Day 2 of RI30

Hope you don't mind me adding this, I've done RI30 this morning, my arms hurt, like never before, but its all good, no complaining from me.

I can't stand running man ugh, not able to do it the whole time, maybe someday.....


  • ppilkington
    Running man is killer! I have to admit I don't put my arms as high as they do, I more do "jazz hands" hehe. One thing that helps me get through running man is doing it around the flat, rather than on the spot.

    I'm doing Day 2 tonight....
  • la_nanita
    la_nanita Posts: 410 Member
    Hi gals! I did my W1D2 today. Managed to get my butt out of bed at 5:30am and do it before work. I was nice and sweaty and felt great for it! Have a wonderful day tomorrow... can you smell that? "It's your FAT burning!"

    I also hate the running man... hurts my knees. I do the football thingy instead. I know weird since you move more doing that one.

    Sweat = Liquid Awesome
  • hlandry6
    hlandry6 Posts: 230
    Just finished day 2....Legs are much more sore than I thought they would be this morning...