nutella fluff doesn't work :(

chrisdavey Posts: 9,834 Member
Well not for me anyway.

That was:
3 egg whites
40g casein
50ml skim milk
1/2 tspn xanthum
1 tbspn nutella (microwaved with some of the milk but still didn't melt very well)

fail semi frozen nutella fluff (read that someone had success with pb but previously was told that fat will flatten it. Seems to be the case for Nutella)

So I made another chocolate fluff with Reece's puffs & sf topping (this is about twice the volume of the previous one)



  • ruthjulia
    that looks DELISH! love the idea of the cereal topper - i'm addicted to peanut butter captain crunch myself : ).
    how did you make the base chocolate fluff? more specifically, what was your frozen ingredient - ice or berries or ?
  • chrisdavey
    chrisdavey Posts: 9,834 Member
    I love ctc also but it's only available through importer.have tip get through my puffs first.

    Was just
    3 egg whites
    40 g choc casein
    bit of skim milk