Starting weight watchers again

rmrhodes25 Posts: 20 Member
I have been trying to count calories for almost a month now and have not lost any weight. I am going to try weight watchers again, its been a long time since I have done weight watchers but when I did the last time I did lose weight. So here's to weight watchers and hopefully I can figure out the whole new points plus, lots of internet reading to do. I do have the calculator.


  • chipper15173
    chipper15173 Posts: 3,981 Member
    i just restarted on thursday last week. so far so good. last year when i did the new points i gave it a week or two and never continued. this time it's been easier. for me the phone apps i found work pretty good. they aren't WW apps. just ones i found.
    good luck to you.
  • rmrhodes25
    rmrhodes25 Posts: 20 Member
    Which ww apps did you find? I would like anything that helps.
  • chipper15173
    chipper15173 Posts: 3,981 Member
    i found a bar code reader WWscancalc it's a pic of a bar code.
    and than a calulator W W Points. it's a little blue box with W W Calc in it

    i do meetings so i don't get the real good app. through WW. i don't have etools either. there is one that is $3.99 fee. it's suppose to be really good. but, for now i like free and so does my budget.
  • rmrhodes25
    rmrhodes25 Posts: 20 Member
    Thank you, I will look up the barcode one. I have a ww calculator. Thanks again!
  • sandi50lock
    sandi50lock Posts: 71 Member
    I am down loading it on my I Phone now
  • sandi50lock
    sandi50lock Posts: 71 Member
    Thanks I like the barcode it will help me out a lot love this myfitness messsage board.
  • MGJ123
    MGJ123 Posts: 31 Member
    I have just started on my third week of weight watchers online. I have lost 5lbs and am already feeling better. The point plus is such a good plan and just what I needed to get myself motivated. I have the phone app that I use for both mfp & ww. I just bought the calculator to use when my three months is up also so I can continue with the points plus program. I track myself on both mfp & ww right now but it seems more info is on mfp than ww. Good luck to you!! :wink:
  • MGJ123
    MGJ123 Posts: 31 Member
    I just wanted to add one more thing. There is a weight watchers group on mfp if you are interested. Just go to the top of the page and click on groups. You should find us there.