Good Morning Everyone!

*sigh* I got out of bed this morning already thinking of excuses to tell you all about why I gained weight.

Here is my last weeks photo:

Here is this weeks photo:

I LOST!! YIppy!!! I was so upset about gaining weight and disappointing you all! That's what makes me feel like this group works for me. In my mind I've disappointed myself PLENTY of times so it doesn't have the same effect as if I were to disappoint my friends!

Thanks for coming on my journey MFP friends!


  • mdtoll
    mdtoll Posts: 39 Member
    last week

    This week :)

    I'm making progress :)
  • agingwithfitness
    agingwithfitness Posts: 1,404 Member

    Ugh, I weighed 145.5 yesterday and 146.6 today! Weekends are hard! I had sweet roll at coffee place yesterday and came home and did extra exercise…how can one thing add a pound? My scale must be weird!

    I started with you guys last week but started on the first at almost 150 so I am still down or I would be going nuts if this was my first week!
  • Mdtoll;youre making some serious progress! Way to go!
  • mdtoll
    mdtoll Posts: 39 Member
    thanks :) You are too!
  • healthymaria: Dont worry, that just means next week will be an even bigger loss :-) weekends ARE hard...i work out durring the week and take my weekends off so i totally know what you mean! Keep doing amazing! :-)
  • agingwithfitness
    agingwithfitness Posts: 1,404 Member
    Thanks, I don't know why I had so much trouble posting the pic…last week went fine! Better next week...
  • MdToll and NicolelaJones great job! :D It's always exciting to step on the scale and she such a wonderful loss. Keep up all the hard work!

    healthymarla, don't beat yourself up about the gain. We all gain for so many different reasons. It's really just important to know that you are still working towards your goal. I bet next week you'll see fantastic results! :)
  • Lost 1.8 pounds:)

  • healthyJodi
    healthyJodi Posts: 31 Member

    OK this sucks, I will never figure this damn pic thing out lol. I am up this week ...... but will be back down. Still lower than when I started so I am okay with that

    172.....168.....170 See what next week brings, Cheers all!!!!!!
    oh crap never mind I got it when I posted it worked.......YA BABY!!! Too bad I couldn't say that about the scale.......
  • Another 2 awesome losses! Way to go ljfolster and jmadancr! :D
  • here's my weigh in - I did it this morning. I LOST YES!!!!!!!

  • Crap!!! my whole picture didn't load.....well it should show 136.:drinker:
  • derra99
    derra99 Posts: 54 Member
    Once again, I have no picture to share, BUT I stood on the scale this morning and it showed 195.4. Thats a loss of 1.4 pounds since last week! YIPPEE! I am so happy. This was a rough week, but I watched my portions and prayed for the best. I'll take a
    - 1.4 any day!
  • So proud of everyone, these are great numbers. I have to admit...the Sunday weigh in is tough on me because I usually have a "cheat meal" Saturday night...but I think it's good in a way because it's holding me accountable for "real weight lost" instead of like water weight.

    Anyway, photobucket is blocked at work, but I weighed in at 142, so I had a loss of 1 pound. Getting there slowly but surely!
  • Can I just say that we have a bunch of friggin ROCK STARS this week!! Way to go everyone! Seriously, this is super!
  • qkidney
    qkidney Posts: 258
    Hey everyone... having trouble working out the whole picture upload thing... Anyway I am up this week. Last Sunday I was 186.7, and yesterday I weighed in at 187.9..... :(

    I will be trying harder this week
  • qkidney keep at it...that just means you will have a larger loss next Sunday :)