
RachVR6 Posts: 3,688 Member
So tomorrow is the 1st! (yikes!)

What are your goals for the month of February?

What didn't work for you in January, and how are you going to change it?

What did work, and will you continue to incorporate it?



  • RachVR6
    RachVR6 Posts: 3,688 Member
    I've set 9 goals for myself for the No Excuses 30 Day Challenge that I started today. (http://thefameofhealthandfitness.tumblr.com/post/16732252312/with-this-challenge-i-will-provide-some-guidelines)

    I noted my start weight and measurements yesterday and my goal is to see inches lost on my stomach and biceps, and I'd love to end the month finally being in the 150's. (For the first time ever as an adult!)

    My goals are:

    1. I will stay within 1300-1500 base calories, no more than 1800 on exercise days.
    2. I will cook all my meals and prepare lunches for work, the day before.
    3. I will stick as close to my adjusted macronutrient goals as I can, eating nutrious foods.
    4. I will not eat after 8pm with the exception of an after workout protein shake.
    5. I will drink at least 64 ounces of water each day.
    6. I will not drink alcohol during the next 30 days.
    7. I will workout at least 5x a week for a minimum of 45min, 4 of those times including strength training (2x upper body, 2x lower body).
    8. I will stretch or do yoga for at least 10min a day.
    9. I will be in bed by 10pm Sun-Thur.
  • kmtetour
    kmtetour Posts: 300 Member
    I've come up with a similar list of goals to Rach's.

    1.) I will stay within a 1200-1500 calorie range depending on level of exercise
    2.) I will prepare lunches rather than just eating cheese and meat everyday
    3.) No more than ONE non-home prepared meal each week
    4.) Drink at least 64 oz of water each day
    5.) Workout five days a week (I have a list of acceptable workouts, too)
    6.) No binging on pizza! It's seriously 1 of my 2 weaknesses
    7.) No pop/soda for the whole month (my other weakness)
    8.) (non-fitness related goal) Clean my house for at least 30 minutes a night.

    Adding to my challenge is a freelance project I'm picking up that should take over most of my free time for the entire month of February.
  • FaugHorn
    FaugHorn Posts: 1,060 Member
    My goals are:

    1. I will stay within 1300-1500 base calories with Saturday being a spike calorie day
    2. Only eating out once per week
    3. I will not drink alcohol during the next 30 days (except for my Valentines brunch next Sunday and the Super Bowl party this Sunday).
    4. I will continue my P90X
    5. I will be in bed by 10pm Sun-Thur.
    6. (hardest one) I will not eat Sour Patch kids this entire month!
  • Shannon_Fujimura
    Shannon_Fujimura Posts: 3 Member
    My goals for February are:

    1. Keep under 1400 calories per day (1600 on workout days)
    2. Eliminate soda and increase both water and green tea
    3. Continue working out, adding more strength training
    4. Push myself to hit my 3-4 mile markers
    5. Limit my getting on the scale to once a week at most

    Starting with 5 maybe I can add in afew as the month progresses
  • RachVR6
    RachVR6 Posts: 3,688 Member
    6. (hardest one) I will not eat Sour Patch kids this entire month!

    Heh heh this just made me think of the sour patch commercials lol
  • RachVR6
    RachVR6 Posts: 3,688 Member
    I also want to add that the weekends are where I struggled in January. I'd be down a few pounds by Friday each week, and then by Monday had gained at least half of what I lost, back. So sticking to my goals is even more important Friday -Sunday. I also want to try and eliminate sugar in my diet, most of which is from sugary coffees.
  • AnaNotBanana
    AnaNotBanana Posts: 963 Member
    I really need to start focusing on the weekends. I do the same thing where I'm good all week but always backslide on the weekends. I'm sick of undoing all my progress from the week!
  • anvy0530
    anvy0530 Posts: 1,606 Member
    My goals for February:
    1) Keep training for my half marathon (I'm about a month out from my Half in Scotland so I'm into the highest mileage of my training schedule)
    2) Keep to my eating plan over the weekends (I have been seriously bad at this one ever since Christmas and I need to stop cuz it's affecting my weight loss in a major way)
    3)Drink more green tea
    4) Get enough sleep
  • FaugHorn
    FaugHorn Posts: 1,060 Member
    6. (hardest one) I will not eat Sour Patch kids this entire month!

    Heh heh this just made me think of the sour patch commercials lol

    I have a SERIOUS problem with the Sour Patches, they're like little crack-covered fruit addictions for me!
  • _GingerSnap_
    _GingerSnap_ Posts: 339 Member
    My goals for February are:
    1.Stay within 1500 calories daily. Eat back my exercise calories, not more.

    2.Continue to cook on Sundays for meals during the week. (Kind of a pain in the butt being in the kitchen most of day but worth it when I’m not scrambling during the week! )

    3.More water! At least the 64 oz.

    4.Finish Jamie Eason 12 week trainer. This is the last four weeks and I can tell it’s going to be difficult. But It will keep me working out 6x’s a week!

    5.Run 3-4 times a week, and continue to increase my mileage and time.
    6.No eating after 9 unless it’s to supplement a work out.
    7.The biggest one—weekends do NOT equal crazy food time! I lose my mind come Saturday and Sunday, and I completely undo all of my hard work during the week and hate it!
  • _GingerSnap_
    _GingerSnap_ Posts: 339 Member
    My goals for February:
    1) Keep training for my half marathon (I'm about a month out from my Half in Scotland so I'm into the highest mileage of my training schedule)
    2) Keep to my eating plan over the weekends (I have been seriously bad at this one ever since Christmas and I need to stop cuz it's affecting my weight loss in a major way)
    3)Drink more green tea
    4) Get enough sleep

    Congrats on the upcoming marathon. I'm looking to start training for a half closer to the end on 2012.
  • christinehetz80
    christinehetz80 Posts: 490 Member
    These are all great goals!!!!!

    1. I will do 5 unassisted chinup/pullup (right now I can barely do them with the chair blech)
    2. I will start and continue in my 10k training. (starting bridge to 10k on 2/6 after my 5k race this weekend if anyone is interested holla)
    3. I will be in bed by 10pm (I love this idea) Getting ready for bed takes me like an hour so that means everything off and start getting ready about 9.
    4. I will limit my after dinner calories to stay under 300.
    5. I will lose at least 4lbs this month of Feb.
    6. I will eat fish at least twice a week every week.
  • NurseSweeny
    NurseSweeny Posts: 35 Member
    I'm shooting big for February!! I would like to lose another 15 lbs this month which means hard work and dedication. I will have to amp up my cardio and stay focused and make wise food choices too. Along with the weight loss goal, I plan on focusing my attention to increasing my water intake and eliminating those yummy diet sodas. Good Luck to all of you with your goals. We CAN DO THIS LADIES!!

    Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Free Calorie Counter
  • loverstreet
    loverstreet Posts: 227 Member
    1. Start taking this seriously again.
    2. Start logging everything again.
    3. Start running 3-4 days a week again.
    4. Start losing weight again.
  • beeruin
    beeruin Posts: 157 Member
    January was a fairly good month for me, but it is hard to for me to really count it, since most of it was used re-losing the weight I gained over the holidays. :) But, it's gone now and took some friends with it and for that I am happy. I am coming up on my one year MFP anniversary. I spend so much time looking at how far I have to go, I forget sometimes to properly celebrate how far I have come.

    My goals for February are:
    1) get into the 180s

    To accomplish goal 1, I will:
    2) log my food daily
    3) stay within my calorie allotment
    4) track my water
    5) stay active on MFP and check in with my fellow pin ups!

    Good luck ladies!!! :)
  • Helinah26
    Helinah26 Posts: 288
    My goals for February are:

    *Log my food everyday no matter what/stay active on MFP and check in.
    *Be prepared when i hit a trigger food ,deal with it and don't give in to it.And sticking to my eating plan ALL week.So when in doubt salad it out!!:D
    *Exercise 5-6 times a week.
    *Get out of the 230's and into the 220's and never go back.
    *Be more open to eating healthy foods I don't like( any kind of vegetable really lol)
    *Start learning to support myself,in the process finding my inner cheerleader and not relying on others so much for support and so on.
    *Get my steps in.

    Your guy's goals are all really great and I'm excited to start this again and do this with all of you. We are all going to do amazing and I cant wait to see us all reach our goals.:D
  • kmtetour
    kmtetour Posts: 300 Member
    I also want to add that the weekends are where I struggled in January. I'd be down a few pounds by Friday each week, and then by Monday had gained at least half of what I lost, back. So sticking to my goals is even more important Friday -Sunday. I also want to try and eliminate sugar in my diet, most of which is from sugary coffees.

    Oh yeah! Weekends are pretty bad for me too. That's pretty much the reason I put the not binging on pizza goal on my list!
  • jenmarie2012
    jenmarie2012 Posts: 180 Member
    January Goals: 1) Calories no higher than 1300
    2) keep the fruits and veggies going and encorporating more into day
    3)workout at least 4-5x week for minimum of 45min.
    4) incorporate more cardio into workout(love running and would like my milage to go up and be comfortable with it)
    5)find more strength training to do at home(since i don't have gym membership) and want to tone my muscles :)
    6)work on getting to bed by 9:30pm mon-fri (since i have to wake up at 4:45am :ohwell: )
    7)having everthing prepared the night before for my next work day
    8)make a to do list for when i'm done with work so i don't hit the couch and never want to get back up for the night =)

  • karen_thinmint
    karen_thinmint Posts: 500 Member
    I love this idea!!!

    My goals for February are:

    1. Stay around my Calorie goal for the day +/- 10%
    2. Drink at least 8 cups of water a day
    3. Exercise at minimum every other day
    4. Be in bed (no laptop) by 10 pm on work nights (Great idea Rach)

    And because of these goals I hope to reach the last:
    5. Crack into the 130s. OMG that would be freaking awesome!!
  • karen_thinmint
    karen_thinmint Posts: 500 Member
    6. (hardest one) I will not eat Sour Patch kids this entire month!

    OMG I loveeeee Sour Patch Kids!!! I haven't had one in months and months, because I will binge. Good luck!!