"Fat, Sick and Nearly dead"



  • iheartyarn
    iheartyarn Posts: 141 Member
    How are you doing bungee tune???
  • martinbeks
    martinbeks Posts: 255 Member
    I love to juice. I'm hoping that I can start a juice fast some weekend soon (that way, I hopefully won't go through the terrible detox I've heard of while attempting to work).
  • verito
    verito Posts: 19 Member
    I had my first day juicing, and it was a successful day!. I'm happy that I can try different combinations of vegetables and fruits and they are delicious!
  • iheartyarn
    iheartyarn Posts: 141 Member
    martinbeks often the 3rd and 4th day are the worst! depending on how long you plan on fasting i would start on thursday! my husband is doing a long term juice fast, and the first day he felt fine, the second he felt a little cloudy/fuzzy in his head, today he has been in bed all day.. tomorrow i expect it to be a bit better, and by the 5th day he should feel great.

    i am doing a lot of juicing but not a real fast, i am still nursing so i don't want to detox.. but i am on day 3 of juicing b-fast, eating a whole foods vegan lunch and juicing dinner... i feel great! tons of energy!
  • So glad I found this group!

    I just watched the film last week and immediately ordered a juicer. It came today and I went and bought some fruits/veggies, so will be juicing breakfast and dinner starting tomorrow. I am moving this week, so I don't want to start a full fast in case it makes me feel horrible, but next week IT'S ON!!!
  • iheartyarn
    iheartyarn Posts: 141 Member
    how is everyone doing?? :D
  • sonyachan
    sonyachan Posts: 518 Member
    Just watched the movie last night and my BF and I are so inspired! Not sure we can afford a juicer right now, but hopefully very soon. I am training for my first 10K so I think I'll wait and do the fast when I'm not burning 450 calories a day, but my BF is ready to do it! I'm so glad because he is not the healthiest eater ever. He's not much overweight but he has a crazy sweet tooth! Hopefully we can make some lasting changes to our health and maybe even get my son to try some. :)
  • iheartyarn
    iheartyarn Posts: 141 Member
    My kids love to help juice! And drink it too ! But they are still pretty young
  • Hello all,
    Sorry I have not been on here for a while. My juicer broke and I lost motivation after 21 days and 25 pounds No one else was fasting here for support. I couldn't do it alone. I kept my weight down through about the second week in Dec. But did not keep signing in here, so, the last two weeks of December killed me. I through in the towel and gained 20 pounds back by Jan 1. I needed SUPPORT but didn't wnt my ticker to move backward. So, I stayed away from here. I then found a large group on Fecebook that was starting Jan 1. As of Jan 21 I have lost the before mentioned 20 pounds plus 10 more. I won't repeat Dec. again. Support makes all the difference no matter where you find it. Good luck.
  • rm830
    rm830 Posts: 531 Member
    Bungee, I'm a rebooter...this is my 3rd time around since last June. Please feel free to add for support, that goes for everyone. Rebooting is different and most people don't understand it...so it's good to have others who are in the same boat and know the benefits of doing this.
  • Hang in there and keep up the good you've done! I read your progress over those 21 days, wow! I have a question for you.... I saw the movie, was inspired, BUT I don't like 'Juicing'. (cuz of the mess, lazy I guess...) BUT I do have a penchant for Green Smoothies and have many similar recipes out there. If I go the Green Smoothie route, is it like Rebooting? Thanks.
  • rm830
    rm830 Posts: 531 Member
    Rick, I've done smoothies also so I could add banana and avocado etc...it depends on what you put in your smoothies. I don't add any yogurt or anything like that...I juice celery, carrots, cucumbers and use that for the "liquid" in the smoothies.
  • rm830.. Thanks, I don't add anything but water or ice too... so using the juice of the other ingredients sounds like a plan.. :bigsmile:
  • rm830
    rm830 Posts: 531 Member
    No probs, the juice makes the smoothies extra yummy :)
  • If you don't mind making smothies and the only thing holding you back from a juice fast is cleaning the juicer....I have an easy fix for you. You can run everything through your blender then run that through a nut milk bag.
    You can get one of those t any health food store. In a couple minutes you will have remover the pulp and be drinking juice.
  • sanjoparolas
    sanjoparolas Posts: 549 Member
    I saw the movie based on the recommendations here, and was very touched and inspired. I am on day 2 with mainly getting my nutrition from juice. Thank you everyone for sharing your experiences!
  • seal57
    seal57 Posts: 1,259 Member
    I'm starting slowly on the fast as I want to wait till I have time off next month to really give it a good go....

    What does everyone to with the pulp?...I was thinking of freezing it and using it in smoothies....
  • Well the apple pulp I keep and put into a blender with some of the apple juice. Once blended into a paste I add cinnamon and ground nutmeg. I chill this over night and BINGO apple sauce for the kiddies :)
  • I randomly came across this documentary on netflix and became so inspired to start juicing. I live a busy life as a college student and working full time...I always get in the habit of not eating through out the day and when I do, it's usually something fast. I'm trying to start juicing because I want to change my habits and lose some weight. I've never juiced before so I'm constantly looking up things online. I'm going grocery shopping today to try out a bunch of recipes I've come across...if anyone is willing to share what's worked best for them please do! I usually leave home early, and come home late. I was thinking I could possibly carry a cooler in my trunk to transport the juice through out the day...any suggestions?
    I want my official start day to be March 1st, so I'm preparing now :] and my goal is to lose 15 pounds by my 21st birthday, April 9th.
    I also do a lot of cardio at the gym, so I'm hoping with an increase in my workouts, and juicing, I can lose the weight.

    I have this app on my phone (I love it for the calorie counter!) but how do you guys add what you've juiced?
  • eonlexx
    eonlexx Posts: 10
    Well let me forst start by saying WELCOME!!

    I have been jucing for a month and lost 20lbs. I could have been more but I leand off the wagon a few times. The thing that has gotten me is that when I try and eat meat now, my body lets me know it does not want it. Also when I eat I am not able to finish my meals. Now this is comming from someone what when north of 310lbs was eating 2 or 3 plates a meal. Also the juice I make is filling and I am bursting with energy! Who knew right.

    What I have been doing is jucing the following in different combonations:

    Cabbage, broccoli, kale, beet, bok choy, celery, carrots, yam, ginger, green apple, pineaple, banana (blend this do not juice), habanaro (I like spice at times), lemon, lime, kiwi, pear, orange, plumello, grapfruit

    Hope this helps and good luck