New members- say hello!

Hey everyone, I’m Morgan, 26 year old accounting assistant, no kids or pets but I live with my boyfriend (who is kind of like a cat).

I work 37+ hours a week, hit the gym on my lunch break, taking a night class & I’m on the board of directors for two local not-for-profits. I’m from the East coast of Canada (Newfoundland) but currently live in one of the healthiest city in North America, Victoria BC.

My goal weight is 125lbs and I'm currently 139.8lbs.


  • Hi, I'm Heather! I'm a 24-year-old single catlady and a grad student. I am taking classes, teaching classes, and trying to write a thesis. I feel pretty stressed out most of the time, but am now trying to work out and eat healthily. I live in Kent, Ohio... a veritable cultural desert, so I could use some interesting friends. My current weight is 144 and my goal weight is 125.
  • Queentrinae
    Queentrinae Posts: 1 Member
    Hello. My name is Leslie. I live in Belton, TX. I'm a 21 year old recent college graduate. I am currently working on my Master's while juggling a full-time job doing the accounting for a company that owns hotels and a part time job at Victoria's Secret (because I love the discount). I workout whenever I get a chance but my goal is at least 5days a week for 45minutes. My current weight is 174lbs and my goal weight is 135-140lbs. I want to accomplish my goal weight by the end of the year because I know that this is my year!!!
  • Hi,

    I'm Heather and 28 years old. I just graduated with a bachelor's in business admin and I start my new job as a financial rep at a credit union on Monday. I'm really nervous but excited. I am currently 164 lbs and want to be 120 lbs. New career, new weight, new life! I'm excited to be in this group.
  • cheesesandwich
    cheesesandwich Posts: 79 Member
    Hi, all! I'm Megan, 24 years old and a booking assistant, plus I put in some part-time hours as a social media assistant for a design company. I work around 50 hours per week and aim to work out for an hour 4 or 5 days a week but sometimes I get suuper lazy after being at work all day. My goal weight is somewhere between 110-115. Right now I weigh 128.6 - I've lost 15 pounds total (9 since joining MFP) and am looking forward to losing the next 15!
  • Clael11
    Clael11 Posts: 12
    Hi !

    I am 22 living in Omaha, NE. I work as a sales director for the Country Inn and Suites by Carlson - Omaha Airport. I stay pretty busy at work, but it is mainly sedentary, desk work. I just moved to Omaha in myself!! Finally starting to meet people, get settled in and get my work out routine. It has been quite the adjustment. I'm 5'7" and weigh 154. I would like to get down to 127. Going to take some dedication, motivation, and hard work. I just started the flat belly diet and am tracking with MFP. I substitute the walking for running.

    Looking forward to this group's discussions.

  • Hi Everyone! my name is Meghan, i am 23 and working as an admin assistant for an investment firm in Los Angeles. I recently graduated and got my B.A. in psychology and right now i'm pretty much trying to figure out what to do with the rest of my life! i've always been an athlete and so i've never really been overweight, but as soon as i started my desk job, i gained 15 lbs almost instantly. Some of that i know i needed, because the stress of my last semester in school caused me to lose weight, but i know a lot of that was due to constantly sitting, constant availability of snacks and junkfood, and having no one to answer to for my habits but myself.

    My current weight hovers right around 125-126 and ideally i'd like to get down below 120, but more importantly i'd really like to tone up. I really want that muscle definition and feeling of having strengt. and i know i need to eat better. i dont eat super unhealthy, but i do tend to give into cravings pretty easily, i just need to change those cravings from chocolate to fruits and veggies.
  • Hi Ladies
    At 20 I am working a busy conference sales job working 45+ hours per week while juggling part time University. I have a big family and an active social life so understand what it feels like to be tired and totayly time starved. I exercise about 4 times a week, once with a trainer. I try to keep a relitivly clean and balanced diet hovever I am a huge believer in treating yourself occassionaly!
  • Hello ladies! My name is Isla, and I'm 24 yrs old. No kids, newly single and al nurse. I work stupidly long shifts and like to destress by living at the gym on my days off. I work hard and like to play hard, especially now I have a new lease of life in the last 6 months after the year of hell last year. My current weight is 56kgs. Was 49kgs at my lowest and aiming to get back to that then down to the lightest weight for my frame (I'm a toty 5ft 2'). Aiming to get there by Springtime and most definitely by Summer. CANNOT WAIT FOR SOME SUNSHINE :D
  • karagav
    karagav Posts: 172 Member
    hi, i'm kara. i'm 26 and i'm from ontario, canada. between work, school and volunteering, i am a busy, busy, lady!! i'm a child and youth counsellor currently working part-time with troubled children and teens in residential services. i volunteer at a nursing home and for a 24hr crisis line for survivors of sexual abuse. i'm in school furthering my education to become a social worker in 2014!!!
    i'm currently 150lbs and my goal weight is 130lbs.
  • Hi there! I'm Doxey.

    I'm 21 years old, 22 in March. I work anywhere from 6-14 hours a day with kids. My days off are Sundays, my favorite because then I get to focus on my writing. Oh, I'm a part-time novelist as well, if that makes any sense at all.

    About a year ago I was 117 pounds so that's what my goal weight is. Currently I'm around 140 lbs. It's a lot harder to lose weight than it used to be!
  • runnercheryl
    runnercheryl Posts: 1,314 Member
    Hi everyone!

    I'm Cheryl, and I'm 24 years old.

    Live with my fiance and my pet tortoise.

    I work as a writer, full-time in an office, as well as being a freelance writer. For now, at least, both jobs are being done on top of one another so I'm working an average of 10 hours weekdays and up to five each weekend day.

    Hobbies and interests, when I have time for them, are photography and charity work. I'm big on child welfare and do things to help wherever I can.

    Taking what I call the 'choices' approach to healthy living. Just always going for the best food option in any situation. Still drink diet soda and eat junk in moderation. Walk five miles four times a week (Mon-Thurs), typically, then cycle or use Kinect for about half an hour five times a week (Mon-Fri). Saturday is something light (usually Kinect or a walk) and Sunday is my rest day.

    Starting weight in Nov 2010 was 174lbs, As of last Sunday I was 160lbs. Goal is 120lbs.
  • lulabox
    lulabox Posts: 96 Member
    I'm Lula, a 25 year old PhD student. I study marine organisms using genetics. I work 40h a week at the moment in the office, but once lab work begins, it will be more like 60h+ with weekends at times!

    I'm off to the gym 3x a week doing a mix of cardio and weights. I'm not overweight; I'm trying to be healthier and to get into shape! My stats are as follow:

    5"4 (1m63)
    Start weight: 61.2 kg (135 lb) 15 January 2012
    Current weight: 59.9 kg (132 lb)
    Goal weight: 54 kg (119 lb) and about 25% bodyfat
  • kjj1984
    kjj1984 Posts: 14
    Hi everyone! My name is Krista, I am 27 and I live in Los Angeles. I am a student (getting a doctoral degree), have an internship, and work 2 part time jobs.

    I live with my fiance (who drinks weight gainers and can eat whatever he wants), have no kids or pets (no time!), and love to travel.

    I spent most of my summer 2011 training for a half marathon. BUT, after I ran the 13.1 miles, I gained 10+ pounds eating pasta and drinking beer and wine with friends whilst boycotting exercise (After running 5-8 miles 5 days per week, I was ready for a break).

    I am traveling to my fiance's homeland, England, again...this time for a wedding, so I am super motivated. That AND I would like to fit into my jeans again without the awkward bulge.

    Height: 5'8.5"
    Current weight: 163
    Goal: 145
    Ultimate/Maybe/"lets see how I look" goal: 140
  • Hey,

    Just found this group, it looks right up my street! I finished my Ph.D. 3 years ago and since then am commuting 2.5 hours per day and working as a Research Associate. This can demand long hours when we have publications pending. I also look after 2 horses, 1 dog and one set of quadruplets (we have my other half's kids 50% of the time). I still manage to find time to go to the gym and go running, but I must be honest my wash basket is ALWAYS half full and if you want to come vacuum my house I'll be eternally grateful!!

    It's nice to see so many people who have to balance things the same way as I do (should we pat each other on the back or offer sympathy?!)

    Does anyone else ever feel they run the risk of micro-managing though, just to make sure everything gets done? I think I'm guilty of this at times and that it's maybe a bit frustrating for the people round me.

    Height: 5.4 1/2
    Current Weight: 119
    Goal: I've been losing for a while, am just maintaining now
  • LishieFruit89
    LishieFruit89 Posts: 1,956 Member
    Hey hey

    I'm Alisha, I graduated in May 2011 with a degree in electrical engineering, moved to CT for a job but thankfully didn't gain too much from my job (some of my coworkers have gained a lot). I charge 40 hours a week but work at least 45 hours and with a new project, who knows! I'm working on my master's degree in nuclear engineering (only taking one class) plus a project management class at work soon. My guy lives an hour away and doesn't have a branch of my gym near him =[

    I'm between 5'6" and 5'7" (if you ask my doctor I'm 5'5" but she measured me three times one visit and I grew everytime so I don't believe her).
    Current weight is 160.6 lbs and my goal is 130 lbs (by my 23rd birthday, 17 Aug 2012)

    I'm super excited to have found this group =]
  • kendrafox
    kendrafox Posts: 111 Member
    Hello!! I am Kendra. I am a full-time high school music teacher as well as a full-time single mom. I have a dog, cat, guinie pig, and two turtles. I work 5 days a week from 7:45 until 4. I have always been on the bigger side, but got even bigger when I was pregnant with my son. I now workout everyday after work for about 45 minutes as well as Saturdays (Sundays are my off days). I have been on this site for two weeks now and have so far lost 8 pounds. I am currently 262, and my goal is to get to 170 (or lower).
  • Mel1509
    Mel1509 Posts: 166 Member
    Hi, I am Melissa from Toronto, Ontario, Canada.

    I am 25 years old and a Financial Planner for the high net worth division of one of Canada's largest banks. I participate in many charity functions and sit on the board of one.

    I currently live with Fiance and will be married in June :) Looking to loss about 10 pounds for the wedding, but overall would like to get back to my previous fitness level.
  • Hi, Maranda here. I currently work 30+hours at the local walmart, babysit when I'm not working, and clean someones house (takes full day) once a week, so i sorta have 3 part time jobs. I am also a full time student. I am majoring in social sciences with a minor in child development. I graduate in 2015. I don't have any kids (of my own) yet, but I babysit almost any time i have off and i have 6 pets and a boyfriend. I have a dog named Reiley, a Kitty cat named Killer, 2 hairless ratties, Scarlet (no'haira) and Hippo, a turtle named Tank and a beta fishy named Romulus. So I stay pretty busy. so my main problem when it comes to weight loss is time. I actually don't eat a lot during the day, so I convince myself that it is okay to come home and eat the entire house at night (okay exaggeration, but still), I know how to manage my time, I just need to get with it and actually do it, that is why I joined myfittnesspal and this group... support.
  • arking04
    arking04 Posts: 22 Member
    Hi ladies! I'm Allison - 26 years old from Orlando, FL, working as a registered nurse and also finishing up my MSN to become a certified nurse midwife/ARNP. I've been on the weight loss journey since July and I am exactly halfway to my goal... thanks to MFP/exercise... and my newfound love for spinning!

    I'm worried about the upcoming months as I will be taking on 80 hour work weeks between work and finishing school requirements... But I hope to stay motivated here! My starting weight was 186 in July 2011, and I'm down to 159 as of today. My goal is 125-130. I'm doing this not only for myself, but also for my patients as it seems a bit hypocritical to tell them to live a healthier life when I need to do the same!
  • MelissR75
    MelissR75 Posts: 735 Member
    Hi -

    I'm Melissa, 36, from CT. I have 3 small children, a husband, and work 32 hours a week for a Home Health Agency.
    I have been very dedicated to 30DS and am now on to Ripped in 30. I am down 2 pant sizes and approx. 15 pounds. I would like to loose another 15 and actually be back to the weight I was before kids!