Need goal advice

Rayjewls Posts: 96 Member
I have 80 pounds to lose and I'm just wondering if I should set my tiker at 40 lbs. , get to that goal...then do it again. Any suggestions


  • yes small steps at a time id say so it doesnt seem so long away,,set small goals an feel proud everytime you achieve it and move on to next goal x x
  • TheCountryMomma
    TheCountryMomma Posts: 87 Member
    I agree.....set it at small goals. If you put too much on yourself, too much pressure, you may feel like you can't reach it, even though you CAN. Setting step by step goals helps you reach achievements quicker and keeps you motivated.....try 20lbs at a time....
  • yep i agree...20 at most x x
  • blueyez74
    blueyez74 Posts: 19 Member
    I agree with the girls! small goals first! makes it so much more fun and attainable!