Day 17

Hey MFP'ers and welcome to Day 17!

How's your motivation doing? More, less, the same? Let me know and I'll do what I can for you!

So, do you eat breakfast? Do you function with our without food first thing in the morning?

Personally, I didn't start eating breakfast until I started my Keto diet. If I allow myself to get overly hungry now, I get dizzy and it's extremely unpleasant!

Don't forget to check in over on Reddit as well!\

Have a great day!


  • Nineinchskywalker
    Motivation's good here. Still not perfect, but the focus is here. How about you?

    I usually fast until ~14:00, it depends. I do need my morning coffee!
    Without the fasting I'm much hungrier throughout the day, and I'll never stay under calorie budget. I like it.

    Weird to get dizzy from hunger, could it have to do with low blood sugar?
  • PrincessBTits
    Motivation is slowly returning. Mostly tired right now.

    Dizziness is pretty normal with starting out on keto I think