Fat Moms to Fit Mamas Progress Report



  • amammaa4
    amammaa4 Posts: 187 Member
    @MountainMia~ Way to find a positive. Thats always been a diffucult thing for me.
  • MountainMia
    MountainMia Posts: 242 Member
    2 lbs down from last week! YAY! I passed my January goal and I'm thrilled with the success.
  • MsUnlucky13
    MsUnlucky13 Posts: 29 Member
    Today is my weigh-in day. I am down 3 lbs from last week. 11 lb loss since I started on Jan 8th.

    SW - 245
    CW - 234
    GW - 165 ( this is my first goal weight)

    Keep up the good work everyone. Happy & Healthy eating everyone :)
  • cristinassistant
    i usually lose weight the unhelthy way, which equals quick weight loss and then thinking im fine, and it all comes back and then some. I get frustrated with the slow weight loss of this system but im feeling much better! Plus getting the kiddies involved with zumba "dancing" on the wii keeps it very entertaining. My one yr old thinks we are all hysterical!
  • nachisdoll
    nachisdoll Posts: 192 Member
    small success for me i rejoined after being MIA for 4 months!
  • MountainMia
    MountainMia Posts: 242 Member
    Nachi, that's a huge success! Even the thought of recording what I put in my mouth changes what actually goes in there. ;) You are on your way!

    Cristin, I totally get it. Slow is hard. I struggle with that every day. I'm working toward a lifestyle change and I think the only way that is going to happen is if I stick to this MFP thing forever. NO MORE DIETS. Just healthy habits.

    MsUnlucky, WOOOO HOOOO!!! Congrats on the fantastic week! Keep it up.

    ooop. I forgot to say that I had a rough weekend, but logged everything and consider that a win! We're back on track today... another win. :)
  • nachisdoll
    nachisdoll Posts: 192 Member
    tnx mountainmia!!! (ps my name is Naami my user name is Nachisdoll cuz my husband is Nachi and he calls me doll! lol corny I know but I c ouldnt help it!)
  • MountainMia
    MountainMia Posts: 242 Member
  • smjaksik
    Hi Gals! I have been off and on this site for 2 years! I am determined this time cause summer is upon us and my skinny girlfriends who had babies 1 year ago already look FAB and I havent been under 180 lbs in 5 years! Not looking to be super skinny, but I dont want to be the "fat girl" in our group of friends anymore! Plus being healthy is good too ;) We go on this big trip with our husbands and kids to the river ever June and I would love to be close to my goal!

    I ate very good yesterday for the first time in forever, and worked out for 1 hour ( inclined walking going 3.7 mph, 3 sets of 20 leg lifts, and elliptical for 15 min ) Hoping my motivation stays strong!

    Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Free Calorie Counter
  • AmanteDoll
    AmanteDoll Posts: 12 Member
    i lost an inch but gained 2nd lbs hoping its just muscle
  • lynzinnc
    I only lost .4 lbs last week and was very frustrated because I had been more active and had eaten much better. I'm trying not to stress the scale because I know I'm making healthier choices and feeling better overall. I need to start really exercising; that's the next step!
  • MountainMia
    MountainMia Posts: 242 Member
    It's hard not to obsess over every pound when the goal is measured in pounds. I really try to focus on the habits and my overall health. So far, I've improved from depressed old hagg to cranky beeeotch. Next is mean mama and then, in time fit and happy mama. But hey, progress is progress right? Anyone else get mean when changing your lifestyle?
  • tobenjoy
    Oh yeah, cranky, jealous, mad at all the skinny people eating whatever without a care in the world!
  • viv_80
    viv_80 Posts: 20 Member
    Had a hard day yesterday. I really wasn't feeling the whole workout thing like I usual do so i quit about 1/2 way in & i shouldn't have... :-( I've been on this new healthy life style since october and have lost 35 pounds so far but just came across MFP in january. I'm really loving it and it really helps me to be able to talk to others in my situation. My husband is a skinny thing and can eat whatever he wants... so yeah we won't go there... :noway: As you can tell i'm a little cranky today hopefully i do better on the exerciseing. i'm staying under my goal calarie count ever since i started MFP so its really helpped me. Hope to here from you guys i need any encouragement i can get. :bigsmile:
  • bed2883
    bed2883 Posts: 92 Member
    Hi Gals! I have been off and on this site for 2 years! I am determined this time cause summer is upon us and my skinny girlfriends who had babies 1 year ago already look FAB and I havent been under 180 lbs in 5 years! Not looking to be super skinny, but I dont want to be the "fat girl" in our group of friends anymore! Plus being healthy is good too ;) We go on this big trip with our husbands and kids to the river ever June and I would love to be close to my goal!

    I ate very good yesterday for the first time in forever, and worked out for 1 hour ( inclined walking going 3.7 mph, 3 sets of 20 leg lifts, and elliptical for 15 min ) Hoping my motivation stays strong!

    Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Free Calorie Counter

    I'm totally with you! We are going to have our first friends/family vacation this summer and I'm the "fat girl", which is made even worse by the fact I was the hot, skinny blonde in high school/early 20s.
  • smjaksik
    I know me too! I had such a tiny purky booty and girl parts, and not its gone south. I will have to say though I was 189 when my husband married me, after I had already had 2 children of my own and he was handsome, single, and no kids. Thought I didnt stand a chance! But 6 years and a 2 year old later, he still calls me the love of his life :) I would love for him to see me skinnier cause if he loves me like this ( A cranky biotch as well but with confidence in myself ) then I wonder what it will be like slimmer. He isnt one of those who wants me to stay chunky ( fluffy as he says ) he says he wants me comfortable with myself because my confidence is what drew him to me. WEIRD cause I didnt think I felt all that confident :) Also I want my 3 daughters to know that its ok to be curvey but not too much to risk your health. I am very active with my girls but sometimes its a little hard to keep up.
  • MountainMia
    MountainMia Posts: 242 Member
    I'm noticing changes. Today I felt noticably more comfortable in my clothes, actually enjoyed logging what I ate and exercised and discovered 2 new interesting things. My angry dieter attitude has changed more to a fiesty snark, and I am REALLY enjoying naked healthy foods. (I say naked because raw only works for fruit and some veggies in my book, but I don't need to dress it up in batters, oils and sauces.)
    I spend a little more at the grocery store on fresh stuff, but this time of year, it is a FAR BETTER treat to have something really good vs, just good tasting. My mom sent me Royal Riveara Pears from Harry and David, and it was like dessert. And I really got into it with juice dripping down both arms and my chin. I really don't think a chocolate birthday cake would have been any more satisfying. DE-LISH!!!
  • MountainMia
    MountainMia Posts: 242 Member
    Oh yeah, cranky, jealous, mad at all the skinny people eating whatever without a care in the world!

    I know people like that and wonder what their challenges really are. Everyone has some, ours just show up on the outside. Honestly, all the really skinny people I know that can eat like that have mental or other health issues that I wouldn't trade my fat *kitten* for. Maybe it's just coincidence, but you can't always measure good health in weight and inches.
  • moms0211
    So sick of this yo yo crap??? Anyone else? Up a pound down a pound, up two pounds, down to two pounds....
  • MountainMia
    MountainMia Posts: 242 Member
    So sick of this yo yo crap??? Anyone else? Up a pound down a pound, up two pounds, down to two pounds....

    How often are you weighing yourself? I used to weigh every morning and sometimes at night. I would stress over every pound and get discouraged when I'd bust my *kitten* and then see a gain. Our bodies are weird, they respond to change and stress in ways I can't explain. All I know is downward trends are good. I weigh 1/week. I'd go longer but I need to be reminded of my progress or I get distracted and make too many excuses. Keep up the good work and revel in your success.