how long did it take you to get into ketosis?

just wondering since i've been under 20 NET carbs (usually like 13 or so/day) for 10 days now and still no trace on urine test strips. waiting...waiting...
i feel pretty darn good though on low carb after the first 4 tough days of carb 'detox', waking up earlier full of energy and far less cravings at night, like i am no longer am eating 1/2 my calories between 8 pm and midnight like i was on low cal for those first 2 months on MFP.


  • ctrilk
    ctrilk Posts: 12
    It took me 4 or 5 days. This is my first time ever LCing. I have heard that some people will just never show up on the strips though! Are you drinking a TON of water? Diluting your urine will make it less likely to show up.
  • rsouthland
    It took me over 2 weeks to show even a trace. Then another week or more to get to a moderate / large amount. Conversily, a friend of mine who's LCing with me, started the same day and was able to show on his test strip within a week. I think everyone can be different.
  • MamaJilldo
    MamaJilldo Posts: 63 Member
    what are these test strips you speak of and how do i get them? I've been LC for about 3 weeks now and have lost about 7lbs, but my daily net varies from 15-50, 50 being a "bad" day, but I LOVE how it makes me feel so far! Cravings lessened, more energy, not as hungry, and surprisingly I'm not bloated or gassy which I thought I would be with all the meat and veggies. woo hoo!