Day 10

Good morning/afternoon MLP'ers!

Due to the Reddit blackout, this and IRC are where we'll be for the next 8 hours or so.

How did yesterday go for you all? I noticed no one commented on yesterday's topic so I want to make sure you're all ok!

Yesterday was a rest day for me and I sorely needed it. I went to be early, ate within my calorie budget and just had a nice, healthy day overall.

Today is W1D2 of C25K so I'll be in my apartment building gym tonight, sweating it out. It's still minus a zillion degrees here in Calgary so I won't be in my "real" gym until Friday. I'm also going to bust out my wii today and try to figure out some challenges for Reddit once it's back up!

What are your goals for today? Oh! Don't forget to get exercising if you're entered in the 90daysgoal Fitocracy challenges!

Have a great day everyone and be well!


  • crepes_
    crepes_ Posts: 583 Member
    Yesterday went pretty well, although I went way too high on the sodium intake. Mongolian BBQ! No oil, but plenty of chicken and veggies with sauce. I figured I wanted to spend my calories on delicious things like broccoli and mushrooms, and not the oil which I wouldn't have been able to taste anyway.

    I read a study ( that said that in women with PCOS (which I have), a high protein diet (>40% energy from protein, 30% from fat) would be more beneficial to weight loss than a lower protein diet (like the one MFP defaults to). So I've changed my goals on MFP to fit that a little better, taking down my carb intake.

    I'm mourning the loss of rice and bread right now.

    ETA: Oh, and I guess I should say that it seems like common sense for anyone, not just women with PCOS, but there's something about a medical study which just made it more real to me. So, I'm gonna give it a go.
  • PrincessBTits
    I switched my macros to be high protein awhile ago! Hard to get that much protein and keep the calories down I'm finding. Frustrated!
  • Nineinchskywalker
    So what do you guys do when Reddit is down? I had SO MUCH planned for the downtime, but it seems to have been a bit much haha. Apparently I don't spend THAT much time on Reddit :P
    Oh my, minus 30, did I read that right? I used to whine about the chilly Dutch weather, but I will zip it. +3 Celcius right now.

    So. It's 21:00 now, I haven't done any intended exercise, haven't read up on EVERYTHING I wanted, but I DID clean and some other chores I've been procrastenating. Half a yay?

    About the protein; AHA now I know why MFP tells me I exceed the protein every day. Thanks Twirlytati! Never really checked that out, so yeah there is something else on the to-do list...
  • PrincessBTits
    I have been doing laundry and dishes and talking to #fitit on IRC
  • Izoralee
    Izoralee Posts: 11 Member
    I won't say a word about it being 70F down here in Florida :P

    Yesterday was pretty good food-wise. Today, not so much but you just keep moving forward.

    I really want to be working out but my hip & knee started hurting again. I see the orthopedic surgeon again tomorrow so hoping for either reassurance things are getting better or another shot.

    I have the next couple of days off and I intend to make the best of them!
  • BwanaSplit
    Nothing to report! But all is well.