10 Day Progress Report

LoveActually Posts: 177 Member
If you would like to share your progress thus far on 30DS, please share here.


  • shmunster
    shmunster Posts: 538 Member
    I've decided not to measure til the end, but I'll do my normal weigh in tomorrow and I'll be at L2D2 by then
  • CanuckTracy
    CanuckTracy Posts: 245 Member
    I am weighing in tomorrow too...but don't want to measure until after 30 days...
  • lostsanity137
    lostsanity137 Posts: 298 Member
    I've lost about 2-3 pounds so far. Not measuring until I am done. :)
  • loraloha74
    I'm weighing in tomorrow. Last day of level one!
  • bkbabe99
    bkbabe99 Posts: 96 Member
    I'm planning to weigh in on Wednesday morning which will be my first day of level 2.
  • nymphis
    nymphis Posts: 59 Member
    I finished my Day 10 yesterday. I lost 2lbs but that was on Saturday (my weigh in day).

    I definatelly feel stronger now and I am looking forward to level 2 today.

    I am crap at measuring so will measure at the end.
  • SlinkyPinkyBunsOfSteel
    I've lost about 2-3 pounds so far. Not measuring until I am done. :)
    Me too, I've lost 2.9lbs precisely. I'll give my measurements at the end too. I want to be surprised!:bigsmile:
  • shmunster
    shmunster Posts: 538 Member
    I'll give my measurements at the end too. I want to be surprised!:bigsmile:

    Me too, I figure I'll either be surprised in a good way or a bad way hahaha!
  • beccah88
    beccah88 Posts: 57 Member
    I weighed in today and I have put on 1lb! This isn't great but its not bad considering in the first couple of days I put on 2lb so at least it is coming down.

    I measured in today too. I'll put the exact measurements on the end day but I'll show what I've lost/stayed the same.

    Waist: -1inch
    Arms: -0.5inch
    Hips: Same
    Belly: -0.5inch
    Thighs: -0.5inch
  • docsallen
    docsallen Posts: 159 Member
    Congrats Beccah! I am hoping to see similar results around my waist and belly. I weighed in this morning and I have lost 2.2 lbs since last Tuesday - my first day of level 1. I've changed my eating habits this past month so I know the weight loss is probably due to that. But my middle feels more tone already and I'm looking forward to taking my measurements.
  • loraloha74
    I have lost 3 lbs. since starting 30 DS. Can't wait to start level 2! Great job hotties!

    Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Free Calorie Counter
  • tadpole711
    No weight loss which is frustrating but things are changing.
    Arms -.5"
    Bust -1"
    Belly button -2.5"
    Hips -1.25"
    Butt -1.5"
    Thighs -1"
  • LoveActually
    LoveActually Posts: 177 Member
    tadpole - Those are nice drops from your measurements, especially at the belly button. Congrats!

    beccah - Nice drops! =)

    Remember peeps, muscle weighs more than fat so if there is minimal loss don't worry about it.

    I will not be measuring either but it's mainly because I just started my menstrual cycle (sorry guys) and I have the dreaded bloat going on. But I have lost 3lbs so far and Day 10 is done. On to level two tomorrow.
  • OMGLeigh
    OMGLeigh Posts: 236
    I missed a day, so I feel like I am really only on Day 9. On the bright side I had a NSV. I did 15 knee push-ups in a row, no breaks, and I did sit-ups until the segment was over. I'm pretty proud of myself since on Day 1 I was resting between push-ups every 2 or so.
  • GypsyOverstreet
    I had to take a few days off because of a pulled muscle due to some Zumba... LOL... But just finished Day 6 and I have lost 2 lbs since I started but haven't measured yet... Everyone keep up the great work!!!
  • Marebare74
    I've lost about 1.5 lbs.... I really need to buy a tape measure, so I can quantify my changes that way. I know I have lost inches just by the comfort of clothes. As a side note, level 2 confirms how I do not have good core and upper body strength. I had to do all the modified versions of all the plank activities. Plank jacks? Are you kidding me? Maybe I need to add some extra pushups to my day, otherwise I doubt I will ever be able to do this stuff the hard way.
  • shmunster
    shmunster Posts: 538 Member
    I've put on 400gm (almost a pound) this week


    I think its the muscle, and also I've been eating too much processed crap even though I stay within my cals most days so I think its a sign
  • CanuckTracy
    CanuckTracy Posts: 245 Member
    just did level 2 day one and its fricking tough...its do-able but it ain't easy!
  • runbyme
    runbyme Posts: 522 Member
    Tomorrow is day 10 for me and also my weigh day! "fingers crossed" :wink: I will wait until I'm finished with 30 days before measuring again! Good luck everyone!
  • bkbabe99
    bkbabe99 Posts: 96 Member
    Just did my weigh-in. I've lost 2.5 lbs so far (yay). The last time I weighed myself was the day I begin working out and eating better which was about 4 days prior to starting 30DS. Some of my measurements have not changed (yet).

    Bust 42"
    Arms 13 1/2"
    true waist 37"
    > 35" (area that folds in when u bend to the side)
    waist 39"
    > 38" (Where my pants actually sit)
    stomach 41 1/2"
    > 39" (at my belly button where my stomach sticks out farthest ugh)
    hips 43"
    > 42"
    thighs 23"

    On to level 2 this morning!