Introduce yourselves.... go on .... don't be shy!



  • Hi All,

    I am a 43 year old Mom of two middle school kids, full time artist, and ready oh so ready to start living life again. I have hid behind my weight to long.

    My first goal is 22 pounds. Then from there down to either 140-150. What ever I feel more comfortable at.

  • DonnaRe2012
    DonnaRe2012 Posts: 298 Member
    Greeting from Texas,

    I'm 46 and single. I've been looking for a GOOD food tracker for a while and I am so glad to have found MFP. I have decided to make 2012 the year I final beat this weight. I like alot of you are battling the slower metabolism along with the ups and downs in my hormone levels due to perimenopause. Doc put me on birth control pills to regulate very erratice cycles and that cant be helping. Also been unemplyed since 9/2010 and the stress I'm sure is also contributing to my weight gain. But no more. I am determined to get healthy and improve life. Here's to 2012. Let's go !!
  • tami1373
    tami1373 Posts: 5 Member
    I am Tami 39 yrs old, recently married for the second time to the love of my life. I have 2 girls 12 &15 and two step-sons 7 &9, along with 6 grown step children and 8 grandchildren. I am currently pursuing a bachelors degree hoping to go on to masters and then maybe even doctorate in nursing. I am still trying to figure out what I want to do when I grow up :)
    I have struggled with my weight all my life, through my teenage years I always heard "you would be so pretty if you would lose some weight" My self-esteem has been in the toilet for all my life it seems.
    I have decided to take the healthy plunge and do it for me. I can use all the support I can get!

    Created by - Free Calorie Counter
  • My name is Lisa, I'm 41 (42 in June), live in MD, married and have twin girls (10) and a son (8). One of my daughter's mom's used this website and lost a lot of weight...and looks amazing! Every time I see her at school or on Facebook it re-inspired me to check it out. I finally did and started tracking a week ago. During my first week I lost 4 pounds which has completely motivated me to keep trying although I know it won't always be that easy! I'm looking for encouragement and recipe ideas that are easy and low-fat and of course tasty. So here's a to healthy, happy and FIT year.
  • reneeot
    reneeot Posts: 773 Member
    41 yrs old soon to be 42!! No husband and no kiddos...yet!!! :love: Not sure what my goal weight will be, but hopefully this is the year I will find out!!:blushing:
  • mizzthang
    mizzthang Posts: 56 Member
    Hi all, I am british and right now I am really loving life loving my new found energy since shedding alot of pounds..

    I have been big all of my life and approx 12 years ago I managed to loose just over 6 stone with Slimming world..after reaching target I foolishly got fed up of watching what I ate and started to eat what I wanted and slipped back into my bad ways of eating... over the year or so all the weight piled on and extra with a vengance..This time round my mindset is totally different... I have made a life change and I know I will succeed.. I believe all of us can succeed. People around me are going crazy about what I have achieved so far but I will make sure my feet stay firmly on the ground.. I am in no race with anyone else and my aim for this weight loss to be "STEADY BUT SURE" I long for the day when my friends and family will find it hard to remember me being the big girl of the bunch..

    For those of you just starting out.. YOU CAN DO THIS... All the best fellow in your forty's and fabulous people..
  • SlinkyNewMe
    SlinkyNewMe Posts: 213 Member
    Well said mizzthang.

    And hi and welcome to all you fabulous ladies :flowerforyou:
  • nsbmom1
    nsbmom1 Posts: 6 Member
    HI, I am Roxanne, 48 I live in New Smyrna Beach, FL. I have two children, my son is 15 and my daughter 13. I have worked from home for 6 years and mostly love it. I lost 45 lbs 3 years ago and gained 20 back, I want to lose 60. I am 6'2 so I can get away with weighing more but my clothes are not fitting! I would like to be healthy and live a long time!!

    Please add me, I love to see what others are eating to get ideas!
  • Luckee_me
    Luckee_me Posts: 1,425 Member
    Hi there,
    Just looking for grown ups with a sense of humor to be a loser with me.
    Please befriend me it's fun free and I'm easy j/k lol

  • Hello fellow fabulous 40 year olds! I am 46 and a single mom to 2 beautiful daughters who are the light of my life. I am a social worker and I love my work immensely despite how challenging it can be at times. I've always been active and I do love to work out more so for stress relief but have found as I've aged I can't eat like I did when I was 20. About three years ago I lost 20 pounds with Weight watchers and some of that has slowly crept back on. I love food, love wine and am most definitely an emotional eater. I've lurked here at MFP for awhile but decided to get serious in the new year and create a profile and make some friends which has helped enormously. The support here has helped keep me accountable and it's great to give back support and encouragement. I look forward to checking in here more in this forum and hearing from all of you!
  • pamperedhen
    pamperedhen Posts: 446 Member
    Hello Fab 40's!

    I am a wife and mother of 4 beautiful teenagers. My family and God are my reason for life. We are fun and energetic people. I am on a journey to lose 10~15lbs. I wish all well in their weight loss! May all your dreams come true! I am here if you need support!
  • pamperedhen
    pamperedhen Posts: 446 Member
    Hi there - my name is Rhenee' and I am 47 years old. I joined MFP back in August but really didn't get into it until recently. I have added friends and joined 2 other groups but have been dissappointed in the seemingly low interest and response of others. I want to have some fun while I am on this weight loss journey.....why not? I mean, it is bad enough counting calories and working out so I say add a little funk to it!!! I live in Georgia but Pennsylvania born and raised. I have lost 15 pounds so far and have 25 to go. I recently started Turbo Fire and it is kicking my butt. I am losing inches but no weight.

    I battled with weight only one other time in my life and that was after having my second child. I got huge and got tired of the sound my thighs made when they rubbed together while walking....especially in panty hose. So one day I stood in front a full length mirror butt naked and just took a good look at what I had become. I cried and decided that day that I was going to make a change. I got my hair cut short and joined a gym. I went from 180 pounds to 114 and had actual muscle tone! Too many people told me I was too thin so I got back up to 125 and stayed there until I hit about 42. Since then, the weight has slowly crept on and once I hit the scale at 174.9 I knew that if I didn't do something now, the weight would only increase....especially through perimenopause. So anyway, here I am.........struggling but determined to get back to at least 130.

    I am from PA too. Pittsburgh origionally. Now living near in an Amish~town. What a dicotomy, huh? I used to be 102 and 5'2" and when reached around forty....the weight crept on because I stopped eating healthily and exercising. Now, I do not want to be 102 again, I'd like to be 115~120. I have about 10 to lose. I have been doing Jillian Michaels' DVD and like you the inches are coming off {slowly but surely} but the weight...AGH! You'd think all the sweat and feeling like you're gonna pass out from the exersion we'd be losing pounds like water off a duck's back! I don't get it! But, as I have researched others and what they have experienced...they all have the same results. I guess it'll finally come off...IT HAS TOO, right? Well, many blessings to you and your journey and if you need a buddy...I am here.
  • HealthyChicana
    HealthyChicana Posts: 26 Member
    Hi my name is Laura. I am 40 years old and live in Brawley, California. This is a rural place about 20 minutes from the border of Mexico. I am re-married and raising 8 children in a blended, bicultural family. I have 5 boys and 3 girls. At the moment I am on my second year of completing my Masters in Social Work. Although I am not currently employed, this is my second semester at an internship with the March of Dimes.

    Due to various medical conditions that have plagued my life since I was 25, a recent visit with an immunologist/allergist indicated that I have too much yeast in my gut. I also have food intolerances. At first I was skeptical about yeast causing many of my illnesses but when I initially followed the meal plan, many of my ailments really went away. It is a very restrictive lifestyle and I fell waywardly over the holidays and this past month because I celebrated my 10th anniversary. (Believe me, this was a HUGE accomplishment especially since many only gave us 1-2 year odds of making it!).

    I have quit drinking, quit smoking, and currently trying to quit drinking Diet Rite sodas. I tend to replace one habit with another and another. I have the knowledge on how to eat on this meal plan. I follow a meal plan that is free of yeast, sugar, gluten, and dairy along with low fat and low carbs. I have to be creative in my cooking and always plan ahead. I can only have fresh foods and leftovers are not accepted unless frozen. This can complicate things when I am out in the field. But I am learning to live with these limitations. AND that is only because when I do.....I feel SO much better.

    I love to walk, zumba, YOGA, and strength train. In the summer I do water aerobics. And I try to play with my kids as much as possible, like, soccer, football, basketball, and bike riding. (Although I have a granny bike cuz I just can't learn to ride a 2-wheeler! LOL)

    I am hoping to find support here especially when I am struggling to find others who have my similar situation. But then again, various experiences enrich the lives of many. So far I have liked what I see here in this group and with MFP. With school and all, I take a bit to respond but I DO!!!

    Thanks for reading this LONG post!
    Laura ;~)
  • SwissClover
    SwissClover Posts: 9 Member
    So somehow I became 40 although I can't believe I am a day over 32... I have two children 10 and 7 and and doing whatever I can to be Fabulous again...I work too much every week and between that and running around with my kids I don't take the time to work out or do any exercise..although I know I have to not only to lose weight but to stay healthy. Last year I had to have a hysterectomy and have really seen a difference in the speed in which I lose weight. Before I could cut back for a few days and the pounds dropped off...not so any I am looking for some oneline support from others who are 40 and Fabulous!
  • tbskipp
    tbskipp Posts: 180 Member
    Hello ladies!! I am new to being 40 and new to MFP! So far so good!
    I, like many, have been overweight all my life. I can't remember the last time i weighed less than 200 lbs! So now, with a little pushing from my dr, it's time for me to get serious about losing weight and getting in shape, for life! My goal is to lose 70 lbs.

    I've been married for 13 yrs and we have a 6 yr old daughter. I live in NC and I DO love my Southern food and sweet tea.

    I've found that having 'friends' here on MFP really does help. We encourage each other and ask questions. BIG help! Feel free to send me a friend request.

  • Thanks for starting this group. I found this app when I got my Iphone. I'm 48 and have more than 50 lbs to lose. I've totally let myself go over the last few years. I'm thinking a type of depression - only daughter is Bipolar, ADHD and has MRKH ( and subsequently chose the road to substance abuse. She's been clean for three months and back at home. I've finally decided to stop making excuses and get off the couch and start living again.
  • dtucker4403
    dtucker4403 Posts: 47 Member
    Thanks for starting this group. I found this app when I got my Iphone. I'm 48 and have more than 50 lbs to lose. I've totally let myself go over the last few years. I'm thinking a type of depression - only daughter is Bipolar, ADHD and has MRKH ( and subsequently chose the road to substance abuse. She's been clean for three months and back at home. I've finally decided to stop making excuses and get off the couch and start living again.

    Good for you. It's hard to focus on what you need when you are trying to help everyone else. I'm glad you are going to start treating yourself better. Hope you do great ! :happy:
  • sherrirb
    sherrirb Posts: 1,649 Member
    Hi there, I'm Sherri I'm 41yrs old and live in Wisconsin.
    I'm looking to lose 100lbs this year, I started on Jan 3rd being serious about my weight loss.

    Glad to join this group of like aged people and hope this turns out to be an active group. Many of the groups I've found have either been quite inactive or so active I can't keep up.
    I even started my own group and I've got nearly 200 members but so many dont even post or respond to challenges or inquiries.

    I hope we have fun here and I look forward to encouraging you all to continue on in this journey we take together!
  • I'm 48, a mom, grandma, wife and am a self-employed professional photographer. I've been married for 27 years and I have a 24yo daughter, 22yo daughter and 19yo son, and . . . a new sweet grandson that i'm completely and totally in love with. My husband and I are new empty nesters (loving it), so NO MORE EXCUSES! We joined a gym 3 weeks ago for the first time ever. I was in the best shape of my life about 10 years ago, and I'm ready to recommit! Strength training is my main focus right now and would like to maybe build up to 5k or 10k. So glad I found MPF!
  • Kristiina67
    Kristiina67 Posts: 142 Member

    I am 44 and from Michigan (originally from Finland).

    I have lost 15-20 pounds; I stopped weighing myself once scale was showing 166... I think i was close to 170 pounds. Today my weight was 150.5 and I am super excited to get under 150!

    I have been married nearly 20 years with 2 kids. DD is almost off to college and DS has a few more years of HS left. My husband is amazing, and i just love how much support he is giving me what comes to my healthier lifestyle. He even gave up his beer :) We are doing this together, he says. He is fit and toned, already. We power walk together. Our monthly goal is 80 miles, but both of us are very type A; we usually end up way over that! Last month we clocked 123 miles.

    I am happy to be here. please feel free to add me as your friend.