Day 2

Felt sore :((((.. but still completed Day 2 (level 1) with smaller weights. Is that cheating????


  • nymphis
    nymphis Posts: 59 Member
    I use 2lbs weights ... they are enough to make me wanna die anyway ...

    You are not cheating ... just keep pushing through. Well done for Day 2!
  • mangojh2
    mangojh2 Posts: 175 Member
    Well today will be day 3.... So sore. Everything hurts. Hard to move.... But ready to fight through it tonight.
  • scheerlady1122
    Day 2 done - yowzers! The strength is the hardest part for me. Those arm and leg compound moves are torture! It is a huge relief to move on to the cardio and ab portions, which luckily are a breeze for me because I've been doing heavy cardio for the past few months. I am super sore from yesterday but happy to plow through the workout this morning!
  • Aaloo79
    Aaloo79 Posts: 105
    I use 2lbs weights ... they are enough to make me wanna die anyway ...

    You are not cheating ... just keep pushing through. Well done for Day 2!

    I did cheat. earlier i started with 2.2 kg weights instead of 5 kg as i did on day 1. and on circuit 3, side lunges, o man... i left those weights on ground altogether :embarassed:
  • JollyJane13
    JollyJane13 Posts: 62 Member
    My thighs are so sore! I started doing squats and lunges last week. I don't think I have recovered lol. However, day 2 cardio was easier for me, except those jumping jacks (mainly because my gut slaps and it kind of hurts) Is it cheating if I do a different cardio move (like jump rope or butt kicks) during the jumping jacks?

    I feel more energized and that is what I was looking for. It is only day 2 I am excited to see what day 22 feels like :)
  • sherrirb
    sherrirb Posts: 1,714 Member
    I use 2lbs weights ... they are enough to make me wanna die anyway ...

    You are not cheating ... just keep pushing through. Well done for Day 2!

    I did cheat. earlier i started with 2.2 kg weights instead of 5 kg as i did on day 1. and on circuit 3, side lunges, o man... i left those weights on ground altogether :embarassed:

    I must be the ultimate cheater then... cuz I didnt use any weights at all...... But I dont have any right now, hopefully I can pick up some before the weekend. Sorry guys :sad:
  • sherrirb
    sherrirb Posts: 1,714 Member
    I did Day 2 of 30DS last night after hubby and I got home from doing our C25K. He was awake this time so I could do the full workout including the jumping jacks. They kicked my butt!!

    My arms are a little sore this morning but nothing that I cant manage, thank God! I can feel a little in my legs too but more in my arms.

    I am doing the workout without the weights right now as I dont have any. I know I'd be SUPER sore if I had the weights!! Its probably the pushups that have my arms sore tho. How many pushups does she think the average person can do on their first day!?! LOL

    Even tho I'm sore, I SOOO cant wait to do it again tonight, cuz I know there is a difference already. I can feel it in my body that I'm changing already! This has me SUPER pumped! Bring it on, Jillian! Bring it on!!
  • Hurricane_C
    Hurricane_C Posts: 806 Member
    I just finished day 2 as well. The first time I tried the 30DS I used 2 pounds weights for awhile then upgraded to 3lbs and let my friend borrow the 2lbs.... well she still has them... I had to start back with 3 lbs... and OMG! Those side lunges with front lifts just kill my shoulders. I'm fine of the lunges (until the next day)... but I have to rest my arms every once in awhile.

    Congrats to everyone sticking with it! Here's to us all seeing day 30 (and maybe beyond with increased weights?)....
  • Mama2HnC
    I used 8 pound weights. I'm dying... this is day 2 for me.. I feel like a noodle. I have two kids under 2, and I can barely lift either of them! my legs hurt the most!
  • Brittneyschoice
    Day 2 for me and I am a little sore. I ran 30 mins on my treadmill---I almost died and general dancing for 35 mins ( sweated my *kitten* of)
    I'm so excited =)
  • terrellc1
    terrellc1 Posts: 231 Member
    I finished Day 2! OMG!!! I am so sore...but in a way it felt good to stretch out the muscles and get them burning a bit. I am still not able to do those darned bicycle crunches, so I'll probably be on level 1 a while, but the stretching at the end was better! I could touch my toes!! Small victory since I couldn't do that on day 1.

    Hope everyone is doing great! Keep it up, Ladies!
  • kimhere
    kimhere Posts: 35 Member
    just finished day 2. I was so sore before I started I thought there was no way I was going to get through it but it really wasn't that bad. I can not to push ups though .. aarrrgggg. I am suing 3 lb weights since my 3 yr old does the shred with me and he steals my 1 1/2 lb weights. I got up this morning to go on my treadmill and was so sore that I skipped it. hopefully I will get on it tomorrow morning :) Yay for everyone doing day 2!
  • ewerline
    I just finished day 2!! Wow, feel so accomplished after the workout!!!! I definitely will be sore in the morning!!!
  • newme201213
    newme201213 Posts: 116 Member
    it was very hard to my legs were sore...but once i finished...all the pain went away....i had egg fried rice after that...lot of carbs....i need to make sure i dont eat carbs at night here after...

    was unable to lift weights along with lunges...had to throw weights for few repetitions..!! I dint have low weightss ..i just used 5 lb weights
  • tosh1969
    Hi guys! Day two omg.... sooooo sore lol.... the start was really hard. Felt like the warmup wasn't enough to get everything loosened up - might do 10mins of gentle walking on the treadie tomorrow first to see how that feels. Other wise got through it, 'cheated' with hand weights ;) worked halfway through with 2lb weights and when i just couldn't do anymore, dropped em. Perhaps tomorrow i'll get the whole way through with them. Goodluck everyone for day 3 - have a great day :happy:
  • m2agm
    m2agm Posts: 35 Member
    Just finished day 2 also - i feel like i need to get 2lb weights, or maybe 3, i am using 5 lbs and WOW. We just have to keep moving and hope we get better and more fit as time goes on, WE CAN DO IT!
  • dlcam61
    dlcam61 Posts: 228 Member
    Day 2 complete. I hurt! LOL I used 5lb weights. I think I will dig out my 2lb weights...I know I can lift way more than that, but for the long amount of time she makes us lift my shoulders were screaming! I'm also trying to maintain my Zumba schedule & weight training...this is going to be interesting!
  • kdenny1
    kdenny1 Posts: 134
    so Im a little behind already..ugh I just did day 2 and I will do day 3 later on tonight and will double up again tomorrow