Official weigh-in thread for Tuesday, January 24, 2012

ironband Posts: 157 Member
It's a new week!



  • andy_gilfrin
    Start 01/01/2012 - 267 Pounds

    24/01/2012 - 261 Pounds (Down 6lbs)

    OK so I have decided to wiped the slate clean for 2012 and I'm starting again. Dropped a few pounds this week but that's most likely water weight for the most part.
  • ironband
    ironband Posts: 157 Member
    Alright, it's a good week so far!

    Starting Weight (6/15/2011): 260.5 lbs
    Current Goal Weight: 205 lbs
    Last Week's Weight: 208 lbs
    Today's Weight: 205.5 lbs

    Down 2.5 lbs today - On the honeymoon of my new workout program - I've started lifting weights 3-4 days a week, and added a lot of protein to my diet. But I'm still doing some cardio as well. After I lose this last half pound I'll be taking the calories to maintanence, but continuing to work out. I guess at that point I'll have to start measuring body fat % to truly track progress...anyone have any recommendations for calipers or a scale or something?

    Andy, great work - even if it is water weight, DOWN IS DOWN!!!

    Happy Weigh Day to all!

  • EmmaJade706
    EmmaJade706 Posts: 39 Member
    I actually did well this week..and i didnt even know it lol

    L.W: 265
    C..W: 260
    Loss: 5LBS...YAYY!
    G.W: 200lbs

    Happy Weight Loss Journey
  • andy_gilfrin

    ...anyone have any recommendations for calipers or a scale or something?

    Excellent result so far...

    As for calipers or scales, as far as I know the whole body fat percentage thing is hit and miss and with the home style stuff it's as much about hydration as anything else when it comes to the handhelds.

    I measure myself on a scale in a pharmacy which also has a fat percentage option, I do it but to be honest the results have generally been all over the place, up and down 5-10% week on week.

    Well done Emily
  • xwllflwrx
    xwllflwrx Posts: 24 Member
    12/27/11 - Weight: 256
    01/03/12 - Weight: 254 Loss: -2
    01/10/12 - Weight: 251 Loss: -3
    01/17/12 - Weight: 251 Loss:
    01/24/12 - Weight: 247 Loss: -4
    January GW: 246
  • ironband
    ironband Posts: 157 Member
    Good work everyone!

    And everyone who didn't post today, We don't bite...I promise!
  • garlic7girl
    garlic7girl Posts: 2,236 Member
    I went back down and I am sooooo surprised but happy so back at where I started which is GREAT!