Tips, tricks, advice about the program

Rboch Posts: 53 Member
Anyone who has completed the program before. Share you tips & tricks if you have any!


  • Do your best and forget the rest. :P

    I just completed a cylcle a few weeks a go. I found that when setting my reps, be humble. I tried it both ways. I pushed my self to get a certain number of reps only to burn out. Burning out early did not yield results. It's when I got through the whole session that results really powered in. Happy balance I guess... because holding back also didn't leave my muscles feeling pushed.

    Energy Drink.... SO... important. I was hard core following the drinks and nutrition. Due to lack of funds, I thought, "supplements can't be helping me that much"... I was wrong. While I didn't see any results for in workout boosts, my recovery rate significantly dropped after not taking the shakes and supplements for a week and half.

    As Tony says, just showing up can be enough.

    Good Luck and Rock it out!
  • I start week 4 tomorrow, This is the 4th or 5th time trying to complete P90X. The furthest I have gotten is 10 weeks. So far all is going great this round. You just need to find time and keep pressing play..........
  • jnbud2002
    jnbud2002 Posts: 216
    When I start out, I aim for the minimum 8 reps, 10 if I really feel I can do it. And as each week goes by and I am getting stronger, I work my way to the 15. Like someone else said, don't push yourself. i had a friend try it with me and she felt the need to be all gungho, and I warned her to just do the 8, needless to say, she pushed the 15 and didn't come back the next day! So don't be the hare in this race, you'll get to where you want to be!