day 2 disaster

Hi all,
Hope you dont mind me joining you. I started the 30 day yesterday and felt great, no major pain ( I thought)
Roll on 24 hours to today and I could barley do 15 minutes of it. I couldnt do the jumping jacks,bum kicks (cant reach my bum anyway) Or rope skip :-(
Hopefully tomorrow will be easier, but in all honesty I cant see me starting level 2 in 8 days !!!!!


  • meaghan2012
    meaghan2012 Posts: 16 Member
    Go at your pace. I know level 2 for me won't come for awhile. :smile:
  • hey yall, i just did my 2nd day today, it was hard and my calves are so tight and hurting, i hate the jump rope thing so i just do jumping jacks the whole time....but i am hopeful that the calve pain goes away
  • busym0m
    busym0m Posts: 96 Member
    Put a heating pad on them. It helps. Also, try adding an additional stretch for your calves before and after next time. I.e. stand with feet together and bend your knees. Move one leg out so that it rests on your heel....knee straight. Use your hand on your bent knee to Help balance.
  • Tomorrow will be a better day for you.. I was like that the first day and today I felt so much better and did.. after I felt great... Hope tomorrow will be a better day for you!!:wink::smile:
  • MzBeauty2U
    MzBeauty2U Posts: 106 Member
    I was on day two yesterday and i felt like I was going to die!! But today is a new day, hopefully Day 3 will be better..
  • His_Blue_Eyes
    His_Blue_Eyes Posts: 4 Member
    I did day two as well. And at first it did seem a little harder, but I think it was because I was sore from day one. Eventually your body will adjust, do she good stretching beforehand to loosen up your muscles. THe heating pad was a good suggestion, and a hot bath never hurt anyone either :-) Keep it up, we can do this!!!!
  • omg day 3 was better. No way easy dont get me wrong, but didnt feel like I was going to die!!!
    I hate the jumping, skipping bum kicking but could quite happily do the abs and strength till the cows came home.
    New goal....... last one full circut no breaks........