The group...

Ah, you found the group before it was "ready to go" LOL!
I just thought it might be a good idea to get a group going so we can support and encourage each other and discuss the program when we get it.
I love so many of the groups and message boards on MFP and I'm hoping this will become as helpful and motivating as some of the others but geared towards Jillian's newest version of H*ll hehehe


  • vodkas25
    vodkas25 Posts: 3 Member
    I've just joined MyFitnessPal and also just purchased Jillian Michaels dvd - thank you for creating this group, I'm inspired already! Day #1 - level 1 done....ouch! :-)
  • imitedlay7
    imitedlay7 Posts: 23 Member
    I posted my own topic the other day on the Body Revolution, I'm glad there's a group. I am so excited! I ordered mine on Friday!!:bigsmile:
  • echeindl
    echeindl Posts: 326 Member
    I just ordered mine! So excited! I want to look good for my 21st birthday!!
  • lelasutt
    lelasutt Posts: 165 Member
    So I posted this on another message board, but thought you guys might want to see what i thought about my first day:

    I started my first day this morning. I didn't have any trouble with workout 1. Basically, there's 3 phases. there's 5 workouts per phase 4 that are weights/resistance bands and a cardio workout. the schedule has you workout 6 days a week and rest on sunday. I was very pleased. You get 15 dvds, and meal plan for $137 (i think that was my shipping/tax total). thats around $9/ dvd which i think is a pretty good deal. Good workout that lasts only 30 minutes. I felt like i was getting a good workout without it totally making me feel like i was dying.
    Hope this is helpful.
  • roander
    roander Posts: 192 Member
    OK, I'm totally in. I ordered last night and it will be nice to share the journey with you. I can already say that I will probably have two rest days instead of one and I will not beat myself up about it. My kids think it's funny when I have to roll myself off the floor. Hey, I'm 50 and I don't just bounce up like they can!

    For those who already received theirs, what do you think of the meal plan? I printed out the one that came with the Ripped in 30 CD and a lot of it was things I probably would never make, or would have to ease into the family meal.

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  • sholtz79
    sholtz79 Posts: 48 Member
    Just got the email that mine shipped!! Can't wait to get it and officially get started!!! Better get my bodybugg charged too :)
  • MandyMarie01
    MandyMarie01 Posts: 448 Member
    I am going to get this soon hopefully :) my birthday is coming up and I usually get money for it so I really want to get JM BR with the money :) I know that it won't be easy but it's going to be so worth it.

    I'm doing Extreme Shed and Shred right now and I might switch to RI30 (I've only done 2 weeks of Extreme Shed and Shred) but not for sure, but Yeah I have 80 some pounds left to lose and I'm stuck around 202-205 and really want to break the 200s soon!! Hoping Jillian can help me :) Just got to get my eating right.
  • adamb83
    adamb83 Posts: 719 Member
    I'm going to order this next weekend.... I'll be finishing up my 3rd round of P90X and want to try something new. I love Jillian Micheals and I love the whole 90-day phased routine plans (loved it in P90X) - just hoping this one turns out to be challenging and effective, too.