Does this sound familiar? and what to do?

MJ7910 Posts: 1,280 Member
I have my entire day planned out. I plan on sticking to that. Then, something happens where i get set off my plan. I grab something off my child's plate they didn't eat because throwing it away or giving it to get dog feels wrong to me. So I eat it. Then, I realize I have made myself go off of my plan. A thought starts to fester in my head. "well, i've now gone off track for today"... then i think "well, might as well eat something else since i've already screwed up"... so i have a treat of chocoate or candy or something else i've been craving. i think "well it's only 60 calorie mini chocolate, how much harm could it do"... once i have eaten that I am 100 calories over my goal. I think "well i have to cut back tomorrow so i might as well have more"... this turns into a binge. I can never have enough. The chocolate or treats don't even taste good to me anymore, i just want more, more more... i log the binge. it's a lot! now i have to alter my entire week because of this...
does anyone have any tips on stopping this cycle? i know what i should do. I should stop with just the one thing that i "allowed" myself to eat off my child's plate. but so often i feel like i can't stop myself. i know i should probably have gum handy and just make myself chew it... sometimes i feel like the desire to eat just to eat is too powerful to stop. and i really want to eat more and more... for a second it feels good. then i realize i have done some damage and will need to "pay" for the damage over the next week.


  • TAC2413
    TAC2413 Posts: 27 Member
    Stop trying to make up for the binge the rest of the week. For me depriving myself is what sets off my binges. I used to try to make up for a binge until I realized that I would never catch up. So if I slip, I log it, forgive myself and CONTINUE WITH MY PLAN FOR THE REST OF THE DAY. It doesn't have to be a viscous cycle, we're all human and we're going to mess up. Will the one day slip up cause a set back in weightloss? maybe minimally, but as long as I'm not letting it become a habit I don't worry about it too much. it's the obsession that can kill my day.

    HAVE A GREAT DAY!! You can do this!
  • apesid
    apesid Posts: 135 Member
    Stop trying to make up for the binge the rest of the week. For me depriving myself is what sets off my binges. I used to try to make up for a binge until I realized that I would never catch up. So if I slip, I log it, forgive myself and CONTINUE WITH MY PLAN FOR THE REST OF THE DAY.

    Great advice!
  • MJ7910
    MJ7910 Posts: 1,280 Member
    Stop trying to make up for the binge the rest of the week. For me depriving myself is what sets off my binges. I used to try to make up for a binge until I realized that I would never catch up. So if I slip, I log it, forgive myself and CONTINUE WITH MY PLAN FOR THE REST OF THE DAY. It doesn't have to be a viscous cycle, we're all human and we're going to mess up. Will the one day slip up cause a set back in weightloss? maybe minimally, but as long as I'm not letting it become a habit I don't worry about it too much. it's the obsession that can kill my day.

    HAVE A GREAT DAY!! You can do this!

    I like this idea. the only thing i worry about is then it gives me permission to have another one because i know there will be no consequences. if i know the next day i won't need to sacrifice then i worry it will be easier to just have another one "just because"... if you get what i'm saying. but i do like this idea!