Day 11

MelissaWI Posts: 133 Member
I have already moved up to level 2 a few days back.. And wanted to wish everyone who is just going to start level 2 the best of luck.. I personally really love it more than 1...


  • beckkotsch
    beckkotsch Posts: 482 Member
    Love level 2! I had to follow Anita on a few of the moves but I was able to keep up with 5 lb weights on most of them too. Ready for it again tomorrow!
  • Wow! Level 2 kicked my butt today. I think I will feel this one tomorrow!
  • mbriscoe79
    mbriscoe79 Posts: 50 Member
    I think tomorrow will be better, I spent alot of today working out how to do the moves.

    It was harder and I was back to being completely out of breath and redfaced but worth it!
  • neddoh
    neddoh Posts: 116 Member
    Hope level 2 is treating everyone well!
    Just finished my last day of level 1 and THANK GOD because I am so bored with it.
    I'm going to try to fit in level 2 tonight so I can be caught up with everyone!
    Have an amazing day!
  • I have to follow Anita the whole time. Level 2 is hard but I am not giving up.
  • adkarg
    adkarg Posts: 21 Member
    Holy crap is level 2 hard!! I finished it, but wow!! I will be feeling that tomorrow!
  • Level 2 is no joke! I don't know about anyone else but I could barely make it through it and I found myself taking a few little 3 second breaks. Kind of discouraging because I really want to get the best results I can but hopefully it gets easier as time goes on!!
  • JMFresh
    JMFresh Posts: 76 Member
    I miss level one!!! :smile:

    Wow, that was tough... really tough. 9 more to go...
  • ESP12
    ESP12 Posts: 118 Member
    switched to level 2 on Sunday (this is day 5 level2) Still huffing, puffing and sweating a ton, but 'easier' than on Sunday. First I think my thighs are giving out and than it's on to my arms from all the plank position stuff. Can't imagine I will like level 3, but hey 1/3 done! Keep it up ladies, we CAN!
  • Kyzd
    Kyzd Posts: 12
    I Started level 2 last night! LOVE it compared to Level 1! Had to follow a few of Anitas moves but that was due to a slippery floor rather than fitness!
  • brinak2005
    brinak2005 Posts: 36 Member
    OMG, I went for it and decided to do level 2 tonight. WOW, that was crazy!!! I am now convinced Jillian is going to kill me in the next 19 days. I was pouring sweat by the end, even more than when I started level 1. But, it still feels great when I finish.
  • MelissaWI
    MelissaWI Posts: 133 Member
    It's so funny I recorded me doing it with my web cam and rewatched it after I was finished.. I think I could sell it and make some money.. Quite Comic... hahahhaa.... I wanted something to look back on... And boy this is great stuff! lmao
  • neddoh
    neddoh Posts: 116 Member
    WOW. Level 2 is nooooo joke! I love the new moves though! So much more fun! Though, the chair sit v something whatevers are helllllll. Sweating up a storm here!
    Way to go, ladies!
  • catfish9
    catfish9 Posts: 138
    Good job, guys! Unfortunately, I've got some kind of sick that's making me mega-dizzy, so I have to stop, at least for a few days. Booo. :C
  • determined1221
    determined1221 Posts: 139 Member
    I started level 2 last night as well. I feel like those squats with the v thing are the hardest thing ever!
  • neddoh
    neddoh Posts: 116 Member
    Good job, guys! Unfortunately, I've got some kind of sick that's making me mega-dizzy, so I have to stop, at least for a few days. Booo. :C
    Feel better!!! We'll be here for support when you get back to it :)
  • ESP12
    ESP12 Posts: 118 Member
    Good job, guys! Unfortunately, I've got some kind of sick that's making me mega-dizzy, so I have to stop, at least for a few days. Booo. :C

    Hope it's temporary and not some sort of vertigo condition. Get to feeling better soon. -Elke
  • 84dex
    84dex Posts: 45
    Just got through my first day of level 2. I was dreading it because of some of the comments I had read about it but not as bad as I thought. I quiet enjoyed the new moves. Sweated at lot more tho! Anyone else days behind like me? :)