Anyone else weighing in on day 10?

hsh0927 Posts: 259 Member
I sure did! :happy:
My complete measurements are on my page but all together I lost 3.4 lbs and 5" since day one!

If anyone else would like to share measurements/weight/pictures, feel free! Can't wait to here how everyone else is doing!!:drinker:


  • Kai85
    Kai85 Posts: 440 Member
    that's great! I am not due for a weigh in until Sunday but I'm fairly confident I haven't lost any weight but I feel like I look a bit different and clothes are fitting better :)
  • finding_my_way
    finding_my_way Posts: 174 Member
    I will take some photos today and see if there's a difference, I lost 3 pounds initially, gained 2 back and lost one again, so total loss of the 10 days is just 2 pounds for me.
  • Kyzd
    Kyzd Posts: 12
    Wow that is incredible! well done.

    I lost 2 inches round my waist and 1 on my hips :) No weight seemed to drop