Well here we go... let's post 1st week here...

tknnwatkins Posts: 135 Member
We all weigh different times of the week so I will start the first week of February here... Good luck everyone!! Keep moving and eating healthy!! I am like one of the girls here and weigh basically everyday, but since Thursday my scale is down a pound so I really expect to be down 10 by Feb. 29!! Let's do this!!! Kim


  • aim2234
    aim2234 Posts: 13
    I weigh in on Saterdays. Today I am down 2 pounds. 345.8
  • tknnwatkins
    tknnwatkins Posts: 135 Member
    Woohoo!! Way to go! I definately think you will be down 10 by Feb. 29! Keep up the great work!! Kim:happy:
  • lookpretty
    lookpretty Posts: 276 Member
    I weigh daily, disragarding todays weight, my starting is 150.2 today down to 147.2 but I slept way late and was out last nite.
  • 12skipafew99100
    12skipafew99100 Posts: 1,669 Member
    I weigh in on Saterdays. Today I am down 2 pounds. 345.8

    I think we are suppose to weigh here the first week in Feb. (or did I missunderstand?:noway: )
  • jojo7218
    I totally fell off the wagon yesterday so would love to get a couple days of veggie soup and a workout under my belt and weigh in again! LOL
  • lookpretty
    lookpretty Posts: 276 Member
    pretty happy, 147.8 today, yesterday was suprised by 147.2 and thought it wasnt a real number, so this is definitily motivation to watch my diet for the next few days, yesterday I ate at steak n shake, just a double burger and frieds with mayo on burger, no soda or shake so it was shameful but not overly so, rest of the day was raw produce except I had two mini muffins last nite and a bit of sugar in some coffee. I know myself that if I restrict carefully for a few days that loss will be permanent or maybe set is a better word, but if I over eat at all for the next 3 days I will be right back at 150.2

    Todays plan since I just got up (typical weekend aftermath), and I will go to be about 9 or 10, if I stay up later Ill eat more and work is atrociously early, I will have some coffee with half and half and stevia, and for food a pomegranete, a bannana, and a small cantaloupe.

    For snack I will have a protien shake, for dinner I will stir fry a medium bowl of mushrooms, probably an entire large zuchini, some garlic and maybe some onion and eat it like that, if Im not lazy Ill pick up a bottle of ginger sauce to pour over it but I feel a bit lazy, and to really fill my tummy I will make a bowl of vegetable broth and cut up a small avocado, the fattening sort since the big ones are really expensive this week for some reason, and put the pieces in the broth, wish I had green onion, again if I get ginger sauce Ill get green onion.

    I honestly havent a clue how many calories are in that as a day, it is a lot of food, it keeps my tummy very full, I dont do well with half empty on the weekend since I have so many oppurtunies to get fast food. The way I see it though is it is all healthy food except the dairy i will have which isnt really that bad, .there is minimal fat, all from plant fats, there is no processed carbs so the heavy bannana is guiltess, and obviously its meat free sso my body should have a very easy time efficiently using that food. I realise there is a lot of natural sugar in my breakfast which is no accident, it gives me a burst of energy first thing in the morning then mellows out, not much of a crash, sorry If I talk too much, no one even has to read this but it helps me process through whats going on
  • lookpretty
    lookpretty Posts: 276 Member
    What sort of soup do you eat?
  • tknnwatkins
    tknnwatkins Posts: 135 Member
    My favorites are vegetable soup, potato soup and broccoli cheese. I ate some broccoli cheese one day at Subway for 200 calories and it was really good if you like that! My potato soup recipe is NOT nutritious so I am going to have to find a new recipe that is low cal... What do you like??
  • lookpretty
    lookpretty Posts: 276 Member
    I really like avocado chunks in brothy soups, less egg more broth egg drop soup, won ton soup is amazing, hot and sour soup is good for a few ounces
  • tknnwatkins
    tknnwatkins Posts: 135 Member
    We started the day we signed on to this board to lose 10 pounds before Feb. 29th. My weeks start on Thursdays so my lose 10 by Feb 29 actually started on January 26th. The goal is just to strive to stay focused to get 10 pounds off by then and reward yourself if you make it. I will be getting a massage if I lose my 10 pounds by then. If I don't get the 10 pounds off, I will not treat myself. It took me about 3 and a half months to lose 20 pounds last year and that just tells me I was half doing it. Realistically, I have already lost 12 pounds in 2 weeks so it shouldn't take me so long if I will just move and count EVERYTHING I put in my mouth!!
  • lookpretty
    lookpretty Posts: 276 Member
    yea I started counting when I joined the challenge I already broke the platue if I dont over eat tonight which is something Im actively fighting right now
  • samantha196
    Hi. My weight today is 190.
  • ML0305
    ML0305 Posts: 227 Member
    Hello everyone! My weight today is 138.6. My goal is 135 by the end of this week!!! I havent done my work outs due to been sick. But plan to get back in the routine! Will weigh in every Sat! Best of luck to all!
  • Mandi1345
    Tried my best over the weekend but when I weighed my self this morning, there was no change. Maybe couple on ounces but thats about it,. better luck next time. As Scarlet O'hara said " Tomorrow is another day".
  • lookpretty
    lookpretty Posts: 276 Member
    149.2 today, meh, and period is coming, face is all ick and bloated, so not paying a whole lot of attention to weight next few days, will be weighing but keeping that in mind
  • jojo7218
    Official weigh in for starting is 202.8. No movement in 2 weeks. =( =( And that is with 2 workouts a week and under calories everyday. =( Only thing I can think of is to up my water intake - I"m only at 3-4 glasses a day. Any suggestions to get over this - it's getting very frustrating. Especially when my DH is doing Atkins and has lost 20 pounds in a month.:sad: Happy for him - but makes me insane!!! LOL
  • hauer01
    hauer01 Posts: 523 Member
    My official weigh in day in Sunday. On Sunday morning I was down 2 lbs. Good Start, however, yesterday I had a fun day at the Mall of America and met my sister and nephew. Although I was careful about what I ate, I still know that I blow the diet a bit. However the 6 hours of walking the mall might have helped. Good Luck everyone!
  • 7Joebass7
    7Joebass7 Posts: 5 Member
    1/4 of the way to my end of Feb goal. 194 last week - 191.5 this morning. Looking forward to being under 190 by this weekend. Probably been a a couple of years since I cracked that number. If I can get under 180 by end of Feb, I may have to upgrade the scotch I'm treating myself to. :)
  • tigerlilydina
    tigerlilydina Posts: 46 Member
    ive lost another 1lb since tuesday!!!
    i was hoping for more but 1lb in the right direction is great xx
  • tknnwatkins
    tknnwatkins Posts: 135 Member
    Way to go all of you "Losers!!" :tongue: I hope I am a loser come Thursday morning!!! I have done everything right this week so I am expecting some loss! I am, however, having trouble getting that water in! I like to drink water in the summer! LOL LOL...