Day 6

LoveActually Posts: 177 Member
On the weekends my son lays in bed for as long as he can, pretending to still be a sleep. He doesn't want to get up and do his morning chores like feeding the dogs and poop pick-up in the backyard. LOL! This morning, I felt that way about getting up and doing 30DS. But, I got my butt up and I got it over with. Also hit the gym.

I hope everyone enjoys their weekend and thanks for joining me on this journey.


  • These last couple days I've been actually looking forward to the 30DS because it really is getting easier, I'm also on day 6. And seeing my endurance change in such a short time is awesome. I'm going to stay at Level 1 the full 10 days but I'm excited to test myself with Level 2 also. I'm glad to be on this journey. Have a great weekend too.
  • CallieM15
    CallieM15 Posts: 910 Member
    tODAY WASNT SO BAD, ALTHOUGH i HAD TO PUT HER ON MUTE CAUSE (Just realized I was in CAPSLOCK... ) well I put her on mute cause after so many days i know exactly what she says...
  • runbyme
    runbyme Posts: 522 Member
    I'm on day 6 also and I am looking forward to seeing how well I do tonight! I don't think I was as winded as last night! Great job girls! Keep it up!
  • On the weekends my son lays in bed for as long as he can, pretending to still be a sleep. He doesn't want to get up and do his morning chores like feeding the dogs and poop pick-up in the backyard. LOL! This morning, I felt that way about getting up and doing 30DS. But, I got my butt up and I got it over with. Also hit the gym.

    I hope everyone enjoys their weekend and thanks for joining me on this journey.

    I felt the same way today. I am exhausted from not only the 30DS, but also life. I did complete the workout this morning though!
  • You all are giving me soooo much encouragement!!! I tried it wed. evening and I could
    not finish the whole w/out!!!! I'm ashamed to say but have not tried it again....
    I gonna try AGAIN sunday 1/22/..... And I'm tellin myself I gonna make it, I'm gonna make!!!
    because I wanna post I DID IT!!! I MADE IT!!! so wait for the post sunday!!!!
  • You all are giving me soooo much encouragement!!! I tried it wed. evening and I could
    not finish the whole w/out!!!! I'm ashamed to say but have not tried it again....
    I gonna try AGAIN sunday 1/22/..... And I'm tellin myself I gonna make it, I'm gonna make!!!
    because I wanna post I DID IT!!! I MADE IT!!! so wait for the post sunday!!!!
  • nymphis
    nymphis Posts: 59 Member
    Today was my day 8 and although I feel better overall with the whole lvl 1 workout, I must admit the first cardio almost killed me... however I can do the pushups (modified) almost without break.

    I am looking forward to lvl 2 although I am sure that even if it looks good it probably isn't at all easy. :)
  • missb92
    missb92 Posts: 200 Member
    Because Im only going to get to do it a total of 15 days straight (due to going back to college) ive decided to split the time up equally on each level....5 days level 1, 5 days level 2 etc.... So today was day 6 level 2....It was really good. Arms ache like hell during it as the strength part is really tough! Getting into the swing of it though!!

    Great work guys :)
  • OMGLeigh
    OMGLeigh Posts: 236
    Did my 30DS today after a little gardening. I took the morning to go get more exercise clothing. Picked up some sport bras to keep the girls in, it made the jumping jacks much easier. I didn't dread doing the DVD today, so that is a plus.
  • AlexPflug
    AlexPflug Posts: 132 Member
    These last couple days I've been actually looking forward to the 30DS because it really is getting easier, I'm also on day 6. And seeing my endurance change in such a short time is awesome. I'm going to stay at Level 1 the full 10 days but I'm excited to test myself with Level 2 also. I'm glad to be on this journey. Have a great weekend too.

    I'm the same way! Especially with looking forward to Level 2. Level 1 is getting easier each day, and I'm so surprised. I can already feel that I am gaining muscle strength. However, the last side squats with arm raises are still killing me!
  • Today I am beat! But i finished 30DS and feel a lot stronger. Also hit the gym this morning and did the elliptical. Thanks so much guys for all your inspiration. It helps me so much. Have a great weekend!!!
  • easuess
    easuess Posts: 53 Member
    These last couple days I've been actually looking forward to the 30DS because it really is getting easier, I'm also on day 6. And seeing my endurance change in such a short time is awesome. I'm going to stay at Level 1 the full 10 days but I'm excited to test myself with Level 2 also. I'm glad to be on this journey. Have a great weekend too.

    Yes, this. I couldn't have said it better myself.

    Great work so far everyone!
  • it's funny how some parts are getting easier and others are getting harder.... legs and cardio are getting easy now... arms and abs hurting more... hope these are more signs of my body changing!
  • bkbabe99
    bkbabe99 Posts: 96 Member
    I was tired this morning but as soon as my daughter left for school, I put on the dvd and got it done. I had to take short breaks here and there but I made sure it was just for a few seconds and got back into it. I get winded just from finishing a set on the mat and then having to get right up to do something else. Down up, down up. Ugh.

    Anyway day 6 complete!
  • JollyJane13
    JollyJane13 Posts: 62 Member
    I put her on mute and blast some hardcore music...keeps my heart rate up :)
  • Tsrwalker
    Tsrwalker Posts: 164 Member
    I just did day 8 today and it does get easier. When I started I felt like there was no way I could do it and that I was extremely out of shape. I weigh 242lbs. Now I am able to keep up through most of the exercises. My arms hurt a little on the squat and press but i think it is because I use 5lb weights and the lunge and raise is still hard, but I have no problems with the cardio or any of the stomach exercises or the lunges and rows. I will be starting level 2 on Tues. I am doing it everyother day and have lost 4 inches so far and a total of 11 lbs overall since I started my weight loss journey on Nov 1st. I only do the 30 ds and go for walks about 1.2 miles about 3-4 times a week.
  • mangojh2
    mangojh2 Posts: 175 Member
    First time I actually did jumping jacks through one of the entire 30 second spots. Usually I have to job in place during the jumping jacks... it was AMAZING how much that kicked the workout into high gear. I was sweating so much more than normal. Goal tomorrow is to do all the jumping jacks and more of the jump rope.
  • eml48341
    eml48341 Posts: 88 Member
    I finished day 6 today. I had to skip yesterday, but I am not going to beat myself up about it. I can't believe how much easier the pushups are getting and I am really noticing a difference in how "hard" I can go. My squats are deeper and I am not stopping for a breather during the strength cycles like I did on days 1 & 2. Keep up the great work everyone!
  • Sunshine70Smith
    Sunshine70Smith Posts: 97 Member
    Today was my Day 5. When I got up this morning I didn't think I'd get it in - too tired. But I told myself that making excuses just isn't going to cut it so I sucked it up and did it. I felt great, so I did 15 minutes or so of extra cardio afterward.

    Tomorrow will be Day 6 and I will do it. I'm looking forward to it already. It is getting easier! Yay.
  • newme201213
    newme201213 Posts: 116 Member
    Done with today's exercise.... Feels good. Now to go for some shopping and
    Walk as much as I can