

  • Thank you those are really good ideas I would have never thought of myself! The green tea one sounds interesting, I will be looking online for that today :)
  • I am also cutting out eating after 8pm!
  • vallesmines
    vallesmines Posts: 23 Member
    A tip for those wanting to quit coffee. First of all, don't go cold turkey or you might end up with a splitting headache. I recommend going half calf, half decaff and slowly decreasing the caffinated and increasing the decaff. I was a Frenchi vanilla, hazelnut and sugar junkie too, I found if I put a yummy piece of gum in my mouth I can drink it black!! I would be in heaven if they made a hazelnuts gum:)
  • What's so bad about coffee?
  • NikkiRoxx
    NikkiRoxx Posts: 13 Member
    need to try and cut out coffee, since I can only drink it with the yummy stuff that is oh so bad for you (french vanilla creamer)......this is a hard thing to cut out when I'm always looking forward to my coffee first thing in the morning....does anyone have any ideas for me to help me take coffee out of my daily routine????

    I can't do without my morning coffee either.... and I drink the same way... with creamer. I've been trying to limit sugar, so I moved to the sugar free creamer and it really isn't bad at all. The fat free is awful, but the sugar free is pretty good. I also limit myself to one cup each morning, no more. I consider it a necessity for the health and sanity of me and the rest of my family in the morning. :) I'm not nice w/o it.

    Have you tried the So Delicious Coffee Creamer? There is barely anything in it and it's super yummy!
  • I don't think it's the coffee as much as the creamer in the coffee. It's totally fake crap(at least the kind I use). It can be loaded with sugar and chemicals. I get the sugar free kind, but it's still not good for me. unfortunately, it's one thing I just don't want to give up. I really enjoy my one cup of coffee per morning...and it gets me started for my day. I'd rather give up other stuff than that.

    I guess of the coffee... it's the caffeine that's bad, but I'm not too worried about it. I drink one cup in the morning, then water the rest of the day. I don't drink soda anymore or really much of anything else. I'll have a drink or two when we are out, but I'm not a huge drinker either.
  • What's the cheat you are cutting out? For week one, I'm eliminating beer - now that I've been logging it in my diary it's the one thing that really pushes me over my daily calorie count and way over on the weekends

    What's the alternative? iced tea or vodka/diet drink if I am out socializing
  • BeetleChe13
    BeetleChe13 Posts: 498 Member
    So it's two whole days into the challenge. How is everyone doing with their alternatives? Cutting out sugar has been difficult so far because there is a little in everything it seems. I have yet to meet my 50g goal, even today when I cut out my morning coffee and tried tea instead. I'm not sure if it's the lack of caffeine or sugar making me grumpy, but I'm believe I'm doing my best to cut back. Anyone else struggling, or even finding it easier than they thought?
  • shady81x
    shady81x Posts: 290
    Nearly went to have lunch at Burger's King earlier... but reminded myself abt this challenge in time heehee.
  • adjoa84
    adjoa84 Posts: 261 Member
    So it's two whole days into the challenge. How is everyone doing with their alternatives? Cutting out sugar has been difficult so far because there is a little in everything it seems. I have yet to meet my 50g goal, even today when I cut out my morning coffee and tried tea instead. I'm not sure if it's the lack of caffeine or sugar making me grumpy, but I'm believe I'm doing my best to cut back. Anyone else struggling, or even finding it easier than they thought?

    getting on well! instead of crisps i've been munching on shreddies - i've gone through a whole pack which isn't exactl great but it's much much healthier in terms of fat and calories

    And i've had no fast food or fried food so far
  • So it's two whole days into the challenge. How is everyone doing with their alternatives? Cutting out sugar has been difficult so far because there is a little in everything it seems. I have yet to meet my 50g goal, even today when I cut out my morning coffee and tried tea instead. I'm not sure if it's the lack of caffeine or sugar making me grumpy, but I'm believe I'm doing my best to cut back. Anyone else struggling, or even finding it easier than they thought?

    I am proud to say I avoided beer all weekend...definitely thought twice about it a few times, but remembered this challenge and stuck to it! Ended up with wine though, just not much of a hard alcohol drinker. still better than the beer I'd say & proving to myself that I can stick with this.
  • BeetleChe13
    BeetleChe13 Posts: 498 Member
    Sounds like everyone is doing awesome. =) Just another day or two, right? (Not sure on the official start date.)