Need some encouragement! And friends!

Raaynn Posts: 47 Member
Ok, my name is heather and I have 6 kids. We are done having kids now but I am having the hardest time dropping this weight.I am 175 lbs and started at 178. I am 5ft4 I actually gained 2lbs my first week. I have been exercising and keeping to my 1200 calories.. If wednesdays within goes well I will have lost only 5 lbs this month. I have worked so hard this month and feel 5 lbs is almost nothing to show for it :(


  • BackInAFlash
    BackInAFlash Posts: 68 Member
    I am new to fitness pal and I am hoping the calorie counter and community will keep me on track. I am 32 years old and mother to a 14 year old son and 3 year old daughter. Even after gaining 75 pounds with each pregnancy, I was able to return to my pre pregnancy weight. I am very active and "try" to watch what I eat, but my job (I am a horse vet) and my family's schedule sometimes makes it very difficult to stick to healthy meals. A few weeks ago, I felt like I was eating perfectly and I lost ZERO pounds. It frustrated me to the point of almost completely quitting. Usually I have no problem staying at a healthy weight but the scale is going in the wrong direction. It stinks :(
  • Ryhenblue
    Ryhenblue Posts: 390 Member
    Losing 5lbs in a month is great and actually a lot for your weight. People that lose more are normally over 200lbs and of course the weight loss slows down after awhile as well.
  • Fineraziel
    Heather : Ive heard it is common and normal to gain a few pounds when you start a new exercising programm. (Someone once explained me it's something about your muscles retaining water, as a reaction to the "new stress" they suffer...) The good news is the water will go away in a few weeks as your muscles get used to the exercises. :) And then, you will definately see the results on the scale! :)

    So dont worry and keep on the good work! :D
  • Tina0807
    Tina0807 Posts: 212
    5 lbs is a great start! I know there are certain foods that will help you increase your metabolism. I will google them and get back to you. Good luck, Sweetie! :happy:
  • tmortica
    You don't want to lose more than 1-2 pounds a week. Otherwise what you are most likely losing is water and that isn't true weight loss.
    Muscle weighs more than fat so at first you may gain weight while you are turning your fat into muscle. It will balance out.
    Don't worry I just started this week and I have gained 2 pounds - I am eating healthy and working out but the scale is going in the wrong direction.
    Do two things -first take a photo of yourself to go by and second take measurements of your arms, hips, waist and thighs. This is a much better judge of how you are doing than the scale.
  • jenlarz
    jenlarz Posts: 813 Member
    You are doing great! If you can keep 5 pounds a month that puts you down 20 pounds by June and shorts season! I would be happy with that. And I gotta say go supermom! 2 kids are enough for me :) I am doing this so I can be in better shape and be able to keep up with them. (boys age 5 and 7) Keep up the great work!