lifting hooks

AlsDonkBoxSquat Posts: 6,128 Member
who uses them? if so what brand ? what do you think of them? is the length on yours adjustable? my grip is getting stronger, but it's still p!ssing me off.


  • dane11235813
    dane11235813 Posts: 682 Member
    who uses them? if so what brand ? what do you think of them? is the length on yours adjustable? my grip is getting stronger, but it's still p!ssing me off.

    go get some chalk. it will help with you hold the bar better and you will still be improving your strength.

    if your gym doesn't allow chalk, find a new gym.

  • mideon_696
    mideon_696 Posts: 770 Member
    also used a mixed grip when getting heavy...but use normal grip for as long as possible. I find by the time i reach 70 or 80% max i cant hold it long enough without mixed grip...and my hands are pretty strong :)
  • addisondisease
    addisondisease Posts: 664 Member
    also used a mixed grip when getting heavy...but use normal grip for as long as possible. I find by the time i reach 70 or 80% max i cant hold it long enough without mixed grip...and my hands are pretty strong :)

    This is perfect, i rock climb so grip strength is a big deal to me. My gym doesn't allow chalk, but i bring it in anyways. As long as I am meticulous about cleaning it up they don't tell me anything.
  • Aperture_Science
    Aperture_Science Posts: 840 Member
    also used a mixed grip when getting heavy...but use normal grip for as long as possible. I find by the time i reach 70 or 80% max i cant hold it long enough without mixed grip...and my hands are pretty strong :)

    Me too.
  • nikolaim5
    nikolaim5 Posts: 233
    I use straps. I can't use chalk at my gym and I don't like the idea of hooks for safety reasons. I hear many good things about Versa-Grips
  • mideon_696
    mideon_696 Posts: 770 Member
    even straps i think are unnecesary,'ve had some problems with your wrists/hands/whatever.jpg
    i almost work with the mindset of if i cant deadlift it without help, then its too heavy and i need to look at my limitations.
    whether its my grip, hammies, hips, back, uppper back, whatever. i wont "help" myself, i'll make myself stronger in the problem area.

    If your limiting factor is the grip, then get a stronger grip. :)

    and a big +1 for using versa grips, or whatever, or using a thick barbell too, this helps heaps.
  • even straps i think are unnecesary,'ve had some problems with your wrists/hands/whatever.jpg
    i almost work with the mindset of if i cant deadlift it without help, then its too heavy and i need to look at my limitations.
    whether its my grip, hammies, hips, back, uppper back, whatever. i wont "help" myself, i'll make myself stronger in the problem area.

    If your limiting factor is the grip, then get a stronger grip. :)

    and a big +1 for using versa grips, or whatever, or using a thick barbell too, this helps heaps.

    Nothing wrong with using straps, the big boys all do it. They shouldn't be used all the time though. Use a raw double overhand grip until a some point before your grip fails, then proceed with the straps That way your grip will continue to improve.

    I would not recommend a mixed grip for heavy lifting as it puts the open handed bicep at great risk. It also puts the upper back at risk of unilateral injury.
  • robert_moss
    robert_moss Posts: 4 Member
    I used to ocassionaly use straps, and finally threw down the $50 on a pair of Versa Grip Pros a couple years ago. They work great, like glueing your hands to the bar. I've had two lifting buddies end up purchasing them after trying mine. Bought a pair for my trainer last Christmas as well, and he's been liking them.

    (and no I don't work for them, just like the product)
  • mideon_696
    mideon_696 Posts: 770 Member
    yeah wouldnt mind tying them out aye.

    I use a mixed grip each session for the heavier stuff. Alternating the grip each rep. You gotta reset every rep so doesnt take any longer to switch my grip.

    I work up as high as I can with normal grip, basically til it fatigues, then switch.
    Nothing wrong at all with a mixed grip. :)
  • ilovedeadlifts
    ilovedeadlifts Posts: 2,923 Member

    go get some chalk. it will help with you hold the bar better and you will still be improving your strength.

    if your gym doesn't allow chalk, find a new gym.

    this. seriously.
    if not, get chalk spray from it works better than nothing.

    don't use straps or hooks, build your grip.