Introduce yourself!!

Once you've joined, please share and introduce yourself. Let us know why you chose this group! I look forward to hearing from you! :happy:


  • monih10
    monih10 Posts: 577 Member
    Hi!! I'm Monica.....I'm new with the whole Yoga thing....but I am getting more into it and learning more about it. I would love to have more friends that also enjoy yoga and share more information about it!!

    I love meeting new ppl, so feel free to add me!! =]
  • imma64
    imma64 Posts: 4
    Hi there,

    I used to do a lot of yoga after my child was born as I noticed I was being less and less flexible. Then I took a job that required a lot of travel and no time to exercise or yoga so I put so much on weight !!

    Now I am trying to get back to my once healthy lifestyle, I started the 17 day diet (which is not as crazy as it may sounds) !!
    Created by - Free Calorie Counter
  • AfrikanRose
    AfrikanRose Posts: 6 Member
    Hello there. I'm Nikki. I have been doing Bikram Yoga for the past 4 months. The problem is my diet sucks. So, all the Rabbit-Camel-Lotus-Bow Poses in the world won't remove the chub, so I am making the effort to finally clean my diet up. :)
  • Missklara
    Missklara Posts: 282 Member
    Hello there. I'm Nikki. I have been doing Bikram Yoga for the past 4 months. The problem is my diet sucks. So, all the Rabbit-Camel-Lotus-Bow Poses in the world won't remove the chub, so I am making the effort to finally clean my diet up. :)

    i totally agree! i cannot do some poses because of my belly -.-
    that's so awkward...

    oh, and i'm Klara btw :happy: i'm new in yoga, i started 5 month ago and i'm doing power yoga :wink:
  • Buddhasmiracle
    Buddhasmiracle Posts: 925 Member
    Hello, I'm Jean. I practice Hatha yoga. It is part of my spiritual journey. I was raised in a Christian Church; more recently, until I relocated, I attended Buddhist sanghas. My current readings include the works of Thich Nhat Hanh, and Eknath Easwaran. If you are interested in meditation, but not Buddhism, I recommend "The Three Minute Mediator," by David Harp.
  • cdparmer
    cdparmer Posts: 21 Member
    Hi, I am a 200h RYA Hatha student and teacher. I took the yoga teacher training course to improve my personal practice and really enjoyed the whole process. I am looking to lose the extra weight that I put on over the years with the goal of feeling strong and not self conscious about my body. Looking forward to this journey.
  • Jofinnjo
    Jofinnjo Posts: 1 Member
    Hi I'm Jo, I used to practice Hatha yoga, but haven't for some time....this year I'm hoping to get back on track, by practicing yoga and eating well. No more excuses.
  • Buddhasmiracle
    Buddhasmiracle Posts: 925 Member
    Namaste to everyone here.
  • kalamitykate83
    kalamitykate83 Posts: 227 Member
    Hello! I started doing Hot Yoga (similar to Bikram) back in October 2011, but since Christmas I've really got into it and I'm trying to go 2-3 times a week. I'm loving it as it feels like a workout as well as a time for relaxation.

    Eating wise, since January 3rd I've been really good and my diet has become alot healthier ... I go by the 80/20 rule, so I'm good for 80% of the time then 20% of the time I allow myself a treat, wine etc!

    I really want to focus more on eating raw food as don't want my weight loss to plateau ... I've lost 21lbs since March 2011, and have about another 15 to lose to get to my target weight. I know I can do it as I have before, but this time I want to maintain the loss once it's happened! x
  • Hi, i am Lindsey. I really need to get back to my yoga routine. I have a great Kundalini video (flexibility and the spine). I love that it gives me a great workout and strengthens my core! I have a history of back and neck problems (and currently have vertigo), so I need to get centered! I can do most of the video and just need to get back on the wagon :)

    Oh...I am also currently on the Body Ecology Diet (anti candida). I am hoping this will help the dizzies!! It is a great mostly eat alkaline veggies with a little bit of meat OR gluten free grains. It is all about food combining and creating an alkaline environment.
  • odonogc
    odonogc Posts: 223 Member
    Hi Everyone,

    I recently got back into yoga after almost getting hurt doing a Jillian Michaels video. I just decided that it was what my body needed.

    I practice yoga at home for about an hour a day, On weekdays I do it in the morning before my daughter or DH are awake.

    I use a few different videos, but I'm always on the lookout for new ones!

    Feel free to add me. :)

  • sugarcrystal8
    sugarcrystal8 Posts: 38 Member
    Hi everyone! This is the perfect group for me to join!! I began eating clean in November and easily dropped 10 pounds but have had trouble since then. I now have been eating Primal/Paleo for 2 full months (80%) and am feeling tons better and less hungry. I had been doing Zumba 4-5 times a week thinking that would help me lose some weight and all I lost was 3 pounds in 5 weeks. I realized that the cardio was just making me eat more on those days so I thought back to when I was at my physical best and realized I was doing yoga and strength training. Aha!

    So last week I joined a CorePower Yoga studio nearby and have dropped cardio altogether and did 4 classes last week. I had never done "hot" yoga before and luckily the beginner class is only at 85 degrees, so I'm working my way towards the more advanced classes and 100 degrees. Already 1 week in I mentally feel so much better and my muscles are sore in new places. I'm building strength in the upper body, which is my weak spot, is a great benefit. Next week I'll add in some short strength training 3x a week with a kettlebell I just bought. So I hope in another few weeks I will actually see some change in my weight and measurements finally.

    Thanks for starting this group!
  • I love yoga!!

    More specifically, the afterwards, not the during.

    I joined this Group, as the name has a positive feel, "Eating Clean". Additionally, being in a supportive group is great!

    Looking forward to liaising with yourselves.

    Cheers ^^
  • vajrasattva
    vajrasattva Posts: 8 Member
    Hey! I just started a 3-week cleanse based on the book "Clean" by Dr. Alejandro Junger. I'm hoping to sort out some digestive issues that I've been struggling with, restore balance in my body and mind, and hopefully shed a few pounds. So I thought I'd look for a group that's oriented towards clean eating, and lo! I find one that loves Yoga too.

    I have been doing Yoga for the last 7 years and just recently started incorporating Bikram routines. I'm also Buddhist and meditate daily. Looking forward to learning about all of your journeys and supporting the goals of the group. =)
  • deebelky
    deebelky Posts: 32 Member
    hello! i do eat clean and love it! it is now definitely a lifestyle, although not an obsession if that makes sense. had a lot of neck problems a couple months back and doc said you shouldn't run anymore -- so after a lot of feeling sorry for myself, i bought some yoga dvd's. i don't know a thing about all these kinds of yoga y'all are talking about, but i do know i enjoy my beginning yoga time. it makes my body feel great, and i know i'm getting stronger just from the yoga. i have started doing a little bit of weight training now (a little bit), and see the yoga and the free weights as being a great combo. and yes, am walking... nice to meet you all. was really excited to see a yoga PLUS eat clean group and look forward to the motivation i will find here. have a fantastic weekend.
  • jplucheck
    jplucheck Posts: 275 Member
    Hi everyone - my name is Jody and I have been practicing yoga (bikram) for over 5 years now. I just signed up for teacher training in October in Thailand, I am so super excited but nervous. Does anyone know how difficult it is to get started in a new studio?
  • MariaFlippen
    MariaFlippen Posts: 5 Member
    Hi All, I am Maria and I love love love Yoga. I take a variety of classes at our local co-op studio and would like to continue to improve, getting stronger and more flexible, and better at clearing my mind of all the thoughts :). I would LOVE to teach someday.
  • emily501
    emily501 Posts: 2 Member
    Hi I'm Emily - VERY new to yoga (as in still in pain from yoga 4 days ago new :D ) but trying to improve my diet and exercise habits and live a cleaner, healthier lifestyle - and maybe lose a pound or 60 in the process. I would love love to meet people in the seattle area who are starting out with yoga as well - it's hard being the new kid in class :)
  • Just switched from LoseIt to MFP! I do yoga 6 of 7 days a week, and was particularly looking for a group focused in ashtanga, but this is good for now! I feel a difference in my daily life when I do not do yoga that morning, it is purely invigorating!
  • Hi, I am Soha from Ottawa. Have started Yoga at home through following YouTube videos and website instruction. Need inspiration a lot. I have to loss lots of extra weight for the sake of health! Doctor's suggestion indeed...
