Let's be"pals"

noni77 Posts: 58 Member
I think the most valuable part of being in this group is that we can support and encourage each other on our news feeds. You can also choose to have your food and exercise diary available for your friends to view.

To get on someone's news feed you need to be their friend.

We now have over 70 members in this group. You can be friends with one other person or every single person in the group, or somewhere in between.

To become friends with someone, click on their name in one of these discussion threads or click on their names on the members' list. You will then be taken to a page where you can click on a button to send a friend request. You can write a message too.

If you like you can leave a message on this thread so others know you are open to friend requests. You can just state your forum name - so we can find your full intro in the forums (or put a link to your intro in the preseason task 1 forum), your name (if you choose to) and whether or not you'd appreciate a nudge from your pals if you're not logging on here.

I'll go first................

Leonie :smile:


  • noni77
    noni77 Posts: 58 Member
    Hi I'm Leonie

    12wbt forum name is 77noni

    The link for my Preseason task 1 is http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zJZqPGeOS54&feature=youtu.be

    and it contains a video - my first vblog.

    I would am happy to have lots of pals on here - so if we aren't already friends feel free to send a request.

    And if I slack off - I'd like a prod to get going again. :wink:
  • triciatassell
    triciatassell Posts: 2 Member
    Good one Leonie. We're already pals so just saying hi.
  • megz85g
    megz85g Posts: 101 Member
    hi i'm megz85 on 12WBT forums
  • loulabelle73
    loulabelle73 Posts: 20 Member
    Hi im Lou known as loulabelle73 on myfitness pal and wouldnt mind having a few people nudging me on or just lifting me up if feeling flat... so friend me if you like...
    On 12wbt i am lou73
  • Hi Everyone. I'm Holly, and im Bracken (my dogs name lol) on the 12WBT forums. Friend me!
  • sheody
    sheody Posts: 1
    Hi I'm Carly. I am Sheody on here and Ninderrymum on the 12wbt forums. Find me and friend me!!! lol
  • Cas71
    Cas71 Posts: 3
    Hi I'm Cassandra (also know as Cas or Cassie),

    On My Fitness Pal I'm known as cas71 and on 12wbt I am CassieS.

    I would love a few people to let me know what is working for them or encourage me and vise versa ...

    So friend me if you like...:smile:

  • Hi, I'm Leisa - loulou_z in MFP and Loulouz in 12wbt. Friend me if u would like!! tnx :wink:
  • tyem1
    tyem1 Posts: 20
    Hi all, i'm Emily, Tyem on 12wbt boards, would love some more friends on here!!
  • Hi everyone I'm Barbara, Kensington42 on here Kensington62 on 12wbt (yes I know not sure why I decided to have two different tags that are so similar, makes for difficulty remembering) Would love a few friends on MFP, although I forget to check the forums I'm afraid.
  • pikepa
    pikepa Posts: 2
    Hi everyone,

    I'm Peter, pikepa on here and PippasDad on 12wbt. More than happy to reciprocate any friend requests here, and quite happy to get my backside kicked when slacking..
  • alisha17m
    alisha17m Posts: 73 Member
    I haven't dropped by for so long! I'm Oohlalisha in the forums :)
  • shiani
    shiani Posts: 2
    Hi everyone.

    I'm Shian (shiani on here). I'm already " pals" with some of you but the more the merrier.
    The more support and accountability the better!

    Not long until season starts and I just realized - Mish's weigh-in & measure per-season task is on my birthday. Well that'll be a joy!

    Look forward to seeing all your success's.
  • Hi Everyone, Just found you all on here. I'm kimmdon on here and 12wbt. Look forward to seeing how everyone goes on the program. This is my first time and really looking forward to killing it!!:smile:
  • muttley27
    muttley27 Posts: 12 Member
    Hello all,

    I'm Muttley27 on here and the same on 12wbt. Happy to add and be added :) good luck all in your journeys
  • Hello all, my name is Gisele and on 12WBT my username is OperaGirl (long story behind the name lol). Anyway, good luck to everyone and I would love it if you add me as a friend on here or Facebook.
  • Hi All! I'm on the 12WBT program and just started using myfitnesspal - would love to be friends :D My username is cj_mccoll
  • Symphony2
    Symphony2 Posts: 38 Member

    I've already got some of you on my blogroll but definitely a great idea to meet up here, too. I'd love to be friends be anyone who needs a friend? I need lots!! Loads of luck to everyone ... I've started counting down to Day 1 and I'm getting nervous. Anyone else?

    Amanda (Symphony)
  • ellie140
    ellie140 Posts: 18 Member
    Hi Everybody I'm Sue,Ellie140 here and on 12wbt.
    I love MFP its such a great way to focus my mind on what I'm doing,that's eating and exercising! and I'm such a moron I love to enter my stuff and also see how others do :)
    And the best part is the generous attitude of others on the site ,you all seem to genuinely take a kind and sensitive interest in others.
    Congrats All, you rock!
    Please friend me if you want some support, and if maybe you can give me some too!
  • tahlay
    tahlay Posts: 2 Member
    Just signed up to do the next round of 12wbt, but have been using MFP since the beginning of the year. Just looking for new friends for support.