Just saying Hi!

katiestemp Posts: 27 Member
Hey everyone! I'm new to MFP and only been running for about a year. I'm hoping to train for my first half marathon this year. Just thought I would say Hello!!! :)


  • sherip22
    sherip22 Posts: 81 Member
    Hi! I'm currently in training for my first half marathon that is only 5 weeks away! It's so exciting, I can't wait. Good luck in your training!
  • ktweldon3
    ktweldon3 Posts: 25 Member
    Welcome to the group, my first HM is mid June. Good luck sherip22, that's right around the corner, I hope you're in warmer weather than MN! I'd love to hear how things are going for you! and Katiestemp, I've dabbled in running and did a 10k over 2yrs ago, starting back up myself. I'm sure you'll do great - do you have it picked out yet?
  • sherip22
    sherip22 Posts: 81 Member
    Welcome to the group, my first HM is mid June. Good luck sherip22, that's right around the corner, I hope you're in warmer weather than MN! I'd love to hear how things are going for you! and Katiestemp, I've dabbled in running and did a 10k over 2yrs ago, starting back up myself. I'm sure you'll do great - do you have it picked out yet?

    Thanks ktweldon3! I'm in CT so my training is mostly done on the dreadmill right now. My longest run so far was 9 miles. I did get 7.5 miles in today outside, since it was unseasonably warm. The race is in Disney so I am so looking forward to nice temps! 4 weeks from today!!
  • katiestemp
    katiestemp Posts: 27 Member
    No, not yet. I'll probably do a local half in the fall in my little town :) I'm doing Bloomsday though in Spokane, WA which I heard is really fun!!
  • AngelMc78
    AngelMc78 Posts: 9 Member
    Hi all! I'm just getting started with MFP, and I've already lost 44 on this journey since June thus far. Since August, I've been learning to run and in October I did my first 5K running, and in less than 2 weeks I'm doing my first Half. I'm excited, nervous and anxious! Trying to watch my weight while training. All the running makes me hungry! haha
  • ktweldon3
    ktweldon3 Posts: 25 Member
    Welcome! What a journey, excited to hear how your firft HM goes, I officially start training on Sunday for mine in June. Good Luck!