The spreadsheet is now open for editting

SafireBleu Posts: 881 Member
This spreadsheet is for everyone to enter their stats please be mindful of that and DO NOT overwrite anyones information or any of the formulas. If you need to add your name please do so at the bottom of the spreadsheet, scroll all the way down to the bottom of the spreadsheet. DO NOT OVERWRITE ANY INFORMATION. If a box says VALUE in it then you might have entered something wrong double check that fractions of an inch are 1/4 = .25 It will not accept 1/4 as a value and you can not enter words if there should be numbers in the box. Do not write in any box that has a color in the background. If you find the calculations are incorrect message me and I will check it out and fix the formula. I'm sorry if it is coming off as harsh or rude.:flowerforyou: It is not my intention:bigsmile: But peoples information went missing from the sheet :frown: and it has been lost for ever so PLEASE be careful. Thanks. When you enter in the ending stats it should automatically give you the total amount weight lost and the total amount of inches lost.


  • apesid
    apesid Posts: 135 Member
    Thanks for doing that! Even though I wasn't able to finish I still added in my ending stats :)
  • glennam1
    glennam1 Posts: 172 Member
    THANK YOU SO MUCH!!! :flowerforyou:
  • alibreasy
    alibreasy Posts: 328 Member
    Thanks for doing this...I stopped at day 25, I may do shred tonight. I did take my measurements though.
  • 1stampermom
    1stampermom Posts: 12 Member
    Thanks! I entered my stats even though I'm only on day 18 due to weekends off and illness. Plan to start level 3 next week & hope to lose even more inches :)
  • nationalparklover
    nationalparklover Posts: 120 Member
    Can you give us the link again? When I click on the original http address, it takes me to that first day when you put it up and my stats aren't on there yet. I'd like to see how far I've come and can't figure out how to see the entire list of everyone who put in their stats.

    Thanks for the help and for doing this....