Foods with Fibro

gavians Posts: 72 Member
This discussion is to discuss any foods that you find aggravate your FM.

I used to be a Diet Coke Dependant -- typically drinking 4-8 servings per day between late morning, lunch, afternoon, and dinner. It was my "water" -- not a wise thing BTW. Somewhere between when I realized something was wrong with my body and my official FM diagnosis, it didn't take me long to realize that when I drank Diet Coke I FELT HORRIBLE. It usually had an onset about 30 minutes after drinking a can. I would get that dull aching pain through my arms, legs, and neck and get really stiff. Unfortunately, I never really figured out what it was in Diet Coke that caused the reaction. I experimented with other soda pops, Nutrasweet, etc. Nothing caused the reaction like the Diet Coke.

I transferred my Caffeine addiction to Coffee with Splenda which didn't seem to bother me. I also starting drinking LifeWater and Sobe a lot in the afternoon and evenings when I didn't want caffeine. Unfortuantely, my diabetes didn't care for that and I had a lot of other problems as well as some bad reactions to the special "health" additives. So I gave that up for just seltzer water with a tiny bit of grape juice for taste.

Has anyone else had similar reactions to Diet Coke or other soda pops?


  • no but i refuse to drink anything diet. of course i do NOT have diabetes (just tested last month i'm fine). i hate nutrasweet and/or splenda because they are dangerous for children (and it's in everything) and they taste horrible. BUT i could understand if you have no choice. i would probably figure splenda over nutrasweet. i hear it tastes better.

    anyway, it might be the food coloring. some ppl have allergies to it. my son had horrible violent reactions to that and other additives when he was younger. but grew out of it as he got older. just a thought!!!
  • Ianda4rdsmom
    Ianda4rdsmom Posts: 6 Member
    Hi! I'm new to both MFP and this group - my name is Carrie by the way! Anyway, it's so nice to see a group with people who have this in common with me! I do find that foods can really effect my fibro pain levels - and stiffness! One that that really pushes me is if I eat a lot of carbs. At first when that was suggested to me I thought it was a lot of hooey.....but then I cut carbs down. I don't completely cut them ofcourse, but I greatly reduced blatent carbs like white bread, potatoes, etc. I did find that as I did that (I was beginning my weight loss) that I not only lost weight at a good speed, I also felt SO MUCH BETTER! (I also cut sweet tea by the way, which had been my lifeline!) My pain level decreased quite considerably, my stiffness wasn't so bad, lethargy gone, I was moving better than I had in years. Well, then I hit 50lbs lost....went on vacation....then came the holidays and what do you know....I find myself here now, trying to get back on track. I only gained about 15 lbs back so I'm still down but I have - err had - fallen back into eating carbs, sugar, fast food, etc and guess what? My pain is back with a vengance! So, to me I'm thinking that my Dr has a point and that carbs / sugar might be an issue with my fibro! lol Yesterday was day 1 - I had a perfect day (except I was actually a little low on calories) and as crazy as it sounds, I can tell a slight difference in my pain/stiffness when I woke up this morning compared to what it had been. I also started back on my B12 Complex vitamin and my amino acids yesterday. Hopefully I can get this pain back under control!
    Oh and I have also found that if I get into the habit of drinking diet coke, I can feel it! I generally only drink decaf tea but sometimes I'd change it up and have a diet coke and started to realize the connection!
  • JoyfullMovement
    JoyfullMovement Posts: 108 Member
    Interesting about the carbs. I have been wondering about this too. My stiffness and pain has been much better the last few weeks while avoiding what I call the bad carbs, bread, pasta, sugar. I fudged a few days ago and woke during the night with a back ache and then in the morning with more stiffness. I am trying to get back off them today. You know I have been so scared of these carbs and have been thinking of the Palio primal blueprint as a possible lifestyle change. I have basically been eating that way except I do eat packaged processed food due to time. Maybe such a change would also help our Fibro. There is a great website called earthclinic that talkes about fluoride being a cause. Thanks for sharing.
  • LensLuvah
    LensLuvah Posts: 8 Member
    Hello there! :) I have also noticed pop makes me flare up. Coffee and tea do not... Even with caffeine and sugar. I wonder if it's the HFCS? I cut gluten out of my diet this past October, and that has improved my Fibro quite a bit! :)
  • So glad to find this group! I've never made a connection between carbs or Diet Coke and my pain. I enjoy both waaaay too much and I will now try to pay attention to what I eat and how I feel. The only connection to my FB pain I know for sure is when I'm outside in cold or damp weather. I start getting that total body ache like I'm getting the flu and I know it's time to go inside and pop some Advil.
  • kmpierce0331
    kmpierce0331 Posts: 3 Member
    Hello! I was diagnosed with Fibro in Dec. 2009 - and after reading some blog posts about other people seeing a huge change in their symptoms by going gluten-free, I decided it was worth a try. I have been gluten-free since August 2010 and have noticed a significant reduction in my fatigue and pain symptoms. This likely correlates with those of you who have found that by reducing your carbs, your symptoms are reduced...I can eat gluten-free carbs without my Fibro symptoms returning (but I do know within an hours time if I accidentially eat something with gluten in it - my fatigue and pain come screaming back!). I know that Fibro hits everyone differently, and that different things work for each of us to ease our symptoms (or just to make life a bit easier to manage), but if you notice that by reducing your carbs, your symptoms are reduced, you might want to look into going gluten-free - it has made a difference for me. **And, with gluten-free becoming a weird fad these days, it is much easier to do than years ago (even just a couple years ago).
  • Rbom82
    Rbom82 Posts: 6 Member
    I have been having so much trouble with my fibro. I actually am out on Short Term Disability from work at the moment. I started drinking diet soda and coffee during the holidays. I hadn't had any kind of caffeine before that for several years. And I am a total carbaholic. Where I work I have access to Auntie Anne's pretzels, Cinnabon, and chinese food. I just started working at this location right before the holidays. My fibro has gone out of control, hence the STD. Reading this discussion is really making me think. If there is a link between diet soda and carbs and fibro symptoms then it's no wonder I am having so much trouble. I am going to avoid these trigger foods and see what happens. Thanks y'all!
  • oh another thing that really messes with my fibro is whole milk. it triggers the IBS that goes with the fibro. to i have to drink 2% or lower.
    RILEYRED Posts: 647 Member
    kmpierce.very interesting, thank you for sharing, my husband and I are taking baby steps into glutten free eating, your post is very encouraging. Can you give me a few food ideas that you enjoy? I aam glad this is helping you, it's exciting news.
  • kmpierce0331
    kmpierce0331 Posts: 3 Member
    @RileyRed - going GF now can be fairly easy with all the "convenience" foods that have come out in the past year or so. However, if you live off of the convenience foods - you better have a hefty grocery budget, cause it will at least double it. But, the good news is, that if you're willing to put the extra effort in, eating GF can be done reasonably too. I went out to my local Goodwill and bought a breadmaker for like $15 - and when I'm having a sandwhich craving, I'll pick up a bag of Bob's Red Mill wonderful bread or cinnamon raison bread mix and throw it in the breadmaker (makes the house smell wonderful too). Everything I've tried of Bob's Red Mill brand has tasted wonderful.

    I've tried to mix my own "all purpose flour" but nothing I've been able to combine turns out quite as good as what I can make with the Betty Crocker GF cookie and cake mixes or the GF Bisquick mix. There are also more and more choices out there for GF pasta (that really doesn't taste much different than plain white flour pasta) - I have become a bit partial to the Tinkyada brand (sold in bags). If you're looking for store bought bread (and bread type items), the best I've tried is Schar - but be warned, it's a bit spendy. I have learned that when I am craving pizza, the Schar pizza crusts with a few items from the fridge makes for a much cheaper alternative than the local pizza delivery places (they charge more for less when it comes to GF).

    I know that prices and availability vary from location to location - all the stuff I mentioned is available in the Minneapolis/Twin Cities area at Super Target and Cub foods. I have also found that Costco carries a fairly decent amount of GF products (and I have a relative who works there that scopes things out for me).

    Going GF can be very tough if you're not noticing a difference. For me, I can feel symptoms return almost immediately when I eat something that has too much gluten in it. It's not always easy, easpecially going out to eat, you watch everyone around you enjoying normal pizza, or burgers with buns on them, how about all that pasta...oh, boy, making myself hungry just thinking about it! But, if it make a significant difference in your life, like it did mine, you will learn to get by, or just to find ways to make the same thing at home with ingredients you can eat!

    If you want more info or whatnot, let me know - I'm more than happy to help out if I can! :)
    RILEYRED Posts: 647 Member
    Thank you so much,kmpierce, for all the valuable info.,wow, you really know your stuff. Also, thanks for the friend request.Friends like you are priceless, it's so hard when people have no idea that it's not just about being skinny or firm, it's about quality of life for me,and I really appreciate that you are sharing your knowledge with me. Have a great day, Red
  • JoyfullMovement
    JoyfullMovement Posts: 108 Member
    Quote from a Palio site: called whole9life


    “The thought of resetting my system so it didn’t crave (sugar/carbs) was my original (Whole30) motivation.  I had NO CLUE that God would use the Whole30 to bring total healing to my physical and mental ailments!  By my third and fourth weeks, I was completely pain free.  I was even working out in the gym, which I had not been able to do for years because of the fibromyalgia pain.  All of my joint pain, bone pain, and muscle pain was GONE.  My mind was clear. I was focused.  I had gone off of the meds a couple of years ago because of negative side effects.  Now I had all the clarity and body-comfort of the meds without having to use them at all!  I also happened to lose 14.8 pounds and kick my cravings, but those were minor compared to having complete relief from all of the other issues.” Bethann M., Pleasant Lake, IN  
  • going GF now can be fairly easy with all the "convenience" foods that have come out in the past year or so. However, if you live off of the convenience foods - you better have a hefty grocery budget, cause it will at least double it.

    that is for sure. very very expensive. we shop at whole foods a lot and i think that going gluten free might help both myself and my ADHD (possibly, no diagnosis yet, but he sure acts like it) grandson. someone that had a son that had gluten problems gave me 4 pkgs (bags) of bob's red mill gluten free chocolate chip cookies and 1 pkg of the vanilla cake and i was surprised how good they tasted. now i will admit the chocolate chip tastes nothing like toll house cookies. BUT they are good and now i gotta watch how much i eat because they are very high in calories. the vanilla cake was really tasty (and i hate vanilla cake). so i must recommend bob's red mill stuff also. i will be buying more when payday comes around.

    my problem with making bread is when i cut it, it's too crumbly. my adult kids complain. the 5yr old would probably eat it all the time. but do you know of a mix that when cutting it, it won't crumble so bad?
  • KarenBoster
    KarenBoster Posts: 67 Member
    You know, I think you are right about Diet Coke. I used to always go around with a friend that always drank Diet Pepsi. I started drinking it or Diet Coke. Now that I am thinking back, I was in a lot more pain then and we couldn't figure out what was triggering it. I bet it was the soda!