How is everyone doing?



  • Freax
    Freax Posts: 91 Member
    Hey everyone. I am on day 11 of INSANITY and I am loving it! I'm not saying it's hard, but I can feel a difference already. :) This is the hardest workout I have ever did and I don't regret one minute of it. I'm going to do day 12 of INSANITY tomorrow and I'm looking forward to it. :)
  • summergreen487
    summergreen487 Posts: 131 Member
    Was feeling too lazy to get out of bed this morning and get my workout in. Won't have time to do it this evening as I have my yoga class and then a bbq to go too. Here's to a better tomorrow.
  • H0neybug
    H0neybug Posts: 47 Member
    Just completed my 3rd week yesterday. I haven't lost a pound, but have lost 2 pant sizes. I still hate it every day, but my day isn't complete without Shawn T! Today is my day of rest, but starting my 3rd week of my Couch to rest for the wicked.
  • Sairasac
    Sairasac Posts: 12 Member
    I finished my first month on Friday....I'm happy with the way I look but I'm concerned that I've only lost 2 lbs! I lost an average of 1-1.5 lbs a week on TurboFire. I am fitting into clothes I never thought I'd look good in but I would like to see results on the scale as well. Did anyone have the same experience? Please tell me the lbs will start falling soon!
  • summergreen487
    summergreen487 Posts: 131 Member
    I just finished month one today. Today's workout was actually the first one I was able to complete without taking any breaks. I lost a couple of pounds, but I'm doing Insanity to increase my cardio fitness rather than to lose weight and I'm very happy with my cardio endurance these days.

    I did start to get a little board with the workouts so I'm hoping I can make it through Month Two.
  • Lavern77
    Lavern77 Posts: 108 Member
    I finished the first month and am currently on my recovery week workouts. This is the hardest thing I have ever done and it doesn't ever seem any easier. Glad I'm not the only one who struggles to even make it thru the warm up. I remeasured and weighed today. I have lost 4 pounds and a overall total of 6 inches. I was surprised by the inches because the scale was only moving 1 pound per week and I can't see a difference in the mirror or my clothes, but the tape measure doesn't lie so I'm very happy to know that my body is changing. I definitely feel stonger. When I started I could barely do a pushup and now I can do 50. This program is working I've just got to be patient and keep pushing thru. Can't wait to see the results after this next month. Everybody hang in there, we can do this!!!
  • Jamiebaby05
    Jamiebaby05 Posts: 47 Member
    I finished month 1 yesterday and am in my recovery week.....i have to say that i really love the cardio recovery looking forward to the results this next month. I am seeing my body change....i threw out my scale because i was getting so frustrated with it and it was a downer. But my last round i did the same thing....the scale didn't start budging till the second month. I am not going to weigh in till the end of Feb so i stay motivated and stick to it. Heres to getting through month 2....Good luck everyone!! We can do this.
  • I have to say...I am impressed with Insanity. I am halfway through Week 3, and this program has motivated me to get up at 5:30am and work out daily, something I never had the motivation to do before. I am not seeing the pounds move much, but I am feeling stronger and have more energy, and I think the lbs have to do with building muscle more than anything. I was sore the first week, but into Week 2 I no longer felt the muslce tightness or fatigue. Shaun T is so much fun! I can't wait to see what else this workout brings. Good luck everyone!!!
  • Today was my first day of the recovery workout. In the first month I lost about 9 pounds and 8.5 inches. My jeans are falling off and my quads, calves and abs feel much tighter. I have also been doing dumbbell work on my arms and shoulders, and did the cardio ab workout a few extra days if I was feeling good! Seeing results after the first month has me motivated for the harder workouts coming up!!
    If you've done the recovery week already, did you do any additional exercising? I know it's RECOVERY so I should take it easy but I wanna do more!! lol What exactly is this week doing for my body?
  • H0neybug
    H0neybug Posts: 47 Member
    I'm glad I'm not the only one frustrated with the scale. I look leaner and my clothes fit better, but you sure would like some measure of results like so many others have had. I guess maybe it depends on how much weight you have to lose to begin with.

    I am on my 4th week and looking forward to the recovery week, but terrified of what is yet to come. I still can't make it through the whole video without taking a break, but I get better every week.

    Some days I can't believe I am still getting up every day to do this, but I feel so much better the rest of the day, I just can't miss a day.

    Besides Insanity I'm not doing much of anything else except for jogging and the occasional walk. I often wonder if I should add some weights or ab work in as well.
  • LauRoxx
    LauRoxx Posts: 115 Member
    I just finished month one today. Today's workout was actually the first one I was able to complete without taking any breaks. I lost a couple of pounds, but I'm doing Insanity to increase my cardio fitness rather than to lose weight and I'm very happy with my cardio endurance these days.

    I did start to get a little board with the workouts so I'm hoping I can make it through Month Two.

    Yea, I felt into the 2nd week that I was getting too comfortable with the workouts so I switched things up a bit. I only did two weeks of month 1 and now i'm doing two weeks of month 2, I'll follow that up with the recovery week then go back and finish the two weeks of each month I skipped. I felt it was the best way to keep my body challenged.

    Maybe try it next time for your 2nd go around??
  • SammyPacks
    SammyPacks Posts: 697 Member
    I just finished Day 6 today! Tomorrow is my rest day! :)! I was sooo sore in the beginning, but my muscles are finally adjusting (the calves were the worsttt)