
graykeane Posts: 7 Member
Anyone wanna add me as a friend, emails gadkeane@hormail.co.uk


  • claram5415
    claram5415 Posts: 512 Member
    I will add you. Where in the UK are you? Are you vegan for health or ethical reasons or both?
  • graykeane
    graykeane Posts: 7 Member
    Hey Clara, I'm living near a place called Newcastle in northern England. Not the best of places but not all bad. I'm a vegan for both ethical and health reasons. If I wasn't a vegan I'd be a lot bigger now so this I am greatful for. How about yourself?
  • gingerb85
    gingerb85 Posts: 357 Member
    I'm vegan. You can send me a friend request. I'm from Louisiana. Land of anti-vegans. :^/
  • claram5415
    claram5415 Posts: 512 Member
    I live in Houston, Texas (USA). I grew up in Louisiana, where gingerb85 is from. Great place but they do eat a lot of fattening stuff! I had some health issues so I'm becoming more and more vegan and working out like crazy. It has really helped my cholesterol level, etc. And I feel good about helping save animals.
  • sunryzer
    sunryzer Posts: 31 Member
    I'm from Bournemouth, UK - feel free to add me anyone, always nice to have more vegans on my friends list :)

    I'm vegan for ethical reasons primarily but enjoying the health benefits and much more aware of the environmental and social issues now too.
  • bilzprincess
    bilzprincess Posts: 107 Member
    I hv frequently wondered at how difficult veganism wld be in ur area, gingerb. More power to u. I live in the pacific nw, so it's not such a tough row to hoe here.