Fit, Fabulous, & Pregnant Graduates Checkin



  • Lunarokra
    Lunarokra Posts: 855 Member
    Heather- thanks for all the good info. I feel like a newbie, since my first is 13 1/2 yrs now. :wink:

    Ashley-thanks for the link I read it and it has tons of good information.
  • yahyamommy
    yahyamommy Posts: 69 Member
    Better_balance(ashley- correct me if im wrong with ur name) Actually I have same problem my bedroom is upstairs and kitchen is downstairs. Our traditional way of sterilizing bottles is just to put it in boiling water and warm milk in a pan that what our mothers have been doing.

    I have seen my sis-in- law doing up n down rounds through out the days and nights but she did not has to do other household. So I want that at least I should have some stuff for my own comfort coz living in big joint family comes with a lot of responsibilities.
  • heathercrist1
    heathercrist1 Posts: 810 Member
    On Baby Half Off the Milkies (the milk catcher I rave about and love) is only $14.97! Catch it today while it is still for sale!
  • heathercrist1
    heathercrist1 Posts: 810 Member
    Thanks heather I'm outta my home city for 2-3 days and have limited access.

    Thanks for the comprehensive list of must- haves

    I was thinking a another thing I was watching a YouTube video related to this topic and there a mom raised a point about about umbilical (babies belly button) does it hurt baby then how to dress up taking care of that

    And moms of boys what is Ur experience with dressing up after circumcision?

    otherwise I was looking for DIY for baby stuff and found some cute ideas. I'm definately going to make 1 home-sewn swaddle bag and hooded towel.

    There is just a black stump on the belly button. All you have to do is make sure the diaper is folded down and not on top of it. Just take a cotton ball with alcohol on it every few diaper changes during the day and of course don't submerge it in water (keep it dry). As far as dressing goes, you don't have to do anything differently. It doesn't hurt baby.
  • heathercrist1
    heathercrist1 Posts: 810 Member
    Here is my little bug at two months old:

  • helenmelon29
    helenmelon29 Posts: 787 Member
    Oh she is absolutely gorgeous! I love her little outfit. x
  • yahyamommy
    yahyamommy Posts: 69 Member
    Thanks heather I'm outta my home city for 2-3 days and have limited access.

    Thanks for the comprehensive list of must- haves

    I was thinking a another thing I was watching a YouTube video related to this topic and there a mom raised a point about about umbilical (babies belly button) does it hurt baby then how to dress up taking care of that

    And moms of boys what is Ur experience with dressing up after circumcision?

    otherwise I was looking for DIY for baby stuff and found some cute ideas. I'm definately going to make 1 home-sewn swaddle
    bag and hooded towel.

    There is just a black stump on the belly button. All you have to do is make sure the diaper is folded down and not on top of it. Just take a cotton ball with alcohol on it every few diaper changes during the day and of course don't submerge it in water (keep it dry). As far as dressing goes, you don't have to do anything differently. It doesn't hurt baby.

    Thanks heather! now i remember something like that. my youngest sister was born when I was 11, so i remember some tidbits from her childhood.

    Charlee is looking adorable in the pic!
  • nkster781
    nkster781 Posts: 235 Member
    Hi guys:0)

    Just want to give you a few of the things that have been life savers for us.

    For Breastfeeding:
    -First off use the nurses and lactation consultants at the hospital. They are awesome and each can give you different tips. I also had a private session at home a week later to weigh her and see how much milk she was getting from each side. It really helped my confidence and helped answer any questions I came across.

    -Medela breast shields are awesome. They protect your sensitive nipples from rubbing on your cloths. -- the hospital actually gave these to me and I wear them a lot.

    - Mother Love Nipple Cream is also great --

    - In the beginning Hannah would latch wrong so I had really sore nipples so my Midwife prescribed Dr. Jack Newmans all purpose nipple ointment, its a compound that only certain pharmacies will mix but it is a life savor. It helps heal your nipples plus it numbs them a bit to make it more comfortable to nurse while they heal. Insurance usually doesn't cover it but it's around $30 and completely worth it. As soon as you are sore tell your doc they can help you!

    -Be prepared for the commitment it takes. Babies nurse every 2-3 hours around the clock and sometimes they cluster feed just about ever hour. It takes anywhere between 15 minutes to an hour to nurse each time, sometimes longer if your baby likes to fall asleep. I had read about this but kinda dismissed it while pregnant. In the beginning it is hard especially while you both are learning. You can do it though. Hannah is almost 4 weeks old now and we both rock at it. The first 2 weeks are the hardest.

    I have not done this yet but I read that a great place to pump if you are going back to work is in the car while you commute. You can Youtube people showing you great tips to make it easier. I ordered one of the hands free bras.

    Great Items to have:

    - The miracle blanket for swaddling -- we thought Hannah hated to be swaddled but once swaddled she does sleep longer. This is the only thing that worked to keep her swaddled. She could get right out of the Swaddle mes and regular blankets. This is a baby straight jacket. Works great for when you are nursing and baby is really fussy and is grabbing you with their hands or trying to put your nipple and hands in their mouth at the same time.

    -A coworker recommended the Fisher-Price Newborn Rock 'n Play Sleeper -- --we just got this last week as we could not get Hannah to sleep by herself. She likes sleeping in this and have been able to have her sleep in it a night.

    - Some kind of carrier. This is the only way you will get things done in the beginning when baby just wants to be held 24/7. I have the BABYBJÖRN Baby Carrier Original --ÖRN-Baby-Carrier-Original-Classic/dp/B0009JOSNM/ref=sr_1_1?s=baby-products&ie=UTF8&qid=1327085334&sr=1-1 -- I love it and Hannah loves it.

    -Bouncers are awesome to use when you want to take a shower. Put the baby in it in the bathroom with you. I have the Fisher-Price Infant-To-Toddler Rocker --

    That's all I can think of now, I'll add more if I think of anything. Hope this helps at least one of you:0)

  • atomdraco
    atomdraco Posts: 1,083 Member
    Hi guys:0)

    Just want to give you a few of the things that have been life savers for us.

    For Breastfeeding:
    -First off use the nurses and lactation consultants at the hospital. They are awesome and each can give you different tips. I also had a private session at home a week later to weigh her and see how much milk she was getting from each side. It really helped my confidence and helped answer any questions I came across.

    -Medela breast shields are awesome. They protect your sensitive nipples from rubbing on your cloths. -- the hospital actually gave these to me and I wear them a lot.

    - Mother Love Nipple Cream is also great --

    - In the beginning Hannah would latch wrong so I had really sore nipples so my Midwife prescribed Dr. Jack Newmans all purpose nipple ointment, its a compound that only certain pharmacies will mix but it is a life savor. It helps heal your nipples plus it numbs them a bit to make it more comfortable to nurse while they heal. Insurance usually doesn't cover it but it's around $30 and completely worth it. As soon as you are sore tell your doc they can help you!

    -Be prepared for the commitment it takes. Babies nurse every 2-3 hours around the clock and sometimes they cluster feed just about ever hour. It takes anywhere between 15 minutes to an hour to nurse each time, sometimes longer if your baby likes to fall asleep. I had read about this but kinda dismissed it while pregnant. In the beginning it is hard especially while you both are learning. You can do it though. Hannah is almost 4 weeks old now and we both rock at it. The first 2 weeks are the hardest.

    I have not done this yet but I read that a great place to pump if you are going back to work is in the car while you commute. You can Youtube people showing you great tips to make it easier. I ordered one of the hands free bras.

    Great Items to have:

    - The miracle blanket for swaddling -- we thought Hannah hated to be swaddled but once swaddled she does sleep longer. This is the only thing that worked to keep her swaddled. She could get right out of the Swaddle mes and regular blankets. This is a baby straight jacket. Works great for when you are nursing and baby is really fussy and is grabbing you with their hands or trying to put your nipple and hands in their mouth at the same time.

    -A coworker recommended the Fisher-Price Newborn Rock 'n Play Sleeper -- --we just got this last week as we could not get Hannah to sleep by herself. She likes sleeping in this and have been able to have her sleep in it a night.

    - Some kind of carrier. This is the only way you will get things done in the beginning when baby just wants to be held 24/7. I have the BABYBJÖRN Baby Carrier Original --ÖRN-Baby-Carrier-Original-Classic/dp/B0009JOSNM/ref=sr_1_1?s=baby-products&ie=UTF8&qid=1327085334&sr=1-1 -- I love it and Hannah loves it.

    -Bouncers are awesome to use when you want to take a shower. Put the baby in it in the bathroom with you. I have the Fisher-Price Infant-To-Toddler Rocker --

    That's all I can think of now, I'll add more if I think of anything. Hope this helps at least one of you:0)


    Thanks for sharing!

    My friend also got the Rock 'n Play sleepers, and prays it! She also recommended "Boppy Noggin Nest Head Support" if one is paranoid about flat head (me). You can get it from Amazon (currently out of stock) or Baby R Us. Here is a picture of it:

    I have 2 Miracle Baby Swaddling Blanket too from my 1st child, it's absolutely great and I love them. My friend bought "Summer Infant Swaddlepod", and she likes it very much:

  • heathercrist1
    heathercrist1 Posts: 810 Member
    I absolutely LOVE this blog and thought this was so true and funny...please read! :)
  • atomdraco
    atomdraco Posts: 1,083 Member
    I absolutely LOVE this blog and thought this was so true and funny...please read! :)

    LOL!!! Oh gosh, so true isn't it! Loved it & thanks for sharing.

  • Raynamama
    Raynamama Posts: 480 Member
    Heather - Charlee is SO adorable!

    Nichole - thank you for posting all that! Those are great tips, so glad to hear breastfeeding is going so well for you :)
  • yahyamommy
    yahyamommy Posts: 69 Member
    it gets more funny as u read to end:)
  • mistigoodwin
    mistigoodwin Posts: 411 Member
    Heather - Charlee is adorable!! What a cute idea for a pic. I love looking back and reading through all the stages my son was at. SO FUN!!!
  • sabrinafaith
    sabrinafaith Posts: 607 Member
    someone asked about circumcision- listen to the dr or whoever is doing the cutting, if you are afraid you will forget about how to care for it, then have him write it down for you. make sure you have A & D and also Bacitracin. I believe I had to alternate between the two whenever i had to change my son. It really isn't that difficult to do, but a lot of women get scared about dealing with this particular wound. Also, if your baby starts being super cranky and screaming all day long 3 days after- that is completely normal. Apparently every baby gets like this exactly 3 days later, I think that's when its starts to heal and the skin is uncomfortable. Also, make sure you have the circumcisor's (????) number on hand in case you think it starts to look infected. You can also call the pediatrician.

    bibs- some babies spit up like crazy (like mine) some never spit up once in their entire lives. You have no idea which baby you will have. I suggest having 4-7 bibs on hand, just in case. you will probably need them once you start solids anyway.
  • Lunarokra
    Lunarokra Posts: 855 Member
    Heather- Absolutley adorable! That is so cute, thanks for sharing.

    Nichole-Thanks for all the info.

    Luv to see and hear the babies and mommies are doing awesome. We shall join this board soon.

    ~Brenda~35wks 1dy
  • Kalee34
    Kalee34 Posts: 674 Member
    Hey guys!! Just wanted to chime in on some of the topics & questions.

    Heather mentioned the hot flashes and night sweats after having the baby. This is so true, I would wake up completely soaked during the night. I did this for about 4 - 6 weeks.

    The Dr. Brown's bottles are great if you have a baby with colic or a sensitive stomach. I nursed my 1st 3 babies, so I never used bottles. Then #4 I had to bottle feed and I just used Walmart brand or whatever kind of bottle was the cheapest, but he didn't have any kinds of problems. With baby #5 I am bottle feeding again and he is lactose intolerant and has a sensative stomach so he is on Lactose free formula and uses the Dr. Brown's bottles. They do take a little extra time to clean, but it is worth it. And as far as the smell goes, it has been my experience that anytime you leave formala closed up in a bottle, no matter what bottle, it is going to start smelling.

    As far as circumcision goes, I have delt with this 4 times now. All you need is some neosporin or some vaseline. The OB Dr. that did my boys just said to apply either of those every time you change their diaper. It really isn't that bad, the baby is too young to know what is going on, so it's not a big deal. I have all my babies at home, so my first 2 boys were much older(23 months & 15 months) when they got circumcised, it was a little more difficult to doctor with them being old enough to know what was going on and it hurt them more. However, I found that the spray on neosporin worked great for the older boys. But the regular old neosporin ointment was fine for my last 2 boys(they were circumcised at 4 days & 6 days).

    If any of you guys have any questions, feel free to ask!!

    Mother to Montana(7), Noah(5), Landon(4), Logan(2) & Kallon(3 months)
  • EngiAli
    EngiAli Posts: 83 Member
    I breastfed but we did do the odd bottle. It took me a long time to learn that I didn't have to kill myself to pump milk to give her when i was going to be away, that the odd bottle of formula was more then ok!

    And if you are not Martha Stewart, as I am surely not, you may love the Platex Bottles with the disposible liners. All you need to wash is the nipple! I know its a bit of waste but if you aren't using them exclusively then its a great system.

    Also - you can never own too many crib sheets (no less then 3), receiving blankets or wash clothes (once they start eating).
  • heathercrist1
    heathercrist1 Posts: 810 Member
    Great advice ladies!

    I also wanted to add that for all of you nursing moms...having a big bottle of ice water (I use the water jug they gave me at the hospital) with you at all times, especially at night while you are awake nursing is so very important! Nursing will trigger a hormone to make you thirsty for a reason! Drink, drink, drink!
  • Raynamama
    Raynamama Posts: 480 Member
    Hey momma's :)

    Just have a question or just wanted to know your overall thoughts on early labour...did anyone experience constant surges of pain/pressure in your cervix area? It's been happening to me for about a week off and on and then I got checked on Thursday and the Dr found I was starting to efface and dilate - since I've been checked it's gotten a bit more intense and has lasted longer - there's been nothing this morning but it was pretty consistent yesterday and Thursday.

    This is my first baby so I really have no idea what to expect. The pain isn't too bad, if I had to rate it on a scale of 1-10 I would rate it at about a 3-4 and I can still go about my daily routine etc.

    Anyways just curious about anyone else having a similar experience? I am pretty sure my cervix is just probably dilating/effacing more maybe? and this is just pre labour - I've read and heard that this can last for weeks before you actually go into labour but again just curious to hear of other experiences.
    As of Monday I will be 37 weeks so he'll be ok to come anytime after that ;)

    Anyway any insight you ladies have would be great to hear!


    36 weeks 6 days