Sleeping in = less calories = ok?

We all know what it's like to have a busy week, every week. I am usually up at 5am and in bed by Midnight...but when I have my day off on Sunday, I indulge myself with a lie in (sometimes as late at 9 or 10am).

So, between turning breakfast and lunch into brunch and logging more exercise than usual, I am netting a lot less calories (i.e., this sunday = about 400 vs. the average 1200). It feels awkward to eat just for the sake of eating....and I'm not hungry as I'm eating a lot of protein and some pasta.

How do you handle days like this?


  • Hurricane_C
    Hurricane_C Posts: 806 Member
    I was kinda wondering the same thing... and I have tonight off... which means I'll be getting more sleep and eating less (prob the same amount of exercise). I usually just accept it and log what I do....
  • Morganjannelle
    My Sundays are usually like this. Last night I snacked, even though I was really hungry, just to hit 1200 calories consumed (let alone net) for the day.

    I was thinking about it this morning and I probably won’t do it again next weekend.
  • CaseyBee
    CaseyBee Posts: 163 Member
    I have to get up for work around 5:00 or 5:30am if I want to get a workout in before work (at 7:15, ick) so I definitely notice that it's way harder to stay within calories on work days, simply because I've started my day earlier and have to stretch the same number of cals over a longer period of time than, say, Saturdays, when I don't wake up til 9:00. I like to make up for it by making a little bigger breakfast than usual for both myself and DH, since I usually grab a (made on the weekend) pancake out o the fridge on work days. I make eggs, bacon and toast, or biscuits and gravy, things like that. That way I get to celebrate the start of the weekend a little with DH, and not go under on cals because I'm used to getting up so much earlier.
  • kjj1984
    kjj1984 Posts: 14
    Thanks for the feedback everyone! if I could just figure out how to get through the Superbowl Parties next weekend without being "the awkward girl who is circling the food table but not eating anything" (aka trying to wrap my head around estimating calories).