New Ideas for Co-Workers

Miztif Posts: 36 Member
I bought a few of my co-workers pedometers and now we are hacing a contest on who can walk the most. We have also set goals for ourselves!!

What idea's can you come up with to get your co-workers involved??


  • Justine13
    Justine13 Posts: 78 Member
    That is a great idea.
    I bought Yoga balls for work. we use them alot. They deffinately help you sit up straight.
  • Megdonald1
    Megdonald1 Posts: 149 Member
    WOW both really good ideas. Where did you get your pedometers?? I am looking for one
  • whtlatina1214
    whtlatina1214 Posts: 765 Member
    how funny my job gave us all pedometers and we had teams of six and we made a challenge of what team would go over 60,000 steps all together got a free lunch ironic lol but it was so much fun they gave up cheap ones though so i believe it was inaccurate but great idea ..
  • Miztif
    Miztif Posts: 36 Member
    WOW both really good ideas. Where did you get your pedometers?? I am looking for one

    I bought them cheap at Dollar Tree ;-)
  • Miztif
    Miztif Posts: 36 Member
    That is a great idea.
    I bought Yoga balls for work. we use them alot. They deffinately help you sit up straight.

    Really? How did you get your office to approve them??
  • Miztif
    Miztif Posts: 36 Member
    how funny my job gave us all pedometers and we had teams of six and we made a challenge of what team would go over 60,000 steps all together got a free lunch ironic lol but it was so much fun they gave up cheap ones though so i believe it was inaccurate but great idea ..

    Our pedometers are cheap, but as we get more into it we are going to find better ones!!