Tracking Our Success



  • kawanna941
    kawanna941 Posts: 90 Member
    Weighed in today, So far total lost for January is 19.4!
  • SW: 269 (on Mon 1/16/12)
    CW: 266 (on Wed 1/18/12)
    Goals: 7 lbs per month, to reach 169 by March of 2013.

    Doing my own version of The South Beach Diet, adding as much water as I can stand (which is about 4 cups a day right now), and walking on my 15 minute breaks at work. Small steps for now and watching the high glycemic carbs as much as possible.

    The 3 lbs loss in 2 days MUST be water weight or some natural fluxuation, but hey, I'll take it.

    Weight this morning (1/30): 259.

    10 lbs lost in 14 days works for me! I beat my 7 lbs per month goal for January in only 2 weeks, so nothing to be sad about there! (I say that because I was at 260 on Wednesday and I only lost 1 lb from Wednesday to Monday morning and I had thought it would be more...)

    I've been doing okay with water... averaging about 5 cups per day. But even though I haven't been drinking as much water as I want to, I haven't been drinking anything else! That's huge for me... I had sweet tea on both Saturdays since I started trying to lose weight (but those are my "cheat" days) and I had a half cup of milk with breakfast one day last week, but other than that it's been WATER ONLY for 2 weeks! That's a miracle in itself!
  • WOW!!! I am impressed! I am thrilled ot see so much success, it's motivational and fun. My week was slow, but successful. Another 2 lbs gone! I'm right on track for meeting my long-term goals and it's starting to feel more like a habit than a chore. :)

    Habits are so hard to form for me! Good job, seriously!
  • Hi everyone! I decided about a week ago to make a lifestyle change, and I decided to use MFP to reach my goal of losing 100 lbs. In my first week, I lost 3 lbs., and I feel more motivated than ever to succeed at losing weight and becoming healthier! I think this is a great support system, and I look forward to getting to know you all!

    Here are my stats:

    Height: 5'4
    SW: 240 (1/23/12)
    CW: 237 (1/30/12)

    My first mini-goal is to be at 228 lbs by Valentine's Day, which gives me a little over two weeks to lose 9 lbs. Probably a little ambitious, but I'm going to work as hard as I can to get there!

  • kawanna941
    kawanna941 Posts: 90 Member
    Hi everyone! I decided about a week ago to make a lifestyle change, and I decided to use MFP to reach my goal of losing 100 lbs. In my first week, I lost 3 lbs., and I feel more motivated than ever to succeed at losing weight and becoming healthier! I think this is a great support system, and I look forward to getting to know you all!

    Here are my stats:

    Height: 5'4
    SW: 240 (1/23/12)
    CW: 237 (1/30/12)

    My first mini-goal is to be at 228 lbs by Valentine's Day, which gives me a little over two weeks to lose 9 lbs. Probably a little ambitious, but I'm going to work as hard as I can to get there!


    Awesome! If you need a friend I'm here!
  • MountainMia
    MountainMia Posts: 242 Member
    Kawanna, you are kicking some serious booty! Congrats on an amazing month. Are you doing any other special programs or diets to get such fantastic results? I'm using Herbalife shakes 2x a day vs breakfast and luch. But I eat 3 snacks and a meal too. It's workin' but it's not something I plan to do forever. Well, at least not twice a day forever.

    Welcome Mandi. You are off to a fantastic start. Stick with MFP and check in here on the forums often. I get so much motivation and encouragement here. This place is truly inspiring.

    My weigh-day is Thursday, and I'm glad because this weekend was rough! I counted everything, but made too many exceptions and excuses. As a weird experiment, I took 1 meal and ate what I wanted, just like I used to. Aaand wouldn't you know it, that one meal was over 1,800 calories. I was blown away. I felt sick before I counted the calories, and now that I see what I did, I'm really sick. I'm not going to abuse myself like that anymore. HUGE eye opening success for me. I deserve better and now I'm going to do that for myself. :)
  • MountainMia
    MountainMia Posts: 242 Member
    Kawanna, you are kicking some serious booty! Congrats on an amazing month. Are you doing any other special programs or diets to get such fantastic results? I'm using Herbalife shakes 2x a day vs breakfast and luch. But I eat 3 snacks and a meal too. It's workin' but it's not something I plan to do forever. Well, at least not twice a day forever.

    Welcome Mandi. You are off to a fantastic start. Stick with MFP and check in here on the forums often. I get so much motivation and encouragement here. This place is truly inspiring.

    My weigh-day is Thursday, and I'm glad because this weekend was rough! I counted everything, but made too many exceptions and excuses. As a weird experiment, I took 1 meal and ate what I wanted, just like I used to. Aaand wouldn't you know it, that one meal was over 1,800 calories. I was blown away. I felt sick before I counted the calories, and now that I see what I did, I'm really sick. I'm not going to abuse myself like that anymore. HUGE eye opening success for me. I deserve better and now I'm going to do that for myself. :)
  • MountainMia
    MountainMia Posts: 242 Member
    Kawanna, you are kicking some serious booty! Congrats on an amazing month. Are you doing any other special programs or diets to get such fantastic results? I'm using Herbalife shakes 2x a day vs breakfast and luch. But I eat 3 snacks and a meal too. It's workin' but it's not something I plan to do forever. Well, at least not twice a day forever.

    Welcome Mandi. You are off to a fantastic start. Stick with MFP and check in here on the forums often. I get so much motivation and encouragement here. This place is truly inspiring.

    My weigh-day is Thursday, and I'm glad because this weekend was rough! I counted everything, but made too many exceptions and excuses. As a weird experiment, I took 1 meal and ate what I wanted, just like I used to. Aaand wouldn't you know it, that one meal was over 1,800 calories. I was blown away. I felt sick before I counted the calories, and now that I see what I did, I'm really sick. I'm not going to abuse myself like that anymore. HUGE eye opening success for me. I deserve better and now I'm going to do that for myself. :)
  • sherrirb
    sherrirb Posts: 1,649 Member
    Hi everyone! I decided about a week ago to make a lifestyle change, and I decided to use MFP to reach my goal of losing 100 lbs. In my first week, I lost 3 lbs., and I feel more motivated than ever to succeed at losing weight and becoming healthier! I think this is a great support system, and I look forward to getting to know you all!

    Here are my stats:

    Height: 5'4
    SW: 240 (1/23/12)
    CW: 237 (1/30/12)

    My first mini-goal is to be at 228 lbs by Valentine's Day, which gives me a little over two weeks to lose 9 lbs. Probably a little ambitious, but I'm going to work as hard as I can to get there!

    Hi Mandi! Good to have you as part of the group! 9lbs can be doable. First thing, drink as much water as you possibly can. Many of us start this whole thing not realizing our bodies are already dehydrated and we are holding onto water weight. The more water you drink every day, the more you reduce this problem and see a few pounds drop in just a few days.
    Exercise is second and vitally important if you want to lose weight. How often and the intensity is up to you, but do as much as possible to get your body moving!

    We are here to cheer you on, I know you can do it!!
  • deltagreen
    deltagreen Posts: 58 Member

    I was scared to step on the scale this morning. I haven't been doing very well with eating because I've been sick. So here it is:

    SW: 279
    CW: 272
    GW: 190

    The only thing I can contribute my 2.5 pounds loss to is that I didn't have any pop last week. I'm actually feeling a bit better today and I hope to get back to the gym tomorrow.

    Tuesdays always make me nervous since it's weigh in day.

    SW: 279
    CW: 270
    GW: 190

    That's 2 pounds this week (which wasn't a very good week in my opinion) and 9 pounds for January. My congestion is FINALLY gone so I'll be hitting the gym again this week.
  • kawanna941
    kawanna941 Posts: 90 Member
    Kawanna, you are kicking some serious booty! Congrats on an amazing month. Are you doing any other special programs or diets to get such fantastic results? I'm using Herbalife shakes 2x a day vs breakfast and luch. But I eat 3 snacks and a meal too. It's workin' but it's not something I plan to do forever. Well, at least not twice a day forever.

    Welcome Mandi. You are off to a fantastic start. Stick with MFP and check in here on the forums often. I get so much motivation and encouragement here. This place is truly inspiring.

    My weigh-day is Thursday, and I'm glad because this weekend was rough! I counted everything, but made too many exceptions and excuses. As a weird experiment, I took 1 meal and ate what I wanted, just like I used to. Aaand wouldn't you know it, that one meal was over 1,800 calories. I was blown away. I felt sick before I counted the calories, and now that I see what I did, I'm really sick. I'm not going to abuse myself like that anymore. HUGE eye opening success for me. I deserve better and now I'm going to do that for myself. :)

    I am doing C25K and Jillian Michaels 30 day shread, as for nutrition I try to eat a little less carbs and higher protein because I have PCOS. I also eat 2 lunches instead of one so I wont be starving by dinner time.
  • I started exercising on November 9, 2011 and did not start dieting until the Monday after Thanksgiving. My first goal was to be under 300lbs by January 1, 2012. My weight was 298.6lbs on January 1. It has gone a bit slower the month of January, as of today I weigh 293.6lbs.

    Starting weight
    Current weight
    Goal weight

    I am a 52 year old male who is 6'2" and currently have 29% body fat.
  • Zarebeth
    Zarebeth Posts: 136 Member
    I made my 12 pounds in February goal by the skin of my teeth... this morning I weighed 12 pounds less. Woo Hoo! My next goal is 10 pounds in February...

    SW: 278
    CW: 266
    GW: 170

    Thank you for all the support!
  • calgarychick2012
    calgarychick2012 Posts: 65 Member
    hi all lost 8,5 in Jan
    i am going for 10 lbs in Feb
    sw 310
    cw 301
    ultimate goal 160
  • jesusislove1526
    jesusislove1526 Posts: 442 Member
    I'm 5'4" with a large frame.

    SW: 330 [November 2011]
    1/5- 325
    1/12- 319
    1/19- 315
    1/26- 310
    2/1- 305
    Ultimate GW: 150s

    Goal for January:10 lbs.
    Total Lost in January: 20 lbs.

    SW for Feb: 305

    Goal for February: 10 lbs.
    Total Lost in February:
  • SW 280 01/03/12
    CW 270 02/01/12

    GW 180 01/03/13
    UGW 150 10/01/13

    So I have changed my Weigh Days to Wendnesdays. I weighed on Monday and had a 3lb gain, weighed Tuesday was back to last weeks weight, and then TODAY had a 2lb lose. So I have concluded that it is best to let my body rest after the gruling weekend work outs and weigh later in the week.
  • deltagreen
    deltagreen Posts: 58 Member
    SW 280 01/03/12
    CW 270 02/01/12

    GW 180 01/03/13
    UGW 150 10/01/13

    So I have changed my Weigh Days to Wendnesdays. I weighed on Monday and had a 3lb gain, weighed Tuesday was back to last weeks weight, and then TODAY had a 2lb lose. So I have concluded that it is best to let my body rest after the gruling weekend work outs and weigh later in the week.

    What an awesome month for you!! I don't know why, but Tuesdays are my weigh in days. It kind of just works for me. If Wednesday is your day, then rock it out!
  • MountainMia
    MountainMia Posts: 242 Member
    Awesome success! You all are inspiring and are putting up some really amazing numbers!!! Sooo, this thread is getting pretty long. How about we start a new one for February?
  • MountainMia
    MountainMia Posts: 242 Member
    Wahooo! Goal for January was 10, then I upped it to 12 and passed it! 17lbs lost in January!!! WOooooo! Now onto Feb. I'm gonna shoot for 12. I'm feeling pretty good and confident with this 3lb average. I know it's maintainable while I've still got sooo far to go.