Goals for 2012?

Leigh_D Posts: 356 Member
What are your Health & Fitness Goals this year?

Other goals you would like to share?



  • My fitness goals is to exercise a minimum of 3 times a week and eat healthy. I figure if I do these two things, I'll reach my overall goal of good health and weight/fat loss.

    I've loss about 100 lbs over the last year, but I've recently gained back about 10 to 15 lbs. So I really am trying to get motivated again.
  • eldersherry
    eldersherry Posts: 4 Member
    My goal for 2012 is to stick to my goals for 2012! C: Exercising at least 3 days a week and really trying to change my eating habits. I've always been over weight since like the 3rd grade and its time for it to stop. I want to be around to see my daughter grow up!
  • rosebayer
    rosebayer Posts: 27 Member
    My weight goal is to be 130 lbs by the end of September.
    My fitness goal is to run the Teton Dam half marathon in June.
  • k9hrd
    k9hrd Posts: 351 Member
    My fitness goal is to meet the idaho state POST Fitness standards.
  • I have so many goals. My main goal is just to healthy and be able to keep up with my busy boys. :smile: I want to be down to 130. we will see what this new lifestyle will bring me.465265.png
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  • jim4sparks
    jim4sparks Posts: 2 Member
    I am a pilot in the Army National Guard and I have an annual flight physical in December. The past few years my weight and blood pressure have gone up, and my cholesterol has been high. I started at 242 lbs 3 1/2 months ago.
    My goal is to get down to 200 lbs. I am half way there from where I started 3 months ago. I haven't weighed 200 lbs in 20 years...

    I plan to achieve my goal by focusing on:
    Staying reasonably close to my daily calorie goal
    Watch my portions and make better food choices
    Nothing is off limits but moderation is key
    I want to work out 3-5 times a week
    I want to drink 14 glasses of water a day
    Good luck to everyone on your goals
    and friend me if you want an accountability partner

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  • My goal for 2012 is to get down to where I want to be and then live my life everyday in a way that I can help everyone around me be more healthy and enjoy life more. I want to teach several Hula Hoop Fitness and Hoop Dancing classes. I am holding back from that until I reach my weight loss goal though. Gives me something awesome to look forward too. I have to stay strong, but I know I will get there when I am ready!
  • mamalisa150
    mamalisa150 Posts: 11 Member
    My 2012 Goal is to lose another 15 pounds then get pregnant!
  • ngressman
    ngressman Posts: 229 Member
    My goal is to get to my weight goal by November. It is difficult, but I have help. A sister is doing the weight loss journey with me, and I also have enlisted my son's help. I wanted him to help with my workouts, but he is trying to help with the food. He literally will take unhealthy snacks away from me. So I have to wrestle him if I really want a Twinkie or some other treat. I have only been desperate enough to do this once, and I won. lol
  • casNrice
    casNrice Posts: 14
    My goal is 50 lbs lighter by November 17th. I started at 263 in January weighed 243 at Doc's yesterday!! Slow going and a major lull in my progress for the past 3 months. Ready and needing to get a move on again. I got a jersey signed by my favorite Bronco...Shea McClellin and my deal with myself is that if I don't lose 50 lbs by Nov 17th, my son Shae's birthday, I have to give him the jersey as a birthday gift. I really want to keep my jersey!!!