Weight Gain on Week 2

I just completed week two of Turbo Fire and when I weighed in I was up a pound. Its so frustrating because I'm eating better and getting awesome workouts in. Has anyone had this problem?


  • Pickles11
    Pickles11 Posts: 310 Member
    I had this EXACT problem!! I just weighed in today (end of week 2) and I gained one pound. However, I think mine might be because it is the TOM for me. I usually freak out over a gain but it always goes back down pretty quickly, and then I keep moving in the right direction. Don't be discouraged, keep going!
  • cloeyfish
    cloeyfish Posts: 25 Member
    This happened to me the first week of turbo also, it is discouraging but maybe next week's weigh in will be a bigger loss than you thought. Hang in there it will start melting off.
  • simplebeauty
    simplebeauty Posts: 22 Member
    Muscle is more dense then fat...fat just happens to take up more "space" then muscle...you are building muscle with exercise...take a look at what you are eating...you may have to tweak it a bit to ensure more fat loss..
  • 000WhiteRose000
    000WhiteRose000 Posts: 266 Member
    I'm on week 3.

    First 5 day inferno - lost 4 pounds.
    Then stayed the same for week 1, gained 1 pound week 2, and another pound for week 3. I am guessing 1 of 2 things happened:
    Either I just lost water first and that was not to last, or I am gaining muscle now.

    I can definitely see the difference in definition. My body is a lot firmer. It is weird because it’s hard facing the non-changing scares (or even worse, the increasing number), but I am going to stick it out and just see what happens. I’ve been told I look skinner, so I’m hoping I’m loosing fat.

    BTW, I’ve used my digital scales to measure fat percentage, but that changes every day so I don’t relay on it.