase after the kids.

    I have a degree in Chemistry and work as a lab tech in the ethanol industry. I love my job. I love my kids. I love my love. I just want to love my body again.
  • barbarajean3
    barbarajean3 Posts: 132 Member
    I'm 44 ( man that's hard to say) I need to lose another 60lbs to be at my goal. I lost 40lbs last year. I live in Alabama. So being able to wear shorts is a must. Lol. I have a 22 yr old son a 18 month old grandson and a daughter who passed at 20. It's time for me now. I have to get healthy recent MS diagnosis. Here we all go. 40 is the new 25 or so I hear. :drinker:
  • ansata
    ansata Posts: 52
    I'm 44 ( man that's hard to say) I need to lose another 60lbs to be at my goal. I lost 40lbs last year. I live in Alabama. So being able to wear shorts is a must. Lol. I have a 22 yr old son a 18 month old grandson and a daughter who passed at 20. It's time for me now. I have to get healthy recent MS diagnosis. Here we all go. 40 is the new 25 or so I hear. :drinker:

    I think in Alabama its a requirement!!! Lived in Huntsville until 2000! Lots of luck!
  • spulido01
    spulido01 Posts: 42 Member
    Hello everyone,

    My name is Sharon, I'm 46, live in Sacramento, CA going through a divorce, two teens 16/17. I lost 60lbs when hubby first split, then over the last 2 years (with dating and dinners) gained 20 back. Ugh.

    I am back on track, working on Atkins, down 8lbs. Doing the treadmill almost everyday and just purchased Jillians 30 day Shred. Oh yeah, feel the burn.

    Looking forward to great losses with all of you. :)
  • psiren28
    psiren28 Posts: 530 Member
    Hi all, I'm Andie, I'm from Manchester UK but currently living in Lanzarote, Canary Islands.
    I turned 40 in October last year but still think I'm about 25 :/
    I'm single, no kids (which is probably why the 25 thing) and I've struggled with my weight since I was about 16. At my heaviest I was over 200lbs and spent my entire 30s fat.

    A couple of years ago I went back to the UK for a year. I joined Slimming world and lost a couple of stones, then another couple my own when I moved back here. It was a struggle at first because I can't get hold of a lot of the 'low syn' foods I'd come to rely on, but I try to just eat healthy most of the time and have small portions. So far, so good. My goal was to not be fat at 40 and I managed it, although I still have a little way to go. I had a huge costume party and was able to pick a costume I wanted rather than one that wouldn't look hideous on a fat body. I'm a big kid when it come to costume parties and carnival, I just love to dress up.

    I'm currently 150lbs and would like to be about 133 by summer so my daisy dukes don't look sprayed on :)
  • Victoria2448
    Victoria2448 Posts: 559 Member
    Thanks for adding me! Great group!

    I'm Vikcie I'm 27 soon to be 48. I've always been active, but was forced to be when I was in a major accident as a teen. I was in a wheel chair for two month and a cast for 9. Long story, short I've been in physical therapy for years for many injuries. I manages to stay in fairly good shape until I had my daughter and then hit middle age.

    Even knowing what to do to lose weight, nothing was working for me.I even hired a female bodybuilder...did every single thing she told me and the results weren't good. I continued to gain weight and worried because diabetes is in both sifes of my family and I have GD.
    I bought P90X as a last ditch effort, so sure it wouldn't work...but figured it would give me "permission" to be heavy since "I had tried everything." (and when I say everything, you name it I've most likely done it a diet or workout)

    After my first round of P90X I lost 19 lbs and 10% bodyfat! I was thrilled because my goal was to lose 20lbs in 6 months. I lose another 20 and got my bodyfat below 20%.

    I loved P90X and the people I had met so much...I now work for the company! I became a Certified Personal Trainer and hope to formally study nutrition soon. (I read everything I can and have for years to stay in touch with the latest findings...I have a science background...yes I'm a bit of a geek) I love my career, it is the best thing I've ever done and I am able to stay home, can't beat that!

    Thanks if you got through all that! LOL
  • SlinkyNewMe
    SlinkyNewMe Posts: 213 Member
    Hello and nice to meet you all. :flowerforyou:
  • RheneeB
    RheneeB Posts: 461 Member
    Hi there - my name is Rhenee' and I am 47 years old. I joined MFP back in August but really didn't get into it until recently. I have added friends and joined 2 other groups but have been dissappointed in the seemingly low interest and response of others. I want to have some fun while I am on this weight loss journey.....why not? I mean, it is bad enough counting calories and working out so I say add a little funk to it!!! I live in Georgia but Pennsylvania born and raised. I have lost 15 pounds so far and have 25 to go. I recently started Turbo Fire and it is kicking my butt. I am losing inches but no weight.

    I battled with weight only one other time in my life and that was after having my second child. I got huge and got tired of the sound my thighs made when they rubbed together while walking....especially in panty hose. So one day I stood in front a full length mirror butt naked and just took a good look at what I had become. I cried and decided that day that I was going to make a change. I got my hair cut short and joined a gym. I went from 180 pounds to 114 and had actual muscle tone! Too many people told me I was too thin so I got back up to 125 and stayed there until I hit about 42. Since then, the weight has slowly crept on and once I hit the scale at 174.9 I knew that if I didn't do something now, the weight would only increase....especially through perimenopause. So anyway, here I am.........struggling but determined to get back to at least 130.
  • TwinMumCork
    TwinMumCork Posts: 125 Member
    HI There, my names is Jackie I am 42 married with twin 4 year old boys.

    I have always been up and down with my weight, my thighs are always huge. I have lost the same 1 1/2 stone with weight watchers once for my wedding but a half stone back on straight away.

    I hit my biggest within the year after having the boys and didn't even realise it until I saw photos recently. I lost 22 lbs two years ago going to a personal trainer, I hit goal and had to stop seeing her due to sickness and lack of baby sitters for the boys. I could only see her during the day which didn't suit. I went back to work November 2010 and the weight piled back on, I ignored it when clothes got too small and realised during last summer something had to be done. Our routine settled and I am seeing a trainer again. It is a lot harder this time as I sit at a desk all day, but I was told about this site and it has been a huge help.

    I have set my goal lower than I have ever been before and intend to reach it with your support.

    I joined a challenge '10 down for Christmas' and the team bonding in this really helped me reach it.

    Look forward to chatting to you all.
  • JennetteMac
    JennetteMac Posts: 763 Member
    Hello everyone,
    My name is Jennette and I only just qualify for this group as I hit 50 (whisper that one) in May.
    I'm a teacher by day, bar tender by evening and Mum to 3 great kids all the time.
    Been married for 25 years, although that is soon to change. Long story, but part of the reason I lost the weight initially.
    My aim is to avoid putting on weight and get as healthy as I can to keep up my busy life.
    Lovely to read all the stories on here.
    Good wishes to you all. :flowerforyou:
  • PamelaHenD
    PamelaHenD Posts: 42 Member
    Hi everyone,
    My name is Pam and I am 41 as of last month. I am a mom to 3. I have a son who is 20 and 2 daughters who are 18 and 13. After my children I weighted 165. In 2000 I found out I had cancer and had to have a hysterectomy. That did not cause me issues like I have heard other say it did. My issues started in 2007 when my now ex husband decided it was time to confess all of his affairs that he denied when I asked. He blamed me and my weight for just about everything. But the weight was a excuse because I had lost 30 lbs by then and was at 135.
    Needless to say my divorce was a nightmare. It put so much stress on me that I did not really eat and I ran all the time. I ran so much that my friends and family were worried. I ran so much and ate so little that I got down to about 110 which is less than I weighed in high school. I have now made it out of that nasty divorce and even met a wonderful man while I was going through it. My divorce took over 2 1/2 years. This wonderful man is now my fiance and we are getting married in 2013.

    Even tho my life is good right now. I have gained weight and I am back at 135, that is not bad considering I am only 5' 3". But I felt my best at about 120. Right now I just don't feel well if that makes sense. I gave up caffeine over a year ago. This year I am giving up pop all together. I have not had any soda in almost 2 weeks. Giving soda up has helped me not feel bloated all the time.

    I have done this before but this time is for the right reasons not because my ex is stressing me out or making my life hell. Now it is for me....:flowerforyou:

    Created by - Free Calorie Counter
  • lisa812many
    lisa812many Posts: 12 Member
    Hello Ladies,
    My name is Lisa. I live in Annapolis, Maryland. I am 47. I want to lose 60 pounds. I retired from the military 8 years ago, quit smoking 3 year ago, had some health issues, and turned way less than fierce and fabulous. Though never thin, I was always in shape until 2003. I need support. My friends and current coworkers are all thin and/or in great shape. I think MFP is my way back!