Happy to find this group- plus a side vent...

Meganne1982 Posts: 451
edited November 2024 in Social Groups
Oh I am so happy to find this group- can't believe I didn't find it sooner, I have a lot of friends here!

Anyway, to share, I had been a long time whole foods eating vegan/vegetarian. I could and did lose weight eating this way but had a lot of other health related issues, and losing weight was a miserable, starving struggle.

My mother has been a low-carber for years, but I just couldn't get over my "fat is bad" feelings, even when I went back on meat and animal products.

About a year ago when I joined MFP I also discovered Paleo/Primal. After upping my fat intake and getting rid of wheat and sweets, I can eat more and still lose, my insomnia is gone, my acne is gone, and a lot of other issues are no longer plaguing me.

and... on a seperate note... here is my side rant...

So... Paula Dean. She has diabetes, as we all know by now... and it is driving me UP THE WALL that every headline I see about it, any article I read, and all the comments people make are about her fatty foods, and her being the queen of butter!!! Butter did not cause her diabetes! Diabetes is a matter of problems with blood sugar, and fat has no affect on blood sugar!!! It's all of her sweets and breads and all that crap! I'm sure everyone here is well aware of this, but I can't get over how misinformed the genreal public is! This is a problem facing so many Americans (and people all over the world), and this "epidemic" isn't going to go away as long as the media and everyone else continue to point thir fingers at a false culprit!

Is this driving anyone else as nuts as it's driving me??

Good to be here :)


  • njdoll
    njdoll Posts: 106 Member
    Hey welcome! I'm new too.

    The thing about Paula Deen that really steams me isn't just the misblame for her illness on fats and butter but the fact that she continued to peddle her deep fried cheesecake and twinkie pie (my eyes! my eyes!) knowing she caused her own illness AND now she's peddling $500 a month medication. So she got rich creating foods that ruined her own health and that of who knows how many people and she'll get even more rich revamping her processed crappy food and promoting medicine.
  • kcalla
    kcalla Posts: 49 Member
    Sad... but I work in the medical field and see how the prescription med companies survive...find people like Paula Dean to promote their drugs! Let's hope SHE discovers Paleo and starts a cooking show on that!!
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