What do YOU listen to?

joehempel Posts: 1,761 Member
I know some people don't listen to anything, but I HAVE to. I've found that listening to Audio Dramas, or Audio Books seem to really help.

Unfortunately, my favorite thing to listen to, ESPNs' Pardon the Interruption podcast, is only about 22 minutes long.

Better than music for me because it just takes my mind off of everything.

When I run my first marathon in May, I'm going to find an abridged book or audio drama that is about 4:30 in length, that way I will have listened to the whole thing, and possible time it out to complete the book as I cross the finish!


  • bjbixler
    bjbixler Posts: 258 Member
    OMG.... my mind wanders far too much to be able to focus on a SONG much less a WHOLE BOOK!! I tip my hat to you, because that takes some serious focus!
  • JasonandMichelle
    Man, oh man. Isn't this the question.

    I tried the audiobook thing, but I found that if I tune out to think of something else for just a moment I end up having to rewind because I missed something.

    I really enjoy podcasts of radio programs because it's like running with a pal (I run solo). I tend to enjoy Dave Ramsey's podcast. I have made many a financial plan from running while listening.

    When I really don't care and I'm not running long, I'll probably just kick on a tune or two.
  • scottb81
    scottb81 Posts: 2,538 Member
    I listen to audiobooks and various running podcasts. This is the best podcast by far http://www.marathontalk.com/ . They interview elite marathoners nearly every week. Each show is a little over an hour long and in addition to the excellent interviews it is highly entertaining.
  • bert16
    bert16 Posts: 726 Member
    On tempo runs or during races, I have a 180 bpm playlist I listen to. On my long or easy runs, I tend to listen to podcasts; my favourite is NPR's "Wait, Wait, Don't Tell Me", but I also listen to "WTF" by Marc Maron or the Adam Carolla podcast. As some others said, I'm not sure I'm really paying attention the whole time, but it doesn't really matter if you miss out on part of a podcast, I suppose (no major plot points to follow along with, generally speaking!).