Chalean Extreme starting around January 1, 2012



  • drbaska
    drbaska Posts: 157 Member
    Every Beachbody workout, probably just about every workout, has push ups in them! LOL! I guess they must be trying to tell us something! I did P90X a couple years back and prior, could never do a push up on my toes - now, I can pretty much rock those babies - still not a big fan though! :smile:
  • MereMe
    MereMe Posts: 312 Member
    End of CHALENE EXTREME results.

    Lost 10.5 pds, chest -2 1/2 inches, waist -2 inches, hips -2 inches, 1/2 inch on right, left arm and right left thigh. Over all I am pleased with my results! I was thinking I would see more on my thighs and arms but that's ok, I can tell they are firming up! Yay!! Next I am doing 30 days of Turbo Jam and then Slim In Six. :) Good luck to all!!

    AWESOME job! Thanks for sharing!!!!!!
  • MereMe
    MereMe Posts: 312 Member
    I just started CE. Burn Intervals today. Great workout! Have to admit that I still don't love the Burn Circuits (I'm a cardio junkie) but I love the idea of toning and feeling strong. LOL.

    Question for those in the know: I don't have a heart rate monitor and am struggling to figure out how to enter the Burn workouts into MFP. I'd rather err on the side of not counting enough cals but want to count SOMETHING because right now it looks like I went over my daily count.

    ETA: I'm 5'7" and currently weigh 157.2 if that helps estimate my CE burn.

    drbaska, I'm training for a half-marathon (yikes!) so running 3x week and doing CE 2-3x. We can cheer each other on.

    I love the burn InteIrvals. The first time I did the whole series, I kind of struggled with "just" doing the weight workouts - I'm kind of a cardio junky. But I stuck to it, had faith in the program, and I'm telling you, after 90 days, I was lean and ripped! I just got my HRM and love it! I'll keep you posted on my strength burn. I'm acutally on week 2 of P90X2 - took a little detour to try something different. I did do a Fire 55 yesterday though. :-)

    Okay - I am SO 12 days behind, but late is better than never, right! I am shaking off my holiday slumber and back at that wagon. I agree with most - I am a cardio junkie - having just completed TurboFire in December and being motivated by MUSIC! I am goingt o push through this BURN phase - I know I have GOT to really build some muscle so it can burn off the rest of this fat! I got HRM for Christmas - trying to figure out how to work it is another issue in itself - ha! I guess I will logg 200 calories for today's CE just to have something to log there. We added 30 minutes of TF at the end bc it felt like we hadn't burned a thing! I may regret that tomorrow...

    My workout partner and I are running 3 days a week also - training for a 10k. I am so proud to know that THIS SUMMER, I will NOT be ashamed!!!!

    Let's go get those BEACH BODIES!!

    *Friend me if you would like so we can support each other! Send a note just letting me know you're a part of this BB group, if you don't mind! :)*

    fyi - I am a BB coach, but know that I will NOT be harrassing you! Just here to support and encourage!
  • spiralgirl71
    spiralgirl71 Posts: 374 Member
    Started week 3 of Burn on Thursday. Still adding cardio. All is well.
  • spiralgirl71
    spiralgirl71 Posts: 374 Member
    Morning!!! I haven't been updating so here is my big update:

    Friday was a rest day and I actually took it AND got to bed earlier.
    Saturday was Burn 2 and I ran as well.
    Sunday was Abs and Burn Intervals. I DID ALL OF MY BURPEES!!!

    I will be running and doing Burn 3 later tonight. I will update on the double calf issues. I think I discovered my problem. Still have to test out my theory.

    Have a wonderful monday!!
  • MereMe
    MereMe Posts: 312 Member
    Morning!!! I haven't been updating so here is my big update:

    Friday was a rest day and I actually took it AND got to bed earlier.
    Saturday was Burn 2 and I ran as well.
    Sunday was Abs and Burn Intervals. I DID ALL OF MY BURPEES!!!

    I will be running and doing Burn 3 later tonight. I will update on the double calf issues. I think I discovered my problem. Still have to test out my theory.

    Have a wonderful monday!!

    CONGRATS ON ALL OF THE BURPEES! I am proud FOR you! One day, I want to be like you! lol - I do my best, but still kinda stink at those!

    Hope you have a great day also!!!!
  • Jo2926
    Jo2926 Posts: 489 Member

    Sunday was Abs and Burn Intervals. I DID ALL OF MY BURPEES!!!

    Amazing! I'm so pleased. There is hope that one day we can all achieve this!

    I will update on the double calf issues. I think I discovered my problem. Still have to test out my theory.

    Hope you have solved this - what was the problem?

    Sorry I've fallen off the wagon these last few days. I've been ill with a virus and not able to exercise or eat properly. Feeling better now though, so tomorrow I am starting back up. Not falling into the old trap of going back to the beginning though. Straight on to week 3 - it means I miss a cardio session, but I can live without the burpees just this once!
  • Jo2926
    Jo2926 Posts: 489 Member
    Okay - I am SO 12 days behind, but late is better than never, right! I am shaking off my holiday slumber and back at that wagon. I agree with most - I am a cardio junkie - having just completed TurboFire in December and being motivated by MUSIC! I am goingt o push through this BURN phase - I know I have GOT to really build some muscle so it can burn off the rest of this fat! I got HRM for Christmas - trying to figure out how to work it is another issue in itself - ha! I guess I will logg 200 calories for today's CE just to have something to log there. We added 30 minutes of TF at the end bc it felt like we hadn't burned a thing! I may regret that tomorrow...

    My workout partner and I are running 3 days a week also - training for a 10k. I am so proud to know that THIS SUMMER, I will NOT be ashamed!!!!

    How is it going? Your routine looks great - I'd love to be able to run, but one thing at a time and once I get through CE who knows what I will accomplish.

    Interested to see you are a coach, this might be a daft question but what does that mean? I inherited my DVDs from a friend, so I am not fully initiated into beach body terminology yet!
  • kel7298
    kel7298 Posts: 1,542 Member
    Hi all. I started at the first of the year too. I just finished week 3 of Burn. Definitely loving it. I am a bit concerned tho as I am going on vacation for 10 days after finishing the Burn phase, instead of transitioning straight into Push. Most likely I will do another round of Burn before I start Push.
  • Jo2926
    Jo2926 Posts: 489 Member
    Hi all. I started at the first of the year too. I just finished week 3 of Burn. Definitely loving it. I am a bit concerned tho as I am going on vacation for 10 days after finishing the Burn phase, instead of transitioning straight into Push. Most likely I will do another round of Burn before I start Push.

    10 days is not too much - you should be OK. Maybe do one or two burn circuits, to get yourself back in the game and then go for it!

    Where are you going on holiday? A few daily burpees and pushups maybe?!
  • kel7298
    kel7298 Posts: 1,542 Member
    Thanks for the input. We are going on a cruise to the western Caribbean
  • drbaska
    drbaska Posts: 157 Member
    Thanks for the input. We are going on a cruise to the western Caribbean

    Lucky girl! We went in July - I took my portable DVD player and CHX with me, as well as my resistance tubing. And I ran/walked 3 miles almost every day. Amongst my friends, I was the only one who didn't gain a bunch of weight on the trip - and I ate chocolate melting cake for dessert every day! :happy:
  • MereMe
    MereMe Posts: 312 Member
    We are about to wrap up Burn week 2. I totally miss the cardio of TF, but we have mized it back in when we have time to get our "fix"! I am loving the muscles that I can already see taking shape for the first time - like EVER! Sweet!

    I still can't do a full all the way down push up - anyone else struggling currently with it?
  • kel7298
    kel7298 Posts: 1,542 Member
    We are about to wrap up Burn week 2. I totally miss the cardio of TF, but we have mized it back in when we have time to get our "fix"! I am loving the muscles that I can already see taking shape for the first time - like EVER! Sweet!

    I still can't do a full all the way down push up - anyone else struggling currently with it?

    I can do like 1 ... Ha
  • spiralgirl71
    spiralgirl71 Posts: 374 Member
    I finished my last Burn workout tonight!! I will be measuring the day before I start Push. I still have a rest day and a cardio day before that happens.
  • spiralgirl71
    spiralgirl71 Posts: 374 Member
    I officially started the workouts yesterday Burn circuit 1...and I can definitely feel it!

    Great job!! The first week you will be sore. Keep going, I promise it will be better in week 2.

    My results for Burn:
    Lost 10.5 pounds
    1.5 inches off waist
    1 inch off each arm
    2 inches off hips
    1 inch off each thigh
    1 inch off each calf
    gained an inch on my bust???

    I'm happy with my results so far.
    I liked the first Push workout.
    Tomorrow is a rest day.
  • Jo2926
    Jo2926 Posts: 489 Member
    Those results are brilliant!

    Well done on getting through Burn. I can't wait to hear about how you get on with push - do you have heavy enough weights?From what I have heard you start lifting really heavy.

    I am taking it slower than the schedule should take, but its working for me, and I have now finished week 3 (each 'week' is taking about a week and a half LOL) Its mainly because even though my personal trainer mainly focuses on cardio and core, she occasionally throws in a heavy weights session, so I need a rest day before the next circuit. Its my last PT session next saturday (I invested in it up to the wedding and its final dress fitting next week). From then on in I am sticking to the schedule religiously!
  • drea73
    drea73 Posts: 20
    I just found this group, but I started on 1/2 and completed Burn and started Push today. OMG! I did bicep curls with 20 pound!! I did my squats with 30! My body was so done at the end!! It felt great!!

    I am really worried that the scale will not move this month with the heavy lifting. I know I will be adding muscle, but I have 100 pounds to lose and don't want to be stagnant on the scale if you know what I mean.

    The 1st 3 weeks of burn I lost 12 pounds and the last week nothing. BUT I realized I was not drinking as much water as I needed to. I want to see the scale move at least a little this month. I hear that Lean will really drop the pounds.
  • drbaska
    drbaska Posts: 157 Member
    Drea73 - you really need to focus on your inches! With CHX, I really got smaller! My muscles got much more defined but my body got leaner. Don't worry about the heavey lifting. 20 lbs! Girl! My highest weights are 15 lbs! That's all I have at home. I played around with getting some of the select-tecs, but I was pretty pleased with my results as they stood.

    You are doing great! Glad you have found someting that is working for you! But most of all, you have the right mindset and the determination to do this!
  • drea73
    drea73 Posts: 20
    Drea73 - you really need to focus on your inches! With CHX, I really got smaller! My muscles got much more defined but my body got leaner. Don't worry about the heavey lifting. 20 lbs! Girl! My highest weights are 15 lbs! That's all I have at home. I played around with getting some of the select-tecs, but I was pretty pleased with my results as they stood.

    You are doing great! Glad you have found someting that is working for you! But most of all, you have the right mindset and the determination to do this!

    Thanks! I appreciate the encouragement!! I have to say that I never knew how strong I was until I started this program. Now Chaleane will say "I'm using 20 pounds and I say to the too!" My triceps are the weakest right now but since I have been as heavy as 351 in the past, my lower body is super strong. I am loving this program!! Can't wait for Push 2 tomorrow!