Is everyone doing 30 days straight?! Or....

2fit4fat Posts: 559 Member
okay so just curious is everyone doing 30 days straight?! Anyone doing rest days?! Are you just doing shred?! Or something else as well?! Cant wait to take my before pics with my hubby tomorrow. I will also to elliptical, dance with my little boys and Callanetics and core fusion. :-) but those will be kind of mixed different days :-) I'm debating whether or not to take Sunday off?! What's everyone doing?!


  • slimmerchick
    slimmerchick Posts: 189 Member
    I'll try and do it every day but I'm sure there will be some days when I can't - so I will see how it goes!
  • DeeS33
    DeeS33 Posts: 10 Member
    I'm hoping to do it every day but with working shifts including nights I may have 2 have a rest day sometimes. I may also do some Cardio at the gym a few times a wk. excited to start this, hope the DVD arrives before Monday. X:happy:
  • gainess
    gainess Posts: 80 Member
    I'm trying to do it straight.. But I will listen to my body as well.. I'm going to still do cardio for at least 20-45 minutes 4-5xs a week including Walking, Zumba Class or Zumba on the wii, EA Active Sports on the Wii and Body Step Aerobics) I don't plan to do any other strength training that the 30DS
  • JammyJae
    JammyJae Posts: 28 Member
    I will be doing it M-F. I will also be doing BootCamp with a group as well.
  • RocksFlower
    RocksFlower Posts: 74 Member
    My plan will be to do the 30 days straight as Jillian suggests. There are times when work and school get too busy, but I'm hoping it won't stop me from getting the 20 minutes in.
    When I did my last attempt I went 8 days straight without rest and I will tell you the first 5 were painful! My legs hurt so bad that it hurt to sit, stand or basically do anything. But, the nice thing is that it didn't hurt so bad that I couldn't continue, I just was in misery for those 20 minutes.
    Best of luck to everyone and please feel free to add me!
  • therighttrack
    therighttrack Posts: 96 Member
    The plan is 30 days straight for me...but I heard this DVD can get pretty intense. So, if my body is saying no, then I will take a day off! I am doing other exercises on the side as well so I am not worried.
  • seattle_chick
    I'm planning to do 30 days straight. I've done the Shred before and I'm going to want to be done with it as quickly as possible. As it is, I can nearly quote all of Jillian's dialogue from memory.

    "If you think you're gonna die... stick with Anita!"
  • couponsaver79
    couponsaver79 Posts: 51 Member
    So glad to see that someone is doing this in addition to the gym. I go 5 days a week and was worried that adding shred would be too much. On topic, I'm going to do shred 4-5 days a week, due to an insane schedule. But I figure 20 minutes I can squeeze in.
  • ladijackson
    ladijackson Posts: 3 Member
    if it doesn't kill me, I'm going to try 30 days straight!
  • laughingatchu630
    laughingatchu630 Posts: 69 Member
    I'm doing it straight through. I also do a cardio dance DVD and a pilates DVD everyday
  • cookie241
    cookie241 Posts: 147 Member
    I will probably be doing mon to fri as I also play netball 3 times a week and run once.
  • MisstoMrs2012
    My plan is to do it every other day - if i do it every day i wouldnt stick to it.

    Although on my "days off" the 30DS i will try and do some cycling or walking or even maybe the Wii Just Dance.
  • leahhugh
    leahhugh Posts: 144 Member
    I'm not going to do straight through. I plan to take saturday and sundays off like I normally do from exercise. I might do it on a sat or sun depending upon what my husband and I are up to! I barely see him during the week, that is why I am off on weekends :)
  • ErinBeth7
    ErinBeth7 Posts: 1,625 Member
    I'm hoping to do 30 least the first 10 days straight to acclimate my body.
  • dealluver
    dealluver Posts: 45 Member
    I am planning on doing the 30 days straight...hope my body will put up with the challenge. Anyone know how to log this exercise?
  • kellymcampbell
    I am planning on doing the 30 days straight...hope my body will put up with the challenge. Anyone know how to log this exercise?

    I usually log it as 25 minutes of circuit training.

    Also, I plan to do the 30 days straight as well, but will have to see how my knee holds up. I work shifts as well and am on call, so occasionally I might be forced to skip a day if I just can't squeeze it in. I have the Nike fit app on my iphone though, so am planning to try to fit in one of those workouts if I get called out to backshift unexpectedly lol - similar stuff as the shred but without the weights.
  • JammyJae
    JammyJae Posts: 28 Member
    How did everyone do today?!?! I started on level one and got my butt kicked! Hope everyone did well!! Day 1 0f 30
  • LWatson43
    LWatson43 Posts: 65 Member
    I am going to try and do Monday, Wednesday and Friday probably would die if I tried to do it 30 days straight,
  • h0t_m0m
    h0t_m0m Posts: 79 Member
    I will probably do one rest day per week. I have to be in a bathing suit in 44 days so I have BIG motivation to get it done! My hubby works as a sales engineer and we are going to Los Cabos the 2nd week of March. This is the 4th year that we have went on this trip and most of the sales people are young, slim and trim so this Mom of three has something to prove!! LOL! I have lost most of the weight that I want to so I am doing this to get into shape and try to get rid of my saggy baby belly. If only there was a way to exercise away stretch marks.....
  • RisyaLifsheTova
    RisyaLifsheTova Posts: 305 Member
    I wish I could but im going out of town to visit the bf on Thursday, I will attempt to do this up to Thursday morning . But wont be able to do it again until Tuesday :( so I will be a few days behind :( Wa!